Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 961: Ruan Qi's identity has been exposed (one more)

  Chapter 961 The identity of Ruan Qi is exposed (one more)

  Everyone who is eager to know the truth is crazy, Aite Qin Qingdi and Bai Yuchen.

  Qin Qingdi was in the video with Ruan Qi at this time, and had no time to pay attention to the group of people eating melons. Bai Yuchen and Gu Feiyang couldn't take Ruan Qi's affairs as gossip in the group.

  Everyone was at a loss when they were eating melons and wanted to go directly to Sheng's house to ask Ye Qingqing.

  At this moment, Zhao Chengbin’s big-mouthed son bubbling in the group.

  【I am the hardest: That... I seem to know something. 】

  Everyone immediately said to let him speak freely.

  【I am the hardest: Didn’t I say that Ruan Qi made a bet with Ye Qingqing in Fenglou that night, betting that she would beg to apologize within a week? 】

  When he reminded me like this, everyone thought of it.

   Suddenly, a series of grass and mud horses in the group whizzed past.

  【Amorous Ferrari: Today is the third day of the gambling appointment, I really apologized! ! ! 】

  【Plain life: what's going on! Say it quickly! Not to mention taking off your pants and letting you run naked! @我最硬]

   Threatened to innocence, "I am the hardest" immediately uttered a long, long voice.

"Ye Qingqing was hospitalized the same night when she came back from Fenglou, do you know about this? I heard that it seems that Ruan Qi did the hands and feet on her body. I don't know what exactly they did, but Ye Qingqing just did it this morning. I was carried on a stretcher to the Xi’s mansion and apologized to Ruan Qi. It was a real apology, crying and begging Ruan Qi to forgive him. The Sheng family father and Sheng Jian’an were also present.”

  Everyone listened to the voice several times, and they all looked bewildered.

   Ruan Qi made tricks on Ye Qingqing and sent her to the hospital?

  Is this too ridiculous?

  【Plain life: Zhao Dazui, can you make up a decent story? Ruan Qi tricks Ye Qingqing? What did you do? Hit her? 】

  [Amorous Ferrari: I heard people say that the little girlfriend of Xi Ye seems to know some medical skills. Could it be poisoning...]

  【Fairy Benxian: You watch too many martial arts movies! 】

   Just when everyone said something to me, "I am the hardest" sent another voice.

   "It seems to be really poisoned."

  Everyone:? ? ?

  Before everyone reacted, "I am the hardest" threw another bomb.

  "Don’t you know? Master Xi’s father was cured by his little girlfriend."

  In a short time, an entire WeChat group of salted fish was fried.

  Xi Xiaoran’s madness, looking at the whole circle, who doesn’t know?

  How high the status of the Xi family in China is, how much attention is paid to Xi Xiaoran's physical condition.

  A few months ago, people who had been crazy for twenty years suddenly regained consciousness. This news almost caused a major earthquake in the entire circle of power.

  Now, Zhao Dazui actually said that it was Ruan Qi who cured Xi Xiaoran!

  The first reaction of everyone is not to believe it.

  But when I think of Zhao Dazui’s father, Zhao Chengbin and Xi Xiaoran, they are young, and Zhao Chengbin met Ruan Qi in Fenglou that day...

  【Plain life: Zhao Dazui, swear with your hardness, you really didn't lie? 】

"What is Lao Tzu doing with this kind of lie? There is money to be made!" Zhao Dazui's voice sounded through the WeChat group, "My dad said this personally. Ruan Qi not only cured Uncle Xi, but also the Qin family. She was also the genius doctor who rescued Mr. Qin at the engagement banquet. Both Mr. Qin and Mr. Bai knew about it. It was because of Mr. Qin that Mr. Xi met Ruan Qi!"

  Zhao Dazui is worthy of being called Zhao Dazui. The big mouth can swallow a whole kun, and everything eight hundred years ago was completely wiped out by him.

  When Qin Qingdi finished the video with Ruan Qi and came to the group, he saw the full screen of "Ruan Qi Niubi".

  She put out a question mark in a daze.

   Suddenly, Aite was met by countless people.

  【Salted Fish A: Lao Qin, Ruan Qi is really the genius doctor who healed your grandfather? 】

  [Salted Fish B: Qin Damei, is it true that Ruan Qi's father's madness was cured? ! 】

  [Xianyu C: Qin boss, Ruan Qi is really the legendary genius doctor? ! ! 】

  [Xianyu D: Day R, does Ruan Qi accept appointments? I want to treat irregular menstruation. 】

  Qin Qingdi:? ? ? ? ?

  What the **** and what the **** is this?

  She climbed upstairs with a dazed expression, and finally found Zhao Dazui's voice after climbing a thousand floors.

  She played the voice content...


  Qin Qingdi couldn't help but cursed an swear word, "How can this big mouth say anything!"

  It is only a matter of time before Ruan Qi’s medical skills become famous among the powerful. But because she is a public figure, and her family background is complicated, her medical skills can easily arouse the coveting of interested people.

  So Ruan Qi's original plan was to penetrate this circle step by step. Once you have a stable client network, even if someone wants to covet her, she will not dare to move her easily.

  Gu Feiyang, Qin Qingdi, they all knew the little girl's plan, and they closed their mouths very cooperatively. Xi Jiu even directly choked to death the source of Qin Qingdi’s accidental news of Father Qin at the engagement banquet, so that no one could find out that the genius doctor was Ruan Qi.

  In Fenglou that day, Xi Xiaoran took Ruan Qi there because he wanted Zhao Chengbin to help expand his contacts.

  But everyone counts thousands of dollars, and it’s forgotten that the Zhao family has a big mouth.

  Zhao Chengbin wanted his son to get to know Ruan Qi, so he told him all about Fenglou. But I didn't think that this big mouth actually said everything in the group!

The   Imperial Capital Salted Fish School has a total of nearly 500 people, covering almost all the networks of the entire imperial capital’s powerful circle.

  Zhao Dazui said that it is basically equivalent to 80 old men and three-year-old children in the circle, all know that Ruan Qi is a genius doctor!

  Thinking of the troubles that might be caused in the future, Qin Qingdi almost got a myocardial infarction.

  First, she poked Zhao Dazui privately and cursed him **** with her voice, and then tremblingly called Xi Jiu.

  Xi Jiu just came out of Ruan Qi's house at this time, and saw Qin Qingdi's call, so he answered directly.


   "Brother Nine, Nine...Help!!!"


  The Imperial Capital Salted Fish School tonight is destined to be a carnival.

   First, Ye Qingqing sent a review letter to apologize to the rival, and then Zhao Dazui broke the news frantically. In the end, everyone was completely immersed in the strong shock of'Ruan Qi is a genius doctor'.

  【Amorous Ferrari: I fucking... I don't know what to say. 】

  【Plain life: No wonder Ye Qingqing begged to apologize to Ruan Qi. Even Xi Xiaoran can be cured, Xi Ye's little girlfriend is awesome! 】

  [Fairy Benxian: I remember that the old man of the Xi family once asked Mr. Beilou to see Uncle Xi’s illness, right? 】

  【Salted Fish A: I heard my mother talk about this. Grandpa Xi did invite Mr. Beilou, but Xi Xiaoran's madness was so severe that Mr. Beilou was helpless. 】

  【Amorous Ferrari: giao! That is the most powerful Guoshi North Building! A myth in the medical world! Ruan Qi was cured even if he couldn't cure the disease...]

    two more behind



  (End of this chapter)

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