Dongyue Empire, Ningxue building. The moon is in depression. In the place of fireworks, the sound of abuse and ridicule takes the place of singing and swallowing. A ragged woman with messy hair lies in the crowd, silent. "Miss three, this bitch seems to be out of breath." One side dressed in luxurious men, unkindly close to the next beautiful woman, while speaking, the line of sight kept sweeping to the woman's chest. The woman quietly pushed away the man, disgusted to the extreme in her heart, but pretended to be frightened on her face. "I have advised you to take it easy for a long time. Even if my sister is not, I believe it's not her original wish. What can I do now?" Originally, Luo Yan'er just wanted to teach Yunxiu clothes a lesson. Unexpectedly, this waste is so easy to beat, but it's better to die, so that she won't pester brother Shaoqin all day long. "If Miss Luo San is kind, you can't see how vicious this bitch is. You didn't see her previous ugly appearance. What's more, ordinary ladies would go to such a place? It's a pity that you came to see her yourself. " "Yes, yes! God knows how many ghosts she's been with here "I have to pour the dirty water on the fourth Prince because I'm not good-natured. Just now, everyone saw that she was looking for the fourth prince from room to room. How many people's good things were disturbed by her." As soon as the voice fell, there was a roar of laughter around him, and he said, "I'm afraid your good things are also disturbed." All of them believe these empty words in the end. Yun Xiuyi just woke up and was kicked. Before she was surrounded by the pain, she was choked by the strong smell of fat and powder and coughed up. I don't know who called a "deceiving corpse!" All spread out like birds and beasts. Luo Yan'er was the first to react. He threw himself down beside Yun Xiu's clothes and said, "sister, you're not dead. Fortunately, you're not dead. If you die, I won't live." On the surface, he was crying with tears, but in his heart he was wondering. Yun Xiu's clothes were clearly out of breath. How could he suddenly come back to life? Yun Xiuyi pushes away the tearful stranger in front of her. Her head is in great pain. Two different memories are constantly colliding in her brain. A period of memory belongs to one's own. In the 21st century, the medical family is unique in both medicine and poison. Since childhood, they have been practicing medical techniques and have the ability to bring the dying back to life. But just now, she was assassinated for refusing to treat a person with a strong background. Another part of my memory belongs to a strange woman, the eldest lady of the cloud family, the first family of the Dongyue empire. She was born with a golden spoon, but the woman in my memory is always being beaten and injured all day long. Strangely enough, she is not sad. She smiles at each other and ignores each other's bad words. She seems to be an imbecile. With the relief of pain, cloud Xiu clothes also find out the context, she should be reborn through other people's body. Dongyue empire is a country that believes in the approval of life by the palace of life. From the age of nine, all people can choose their own cultivation according to the foundation of the palace of life. The palace of life should be prosperous, and decline should be avoided; It should be compatible with the four palaces, not with the four palaces punishment; To be happy is to be lucky, and to be taboo is to be vicious. There are evil spirits in the palace of life, and good spirits in the palace of life. Life has no palace, no master. As the first lady of the family, Yunxiu was born with no palace for life, and could not cultivate at all. It was a well-known waste of Dongyue empire. "Miss three is kind-hearted about your injury. Why don't you pay attention to others?" What he was talking about was the man who just kicked Yunxiu's clothes. Seeing that Yunxiu's clothes ignored Luo Yan'er, he was anxious to show himself in front of Luo Yan'er. He raised his foot and kicked at Yunxiu's clothes. But this time, I was not so lucky. When I was a finger away from the tip of Yunxiu's nose, I was firmly held by my ankle. Without waiting for the man to pull his feet back, Yunxiu clothes pushed him back. The man's center of gravity was unstable, and the whole man fell backward. With a "Dong", he fell on all fours, and there was a lot of laughter around him. The man was so angry that his face turned red. Regardless of the pain, he got up and threw himself at Yun Xiu's clothes. He had the impulse to break her to pieces. "You little bitch, you dare to fight back." Before the man touched the person on the ground, Yun Xiu's clothes had got up and circled behind him, and all the fast-moving people didn't see clearly. Everyone was stunned, but because the image of waste firewood in yunxiuyi had already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, they didn't think about it anywhere else. They just thought it was a dull man. "Mr. Li, you are also a second-class warrior. Why can't you deal with any rubbish?""Who says I can't deal with her? Just now that was to let her Say to still don't forget to make friends with toward Luo Yan son, "after all, she is smoke son's elder sister." Luo Yan Er perfunctory smile, for cloud Xiu clothes this series of unusual reaction is also extremely surprised, when to her cold as frost eyes, is a little surprised, can't help asking, "who are you?" Cloud Xiu clothes didn't answer, but asked a sentence to make people feel confused words, "the night bead back to me." This sentence has successfully dispelled all the doubts of Luo Yan'er, "what's the matter with elder sister? Ye Shizhu is an artifact of your cloud family. If you don't ask Uncle Yun for it, how can I return it? " In fact, Yunxiu clothes appear in Ningxue building tonight, which is to ask for nighttime beads from Jun Shaoqin, the fourth Prince of Dongyue empire. Yeshizhu is one of the four ancient artifacts. It is said that it has the ability to destroy heaven and earth, but no one knows how powerful it is, because ordinary people can't control it at all. At the same time, the nighttime pearl is also an artifact of the eastern moon Empire, which has been guarded by the cloud family for many years. A few days ago, Jun Shaoqin suddenly rose to borrow from yunxiuyi. Because yunxiuyi had been in love with Jun Shaoqin for many years, he disliked him for various reasons and never had further contact with him. It's rare that Jun Shaoqin asks for her this time. Naturally, he tries his best to satisfy him, so he steals the nighttime bead from everyone in the cloud family. Who knows, this is just Jun Shaoqin and Luo Yan'er's stratagem, in order to let the cloud family lose their status in the East moon Empire, so that Luo Yan'er's second family Luo family can replace them, so this loan will never come back. Luo Yan'er's mind is more vicious. Tonight, she asks Yun Xiu's clothes to Ning Xue Lou in the name of Jun Shaoqin. She not only destroys her reputation, but also encourages others to bully her to death. If you want to say that there is any grudge between her and yunxiuyi, it is nothing more than the interests of the two families. Luo Rui, the leader of the Luo family, has a fierce personality and high self-esteem. How can he reconcile the Luo family to the cloud family? He has always been the second family of the East moon Empire, so he is against the cloud family everywhere. Influenced by his father Luo Rui, Luo Yan'er has always regarded Yun Xiu's clothes as a thorn in his eye. All the things that Yun Xiu likes, including the fourth Prince Jun Shaoqin, should be taken for his own. "Return the Pearl to me at night!" Cloud Xiu clothes step by step approaching Luo Yan'er, momentum actually let Luo Yan'er back, also can't help but feel guilty, "crazy, I'm kind to help you out, but you are here to make trouble." In fact, Yun Xiuyi doesn't want to talk to Luo Yan'er here. If it wasn't for Yun Jinyan, the owner of the Yun family, Yun Xiuyi's second uncle, that is, Luo Yan'er's second uncle, would not have come to Ningxue building before he threatened Yun Xiuyi's mother's life. And now cloud Xiu clothes drag this pair of scarred body also can't go to other places, simply with Luo Yan son to the end, maybe there is a ray of life.

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