See Luo Yan'er bullied, the previous man rushed over, intended to teach cloud Xiu clothes a good lesson, a wash shame, did not understand what happened, was subdued again.

But this time, what was caught was not the ankle, but the wrist. With a clear sound, the man uttered a heartrending scream, "bitch, how dare you - how dare you break my son's hand? I have to kill you today."

Cloud Xiu clothes body shape in a flash, avoid to hold an arm to rush toward the person.

The voice is not angry, with some inviolable.

"You can think clearly before you start. The cloud family is also the first family of Dongyue. Even if I make a big mistake, it's also our cloud family's business. When will you intervene? "

"You --"

Once upon a time, yunxiuyi didn't dare to answer back. She was so sharp and sharp that her bully once forgot her identity as the eldest lady of the cloud family.

Now this identity from her mouth, but also dare not act rashly.

"My sister is so angry. Who doesn't know you are miss Yun?" Luo Yan'er said and looked at the crowd with a smile, "besides, what kind of big mistake can my sister, a man without a life palace, make?"

A word instantly aroused people's memory, the cloud family miss is a waste, even the cloud family don't wait to see her, they have what good scruple.

The Empire of Dongyue believed in criticizing the fate of the palace of life, and judged the level of talent by the auspiciousness of the palace of life.

For thousands of years, although there have been many people who are fierce and have very low talent in the palace of life of Dongyue Empire, there have never been people who have no palace of life.

As a result, 15 years ago, this person not only appeared, but also was the eldest lady of the cloud family, the first family of the Dongyue empire.

In an instant, the cloud family became the joke of the whole Dongyue empire.

Misfortunes never come singly. On the day when Miss Yun was born, Zhuque, the head of the four spirits of the East moon Empire guarded by the cloud family, suffered an accident.

The rosefinch spirit beast, who has been kept in the forbidden area of the cloud family, is seriously injured by someone, which leads to the laxity of the rosefinch palace and directly affects the fortune of the cloud family.

What's more sad is that Yun Yiyan, the eldest son of the Yun family, the father of Yun Xiuyi, the eldest daughter of the Yun family, died beside the rosefinch.

There is no reason for a series of changes. Yun Yiyan's younger brother, Yun Jinyan, the head of the Yun family, blames Yun Xiuyi for all of these. Unfortunately, Yun Xiuyi is just born. He is still a baby who doesn't know anything, so he becomes the object of hatred of the Yun family and even the whole Dongyue empire.

Because of Luo Yan'er's words, people's eyes are full of disdain at Yunxiu's clothes, but Yunxiu's clothes don't care at all. They just want to keep their life.

She obviously overestimated her present body, thinking that even if she was a waste, she could fight as hard as she could.

However, just now, although she successfully avoided the man's two attacks, she also consumed all her strength. If Luo Yan'er was more careful, she could find that her legs were shaking and she could fall down anytime and anywhere, and she obviously could not stand a deadlock with Luo Yan'er any longer.

How can we leave this land of right and wrong as soon as possible?

Yun Xiuyi went straight to Luo Yaner and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "you and I know what happened to yeshizhu. If I don't take yeshizhu back tonight, my second uncle won't let me live until tomorrow."

Listen to the words of cloud Xiu clothes, Luo Yan son mood gradually become better, "elder sister just said, that is your cloud family's matter, I can't help."

"But --" Yun Xiuyi wanted to say and stopped, "if I die here, it's not just about the cloud family. You don't care about the life or death of the cloud family, but you have shaken the foundation of Dongyue... Your end will not be better than mine, and the end of the Luo family will never be better than the cloud family. "

Luo Yan'er naturally knows the fierce relationship, otherwise he will not collude with Jun Shaoqin to cheat yeshizhu.

Yun Xiuyi is right. Even if she wants her to die again, she can't die in front of her in full view of the public. At that time, if someone wants to use her, the Luo family will also be involved.

See Luo Yan son hook, cloud Xiu clothes also no longer stay, hurry to take advantage of her stupefied left Ning snow building.

People come and go on the Zhuque street outside the Ningxue building, but no one notices that a rickety figure turns into the next lane. His broken body can no longer support him. He falls to the ground and raises tens of millions of dust.

Everyone in the East moon Empire practices. At the age of nine, everyone can build a foundation according to the palace of life. The palace of life has both misfortune and good fortune, which also represents his own talent.

Those with high talent can practice spirituality and soul, and those with low talent can choose martial arts and weapon.

Although the strength of the spiritual and spiritual practitioners is much higher than that of the martial arts practitioners and the weapon practitioners, the martial arts practitioners and the weapon practitioners are not inferior to the spiritual and the soul practitioners if they choose the best martial arts and weapons.The body of Yun Xiu Yi was born without a palace of life, so she could not build a foundation to unite Yuanying. She didn't even have the qualification to practice. No wonder others said that she was a waste.

If this waste was born in an ordinary family, it may not attract people's attention at all.

But Yun Xiuyi is the eldest lady of the cloud family in the first family of Dongyue. This identity is the envy of countless people, and it also completely pushes her into the endless abyss.

Dragging her exhausted body, Yun Xiuyi reluctantly let herself stand up again, sparing her both medicine and poison. She once brought countless people back from the dead, but also had nothing to do with the scarred body.

But if she wants to survive in the East moon Empire, she must make herself strong

"You seem very upset."

The sound of a clear spring comes from a distance. Yun Xiu's clothes suddenly look up. At the end of his eyes, he does not know when a person is standing. His clothes are floating, and his cold figure seems to blend with the heaven and the earth. He can't see his face clearly.

Cloud Xiu clothes all God alert, eyes quiet cold, "who?"

Although her body is now broken, but the basic alertness is still there, but she did not know when this person appeared.

"People who help you."

The man walking in the distance was dressed in a white robe. His body was ethereal, and his ink hair flowed down on his shoulder, shining slightly with the moonlight. The chilly air around him was alienated and indifferent. It seemed that he was not moved by the world.

Cloud Xiu clothes vigilantly staring at the man's moving figure, with her current defense ability, even if the other party is just an ordinary person, she has no power to fight.

And the man walking towards her is like a ghost. Every step near her brings a chill, which is frightening.

"How can I help you?"

Until the man came near, the moonlight seemed to tear open his mystery like silk. The original fuzzy face gradually became clear. Yun Xiuyi saw a delicate and beautiful face, and at the same time, he secretly guessed the other party's intention.

"Don't be nervous. If I want to kill you, it's easy to be a hundred meters away."

Obviously is incomparably arrogant words, cloud Xiu clothes but don't feel funny, intuition tells her, in front of this man is very dangerous.

"How about a deal!" The man seems to be careless, but he can't refuse.

"What deal!"

"I help you rebuild the palace of life, help you unite Yuanying, as for you..." the man fixed his eyes on Yunxiu clothes, and his mouth was smiling, as if a hunter was trapping his prey.

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