She said, crying more loudly, "my sister is born without a palace of life, she could not hurt me, I believe her too much."

"Miss Luo San, you are just too kind."

"Yes! Miss Luo San, people like her don't deserve to be treated like this. "

After all, the cloud family is the first family in Dongyue, but miss Yunda almost killed Miss Luo San. How should we come out and give an explanation and say sorry

But these onlookers didn't know it was not that Yun Jinyan didn't want Yun Xiuyi to come out, but that he didn't dare to find Yun Xiuyi at all.

In case she is in a hurry, she will shake out all the things about the rosefinch God. Unfortunately, he and the cloud family.

"Please don't be impatient. That day, Miss Luo San was injured by a strange animal in the palace. I saw it with my own eyes, but you should know what kind of person Xiuyi is. She has no such ability as Miss Luo San said."

The onlookers naturally knew what kind of people Yun Xiuyi was, but they were only willing to believe what they believed, even if it was groundless.

"Master Yun, don't cover up that rubbish any more."

"It's not easy for the cloud family to survive to this day. If the master of the cloud family indulges that waste to do evil again, I'm afraid it's the end of the cloud family!"

"What do you want to talk to the cloud family? Who doesn't know that their family is a loser. "

"That's right. What's the first family? Which family in the East moon empire is not better than them? The whole family is shameless. "

These people speak more and more ugly, Yun Jinyan's face is also more and more ugly, is close to the edge of anger.

Because Qingyao suffered from the cold last night, yunxiuyi planned to go out to help her take some medicine. But before she came out of the door of Yunjia, she saw that she was surrounded.

This Luo Yan'er is also good at it. He recovered in just a few days.

"Sister, you are finally willing to come out to see me."

Luo Yan'er's talent is not low, and she has been searching for the trace of cloud Xiu clothes from the beginning. Now she sees her as soon as she appears.

All people's eyes immediately moved to the cloud Xiuyi.

In the empty courtyard in the distance, a thin shadow stands under a pear tree. His face is as cold as ice, his eyes are as starry as stars, his plain white dress is a bit dazzling, and his unique and independent posture is like a fairy who has strayed into the world.

Her beautiful face seemed to be shrouded in the cold, and the quiet and gorgeous atmosphere shocked those who vowed to attack her life outside.

And they had been ready to abuse words at the moment did not know how to say it, in front of the temperament refined woman is sure to be the cloud family that silly waste wood size sister cloud Xiu clothes?

For a long time, Luo Yan'er didn't wait for these people to denounce him. His face was slightly ugly.

"Sister, you and I were sisters and should have loved each other, but I treated you kindly, but you almost killed me. Why on earth?"

be deeply attached to each other?

Yun Xiuyi only felt that this word was very ironic from Luo Yan'er's mouth.

After Luo Yan'er's tearful accusation, the onlookers recovered from the surprise. No matter how beautiful it was, it was not a waste without a palace of life.

"Why else? She did not get the love of the fourth prince, and instead she vented her resentment on the third lady. "

How could the fourth prince like her

After some questioning, Luo Yan'er continued to say, "elder sister, I know you have been in love with brother Shaoqin for many years. If he also likes you, I have nothing to say. I will bless you both silently, but now he doesn't love you!"

Luo Yan'er said the old trick again.

A few steps forward, he wants to hold the hand of Yun Xiuyi to play a sisterly drama. However, after seeing Jun Shaoqin's figure, he suddenly falls back and is caught by Jun Shaoqin.

Now that the play has started, it's natural to do a full set.

She looked back at Jun Shaoqin in panic and said, "brother Shaoqin, why are you here? Elder sister, she didn't push me on purpose. It's because I haven't recovered and I can't stand still. "

Luo Yan'er's acting skill is really excellent, and he can perfect the performance of this drama without material object and cooperation.

Understanding a few words provoked Jun less Qin more angry, "I will judge."

Jun Shaoqin was originally ordered to visit Luo Yan'er's injury at Luo's house, but Luo Yan'er happened to be absent at Luo's house.

Since the end of that day Palace Banquet, Jun Shaoqin has been thinking about Yunxiu clothes, and Luo Yan'er's image in his heart is greatly reduced, which makes him think about Yunxiu clothes day and night.So the ghost came to the cloud home.

Who knows, not only was cloud Xiu clothes amazing again, even Luo Yan'er also restored the former beauty, for a time could not choose.

He repeatedly reminded himself that Yunxiu clothes were just a waste to stabilize his mind.

"I order you to apologize to Yaner."

"Sorry? Why don't I remember what I did to her? " Yun Xiuyi's tone was cold, as if it had nothing to do with her.

Jun Shaoqin where can stand in public under someone disobeying him, immediately angry, "while I still have patience, you'd better speak well, otherwise, don't blame me merciless."

"Brother Shaoqin, forget it! So many people are here! My sister is a girl at least

"Well, girl? Who knows she's not a girl? " Girl two words let him immediately think of Ning snow building that night.

The other people beside naturally thought of it, and the disgust was all on their faces.

Luo Yan'er is more embellishment, "elder sister, just now there are many people, you explain quickly, why did you go to Ningxue building that night."

Cloud Xiu clothes to Ning snow building is for the night time bead, this is Luo Yan son know things, but she does not admit that the night time bead is not in cloud home!

Well, she'll see. How does she explain it now?

How can Luo Yan'er's careful thinking hide from Yun Xiu's clothes, "why do I go to Ning Xue Lou? Aren't you the most clear?"

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