The bamboo shadow sways, the dark insects chirp, and the thick door is pushed open slowly with the sound of "creak".

In the past, every time Qingyao came to yunxiuyi's room, yunxiuyi would come running, laughing with the sound of mother on the left and mother on the right.

But since there was a rumor about Ningxue building, Xiuyi didn't like to talk.

How important is innocence to a girl? Even if her daughter is innocent, it doesn't mean she doesn't care about her reputation.

It's only because she, as a mother, has no ability to protect her and can't defend her, that she will be bullied and insulted everywhere, leading to a great change of temperament.

Facing the silence of the room, Qingyao groped in with a sigh, holding the door.

She knew that her daughter would sit on the bed in a daze as she did a few days ago, and would not disturb her. She felt for the stool and sat down without any other action.

After an hour of meditation, Yun Xiuyi opened her eyes and saw Qing Yao dozing with one hand on the table. She was slightly touched.

She got up and picked up a thin shirt to put on Qingyao, who knew that Qingyao immediately woke up.

The expression is dull for a moment, clear bright comes over, nervous ask cloud Xiu dress, "how? What's the matter? "

Looking at Qingyao's startled reaction, yunxiuyi felt a little distressed and immediately shook her head to comfort her.


Green Yao this just relaxed a breath, even voice all soft some, "hungry not hungry?"? My mother will make food for you. "

Cloud Xiu clothes habitually shook his head again, "not hungry, mother, late at night, go to sleep quickly!" Green Yao originally wanted to say a few more words, heard the yawn sound of cloud Xiu clothes and choked back.

When qingluan left, yunxiuyi said, "how did you come?"

At the moment, I don't know when there is one more person in the house. The Xianzi zhuoran's manner makes the original simple house more glorious. "Naturally, I'm here to help you."

Hearing Mo Xi Lou's words, Yun Xiu Yi's eyes brightened, "do you want to help me rebuild my life palace?"

It is Mo Xi Lou who appears in the room of Yun Xiu's clothes. Today, he is still in a white shirt, and his beautiful appearance is shrouded in a layer of moonlight, which makes Yun Xiu's clothes a bit of trance.

Mo Xi nodded.

"I thought your body would recover for a while, but I didn't expect..."

The corner of his lips rose and a smile appeared. Yun Xiuyi saw a treacherous smell from his smile, and his back was chilly.

"Come here."

Mo Xilou waved to her as if the owner were calling his pet.

Yun Xiu's eyebrows frowned and instinctively repelled her. But when she thought that Mo Xi Lou was here tonight to help her rebuild her life palace, she resisted the repulsion and walked towards him.

When Yun Xiuyi comes to Mo Xi Lou, he reaches out his hand and tries to find out something about her. There is a trace of surprise in his eyes, so fast that he can't catch it at all.

"In fact, you are not born without a palace of life, but there is another powerful force in your body, which makes the palace of life unable to appear. I will seal that power for you now, and when your palace of life appears, you can gather Yuanying's cultivation."

After listening to Mo Xi Lou's words, Yun Xiu Yi looked calm and cold, "what's the power you said?"

"What you don't know for the moment is good. You should concentrate on cultivation first. And the sequestration is only temporary. You will know it later. "

Cloud Xiu clothes feel reasonable, also no longer ask.

That night, she sat with Mo Xilou on opposite knees, making a seal with both hands. Mo Xilou didn't succeed in sealing that strength until dawn.

Even if he didn't, she realized how terrible that power was.

When the morning light with a trace of warmth shines on Yunxiu's face through the crack of the window, she is already soaked, and the Mo Xi Lou just takes back her hands.

Contrary to Yun Xiu's fatigue, even if he didn't sleep all night, he helped Yun Xiu rebuild his palace of life. Mo Xi Lou didn't show any fatigue. He was still spotless, and his look in his eyes eclipsed the morning light.

He got up and threw a jade bottle on the table. "Yiyundan, I'll charge you for this time!"

Before, Yun Xiuyi didn't know what this medicine was. Now, he can't help but wonder how there are so many magic pills in Mo Xi Lou.

Even if he is rich, it should not be easy to buy these.

"Since it's a pill, there should be a prescription!"

"Yes, yes." Mo Xi Lou doubts a way, "you ask these to do what?"

In the East moon Empire, the prescriptions of the elixir were rare. However, although they were rare, no one wanted them, because it was useless for ordinary people to take them.As we all know, refining pills requires both medicine and medicinal materials, as well as alchemy furnace and fire.

The first two are hard work and money, but the latter two can not be met, so in the East moon Empire, there are not many pharmacists who can refine elixir.

"I want alchemy."

Listen to the words of cloud Xiu clothes, always calm Mo Xi floor corner of mouth twitch a few, "you -" originally want to say you can refine? To the mouth has become, "you first have a good rest, I'll take you to a place in two days."


If you want to be someone else, even if you don't feel grateful, you will at least say thank you. But Yunxiu's clothes are so good that he really turns around and goes to bed.

Mo Xilou doesn't care. As she said, they just trade, ask for each other, and achieve each other.

A few rare days of tranquility and leisure were finally broken on the second day when yunxiuyi reshaped the palace of life.

In the early morning, there is a lot of noise outside the door of Yun's house. Yun Jinyan looks at Luo Yan'er who comes to pick things up. He is humiliated everywhere in front of Luo Rui. Now even a younger generation doesn't pay attention to him.

"Uncle Yun Er, you can see my injury that day. If my father hadn't been looking for doctors everywhere to treat me, where would I have been able to stand here?"

Speaking of this, there was a lot of echo around.

Luo Yan'er's character is recognized by the crowd, and Luo Rui posted notices around the city a few days ago to find a miracle doctor. Now that Luo Yan'er said this, he naturally stood on her side and denounced Yunxiu clothes for her.

But what they didn't expect was that the silly young lady of the cloud family used to bully people and animals. She didn't expect to be so cruel.

Maybe she has been pretending to be crazy, trying to make everyone forget that she is a lifeless person, so that she can be more tolerant. It's really vicious to be such a person with sinister intentions.

The more people think about it, the more angry they are. Then they think of yunxiuyi, who was still fooling around in Ningxue building before. Now they have divided her into a group of evil people.

"That day, my sister first brought the golden hairpin that the Lord gave me into the animal farm. We all know that the exotic animals are not aggressive, and my sister will not have an accident if she goes to get it alone. But I went with her out of kindness, but she used the golden hairpin to kill me, and she also used the magic to make the beast angry and attack me. "

Luo Yan'er burst into tears, "Uncle Yun Er, I don't want to believe that my sister is such a person. I didn't have to believe it until I went to the gate of hell. Now it's not too much for me to ask for a statement!"

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