Cloud Xiuyi looked around the stone room and found a curled up green Yao in the corner. She quickly went to her side and squatted down, "Niang, are you ok?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Qingyao waved her hands desperately in the air.

Yun Xiuyi hesitated a little and held her hands.

"Xiuyi, Xiuyi, they put you in?" Compared with worrying about herself, Qingyao is more worried about the safety of Yunxiu clothes.

But the cloud Xiu clothing obviously does not adapt to this kind of warmth.

In the 21st century, because of her medical taboo, all people, including those closest to her, are thinking about how to make money from her. She has no chance to experience real family affection.

Now qingluan's behavior is no doubt strange to her. She doesn't know how to deal with it. She only knows that she shouldn't refuse her care.

"Mother, don't be afraid."

Cloud Xiu clothes will thin green Yao to his arms, patting her back comfort way, "I'm ok, I'll take you out now."

She carefully picked up Qingyao and walked straight out around the Yuns.

Just as she passed by the stone statue of rosefinch, a red light flashed by in the corner of her eyes. She turned to look for it, just opposite the four eyes of the stone statue of rosefinch not far away.

It's just an ordinary stone statue, but his eyes seem to have a divine sense. Yunxiu's clothes seem to be struck by a thunder, and a sense of numbness spreads from head to foot.

Looking at the reaction of the couple, it seems that they didn't notice the red light, and they didn't find anything unusual.

"Xiuyi, what's the matter?"

Feel cloud Xiu clothes slowed down the pace, green Yao worried asked.

Yun Xiuyi shakes his head and thinks that Qingyao can't see, "it's OK, let's go!" After Qingyao was settled, she went back to her room to have a rest.

The next day, Yun Xiu's clothes didn't wake up until the morning.

Her life has always been self-discipline to some harsh, never sleep so long, think or she is now this pair of body is too weak.

With such a weak body, everything is in the way.

Although Mo Xi Lou promised to help her rebuild her life palace, she didn't say when.

Therefore, she can't improve her health through cultivation for the time being. Although she has many high-grade animal yuan in her hand, it's useless if she doesn't gather yuan baby.

Waiting to die is not her character.

Cloud Xiu clothes brain in the spirit light a flash, suddenly think of the cloud family forbidden area last night abnormal, intuition tells her that the stone room and the statue is not as simple as it looks.

Now I decided to go further.

Maybe the secret in the forbidden area has been exposed. Yun Jinyan has relaxed his vigilance. Maybe he doesn't think anyone will come to the forbidden area of Yun's house, and there is no defense at all. In a word, Yun Xiuyi goes in easily.

In the empty stone room, the gray rosefinch stone statue stands alone on the stone platform.

Cloud Xiu clothes around the stone platform to turn a circle, did not find anything unusual, but she did not doubt that last night was his own eyes, the red light must have really existed.

She walked along the steps to the stone platform, looked up at the eyes of the rosefinch stone statue, and vaguely saw a wisp of gossamer in it.

Is the rosefinch still alive?

With the help of her wings, she reached out to touch rosefinch's eyes. The numbness of last night appeared again, even more real.

Just as she was about to continue her exploration, the stone statue under her feet suddenly began to vibrate.

The door of the stone chamber was suddenly closed.


A slight cracking sound came, followed by a continuous "click click" sound.

In an instant, the stone statue of rosefinch vibrated more violently, and dense cracks appeared on the surface of the stone statue. As soon as the stone statue was about to collapse, Yun Xiu's clothes jumped back quickly and fell to the ground steadily.

When the stones fall to the ground one after another, a crystal stone the size of pigeon egg appears in the center of the stone room, floating, full of enchanting red light.

Yun Xiu's clothes slowly passed by. As soon as his fingertips touched the crystal stone, countless dazzling red lights burst out from the crystal stone, and then the crystal stone slowly split like a red lotus.

A bird like spirit beast is in front of us, which is the head of the four spirits of the eastern moon Empire and the southern God suque.

Yun Xiuyi was in a trance. He didn't know what was going on at the moment. His feet slowly lifted off the ground. He felt that something in his body was slowly awakening.

The next second, rosefinch sent out a long cry, flying towards her.Yun Xiuyi only felt that her body was out of control and her limbs were in pain like being torn. The closer the rosefinch was to her, the lower the air pressure around her.

After a whirl of heaven and earth, before Yun Xiu's clothes came back to life, the surroundings gradually calmed down, and the rosefinch didn't know where to go, as if everything just happened was a dream.

But scattered stones remind cloud Xiu clothes, rosefinch appeared.

The court is empty and bright, with mottled bamboo shadows.

Yun Xiu clothes legs cross knee, throw happy read prohibition, no desire without dirt, sitting on the bed quietly absorb exhalation, gather heaven and earth aura into the body, in order to consolidate their own meridians.

Since that day when she came out of the forbidden area of the cloud family, she felt that her body had undergone tremendous changes.

Originally, she also disliked this pair of weak body, motor nerve is not developed enough, not to say, even because of childhood malnutrition, very weak.

But now, this body seems to be reborn. The meridians of the whole body are unblocked. Through meditation, it can absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

She knew that all this had something to do with the rosefinch in the forbidden area, but after that, she went to investigate and found nothing, so she had to let it go.

The abnormality of the forbidden area on that day naturally attracted the attention of the Yuns.

As soon as Yunxiu's front feet split open the stone gate with his bare hands, they appeared outside the forbidden area. They saw the broken stone statue of rosefinch. Their faces were dark and strange.

For a long time, Yun Jinyan came back to his senses. He reached out and pointed to Yun Xiu's clothes and swore, "you wretched trash, what kind of situation do you want to harm the Yun family to before you give up?"

He was so angry that even his fingertips were shaking, "he lost the nighttime pearl and destroyed the rosefinch statue. Sooner or later, you will kill the cloud family. I'm going to get rid of you for the cloud family today. "

She recognized that the stone statue of rosefinch had nothing to do with her.

Yun Xiuyi steps back to avoid Yun Jinyan's attack. He grabs his left wrist and presses the back of his hand from top to bottom. He bends his right arm and presses it down.

A crisp "Ga Bang" sound, yunjinyan's arm was broken.

His strength has long been appreciated by Yun Xiuyi. With his irascible character and poor strength, he has no good fruit to eat anywhere.

"Second uncle doesn't have to motivate me. I'm not the only one who really killed the cloud family."

Cold vision one by one swept cloud Jinyan and Qin Yuman, "this rosefinch statue is what's going on, the second uncle should know better than me."

Seeing that Yun Jinyan's momentum was becoming more and more decadent, Yun Xiuyi continued, "the second uncle has spent 15 years concealing the rosefinch's affairs. Don't make a mistake to become eternal hatred."

"If the two uncles force each other again, in case I have no way to stop..."

She only left them a look of self-respect and then went away.

In this way, the couple have a deep fear of yunxiuyi. They have been very quiet these days, not to mention taking the initiative to find their mother and daughter's trouble, for fear that a unhappy yunxiuyi will reveal the rosefinch's secret.

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