Apart from Jun Shaoqin, who dislikes Luo Yan'er at this time, other people have a good attitude. After all, they are attacked by so many rare high-Year beasts, and other people can't even find bones.

It's not easy for Luo Yan'er to persist for so long at a young age.

Luo Rui not only wants to protect himself, but also Luo Yan'er. Unexpectedly, he can wipe out all the exotic animals in the animal farm. This strength is even comparable to that of few people in the whole Dongyue empire.

While people admire him, they also think that they must not offend the Luo family in the future. The Luo family is not easy to offend, whether it is Luo Rui's generation or Luo Yaner's generation.

"Father - animal yuan - she took her daughter's three foot black animal yuan."

At the moment, Luo Yan'er is dying, but he hasn't forgotten to get back the animal yuan.

After her reminding, we found that there were so many dead animals, but only one animal yuan was seen.

At that time, there were only Luo Yan'er and the waste Yunxiu clothes in the animal farm. Later, there were more Luo Rui. If the animal yuan was not on Luo Yan'er and Luo Rui, the only thing left might be taken away by Yunxiu clothes.

Can cloud Xiu dress a waste that does not have life palace, and just now she is in the performance of the stupidity in the animal farm, how can take all animal yuan?

Yun Jinyan, who had been silent in the crowd, finally opened his mouth at this time.

"Miss Luo San is gifted. She's only 14 years old. She's the fifth level of the spirit. It's hard to beat anyone else, let alone Xiuyi? The Lord of the Luo family insulted me in the temple before. Why do you lie with your eyes open and put the blame on a child who can't do anything? "

After finishing this paragraph, Yun Jinyan spits out a mouthful of turbid air and feels very comfortable.

Over the past 15 years, Yun Jinyan's anger at Luo Rui can't be finished in a few words. He thought that the cloud family would never turn over in his life. He didn't expect that he would have a chance to criticize Luo Rui today.

"You mean Yan'er is slandering this little trash?"

Seeing the tension between the two sides and no one willing to give way, Junlin broke the deadlock discontentedly. "How is it proper for the two family owners to quarrel over such a small matter?"

One sentence silenced everyone present.

"I don't want to pursue the matter tonight."

It's just an animal farm, but it doesn't damage your family's vitality. "Master Zuo, you can deal with the reconstruction of the animal farm. Yan'er's injury is not light. Master Luo quickly takes it back for medical treatment, and tells imperial concubine Xiao what medicine he needs."

Jun Lin also did not forget cloud Xiu clothes, just look at her eyes hide a hint of deep meaning.

"Xiuyi was also frightened today. She went back to have a good rest and followed the master of the cloud family to walk in the palace. I'm tired. Let's go! "

Tonight's Palace Banquet, not to mention the victory of the cloud family, was a surprise.

On the way back to Yun's home, Yun Jinyan is in a good mood. He even likes to see Yun Xiu's clothes. He doesn't embarrass her with nighttime beads any more.

I thought I could have a rest when I arrived at Yun's home. As a result, Yun Xiu's clothes always felt that something was wrong. She racked her brains to remember that she had not seen Qing Yao until now.

Before entering the palace, qingyaoqian told wanwan to be careful. According to the truth, she would not sleep until yunxiuyi came back.

Yun Xiuyi quickly sat up from the bed and rushed to Qingyao's room, but it was empty.

Qingyao will not disappear for no reason. If she has an accident, you can guess with your toes that the culprit must be Qin Yuman.

In the room of the couple, Yun Jinyan is telling Qin Yuman about what happened at the palace banquet tonight.

When it came to high spirits, the door was kicked open.

"Where's my mother?"

Yun Jinyan is stunned at first, then looks at Qin Yuman beside her. Qin Yuman's eyes dodge at first, and then thinks why she should be afraid of a fool!

As soon as Yun Jinyan and Yun Xiuyi left Yun's house, Qin Yuman locked up Qing Yao. She never thought Yun Xiuyi would come back alive.

Listen to Yun Jinyan's statement, it is this fool who mistakenly solved the crisis of the cloud family tonight.

But then again, if it wasn't for her, the beads would not have been lost at night. In the final analysis, the crisis of the cloud family was caused by her, so they didn't need to change their attitude towards Yun Xiu's clothes.

Think of Palace Banquet, naturally also thought of Yi Yundan.

Qin Yuman's eyes flashed with cunning light, and quickly walked a few steps to Yunxiu's clothes, "where did Yi Yundan come from?"

"I picked it up."

"Are you tired of living?" This dead girl is not quite right since this morning. I'm afraid she hasn't disciplined her for two days. Her skin is thick again."Again, where is my mother?"

The cloud Xiu clothes eyes start to chill, unexpectedly let Qin Yuman shudder, even next to cloud Jinyan forget to help.

"I'm your elder. I'm the wife of the head of the cloud family. You talk well."

The uncontrollable trill didn't make Yun Xiu Yi feel pity. Instead, he grabbed Qin Yuman's neck and picked her up easily.

"It seems that you don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin."

The sudden sense of suffocation makes Qin Yuman blush. He wants to ask for help from Chaoyun, but his throat can only issue a "Wuwu" tone.

"Beast, let it rain."

Cloud Jinyan rushed to rescue, cloud Xiuyi back two steps, hand strength is bigger, Qin Yuman open mouth has begun to roll his eyes.

See cloud Xiu clothes is really cruel heart to kill Qin Yuman, and she can easily do, cloud Jinyan immediately flustered, "put, we will put your mother."

Cloud Xiu clothes a shake hand, will Qin Yuman fell on the ground.

"Home owner"

Qin Yuman, who falls to the ground, seems to be wronged by Tianda. He howls and wants to seek comfort from Yun Jinyan. However, Yun Jinyan worries that Yun Xiuyi will make a more crazy move and asks her to release Qing Yao.

When learning that Qingyao is locked up in the forbidden area of Yun's family by Qin Yuman, Yun Jinyan's face immediately becomes extremely strange.

Regardless of the presence of Yunxiu's clothes, Qin Yuman was admonished, "it's not good for you to be locked up in the forbidden area of Yunjia. Don't you know where it is?"

Qin Yu, who had been arrogant and domineering before, lost most of his momentum.

He said, "she's blind and can't see anything. It's different where she's locked up."

Yun Jinyan sighs and looks at Yun Xiuyi. Qin Yuman also finds out the seriousness of the problem. This time, she lifts a stone and smashes her feet.

The so-called forbidden area of the cloud family is actually the stone room for the rosefinch, the head of the four spirits.

It is well known that the rosefinch God was seriously injured 15 years ago in the Dongyue Empire, so it can be understood that the stone chamber where it was supported was the forbidden area of the cloud family.

But when Yun Xiuyi came to the forbidden area, there was no rosefinch in the stone room. There was only a cold gray stone statue of rosefinch standing there.

I already know why Yun Jinyan is so angry and flustered. It turns out that the rosefinch God guarded by Yun family has already died.

If it's spread, I'm afraid it's not enough for everyone in the cloud family to die a thousand times.

Babies remember to collect it! Jomi!!

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