Sanzuwu, also known as chiwu, is surrounded by a circle of golden light. It looks like a black crow squatting in the center of the golden red sun.

Also known as the sun bird.

Under normal circumstances, sanshuwu doesn't attack people, and rarely appears in human vision. The Luo family has the ability to capture one in the hidden fog forest.

"Sister, be careful!" Luo Yan'er cried out in a worried voice.

Deliberately send out the movement to cause the attention of the three feet Wu, until the three feet Wu attack in her direction, she ran to the cloud Xiu clothes quickly.

In the eyes of outsiders, Luo Yan'er is to protect Yunxiu clothes, but in fact, he leads sanzuwu to Yunxiu clothes.

As a gifted five level spirit, Luo Yan'er doesn't pay attention to Sanshu Wu at all. It's not difficult to deal with Sanshu Wu, but she stops at a distance of ten feet from Yunxiu's clothes.

Although the action is only a moment late, it is enough to let the attack of sanshuwu take yunxiuyi's life.

Seeing that the wings of sanzuwu are about to overturn Yunxiu's clothes, Yunxiu's clothes quickly Dodge, just stand firm and quickly run in the direction of Luo Yan'er.

Luo Yan'er's little tricks are in her eyes.

Since she can lead sanzuwu to her side, she can also make her get rid of her.

Luo Yan son didn't expect cloud Xiu clothes speed so fast, don't wait for her to leave this right and wrong of the land to entwine to come over, "younger sister quick protect me."

On the brightly lit animal farm, dozens of pairs of eyes are staring at here. Luo Yan'er is not good either. He pushes Yun Xiu's clothes in front of sanshuwu.

And cloud Xiu dress good die not to die not to pull her, let her have to face with the three feet black.

Luo Yan'er is facing the attack of sanzuwu one after another, but he is always thinking about how to find the opportunity, in addition to Yunxiu clothes.

She obviously underestimated the strength of sanshuwu. After several rounds of fighting, she didn't get the upper hand at all, and she had no chance to kill yunxiuyi.

Look at the cloud Xiu clothes again, standing on her side, as if this battle had nothing to do with her at all.

Luo Yan'er is impatient and drives yuan infant to release his spirit beast. He plans to take advantage of the fact that the two beasts fight with each other to get rid of the waste.

All spiritual practitioners have their own spirit beasts, which exist in various images, which is equivalent to the separation of this person.

It will share life and death with the master, and also increase the strength of the master, which is equivalent to the fighting capacity of two people.

Luo Yan'er's spirit beast is a You'an bird. It is blue all over, with huge wings on both sides of its body and a long tail behind it.

After being released, Luo Yan'er quickly hovered over his head, making bursts of sounds like baby laughter.

Because of the appearance of You'an bird, Luo Yan'er's aura is much stronger.

She once again attacked sanzuwu with full confidence, and Shengsheng forced sanzuwu back to the corner of the wall, while other beasts in the yard also felt the danger and roared.

After all, sanshuwu is not an ordinary soul beast. How can it easily admit defeat.

In the face of Luo Yan'er and You'an bird, who attack themselves at the same time, they rush towards them with spontaneous combustion and intend to die with them.

Luo Yan'er saw that the situation had changed, and quickly turned around to avoid the burning sanshuwu.

And not far away cloud Xiu clothes has been waiting for a long time, action stupid hand to help Luo Yan son, but just block her, let her can't dodge.

"Trash, get out of the way if you don't want to die."

Luo Yan'er's angry Chao Yun Xiu's clothes have lost sight of his gentle image.

"But you told me to get out of the way!"

Cloud Xiu clothes also don't want to waste time to accompany her to play, side body to side to dodge at the same time, has been hiding in the sleeve of the gold hairpin to avoid people's sight, silent stab into Luo Yan'er's belly.

Luo Yan'er is suffering from eating pain, and his movements gradually become dull.

The sanshuwu also ran after him at this time, and the flame lit Luo Yan'er's skirt in an instant.

Luo Yan'er is so angry that he collapses, but he can't help taking Yun Xiu's clothes. Finally, he resists the pain in his abdomen and controls You'an bird to meet sanzuwu.

At the moment when the two animals collided, there was a huge fire in the arena.

On the animal farm, Junlin nodded repeatedly, "Lord Luo, your daughter is young, but her strength can't be underestimated. In time, she will become a great weapon."

Luo Rui has always been proud of Luo Yan'er. He was praised by Junlin with a proud face. "It's Yan'er's good fortune to get the praise of the emperor."At the moment, the victory has been divided in the arena. The charred body of sanzuwu falls in front of Luo Yan'er, and a milky beast yuan slowly emerges from the body of sanzuwu.

Luo Yan'er was overjoyed. Although he didn't take Yunxiu's life directly, he got the animal yuan of sanshuwu by accident, which was also an unexpected harvest.

But before she was happy for long, the originally brightly lit animal farm gradually began to fog, and soon the whole animal farm was covered in thick fog, while the strange animals who had started to roar before were even more heartbroken.

Luo Yan son vigilant attention around, also don't forget to take animal yuan.

But she couldn't see five fingers in front of her, where she could see the shadow of the animal yuan. She quickly stepped forward, but she didn't find anything except the body of sanshuwu.

She toward cloud Xiu clothes just stand of direction, once again in a rage of roar a way, "you dare to rob my beast yuan."

However, it was not Yunxiu clothes that responded to her, but exotic animals swarming from all directions. If it was not for the dense fog, the scene would be very spectacular.

The cloud Xiu clothes put away the animal yuan of the three foot black to find a safe corner.

She doesn't care about Luo Yan'er's life or death. She only cares about how many animal yuan she can get in vain after the war.

The exotic animals that can be raised by King's landing are not ordinary ones. It's a lot of money to sell them casually. I'm still excited to think about it.

The roar of strange animals mixed with Luo Yan'er's fighting voice lasted for a long time. Gradually, Luo Yan'er seemed to be defeated by these strange animals. One after another, the scream came.

Luo Rui can't sit on the animal farm, and jumps into the animal farm regardless of the public's opposition.

When the stockyard calms down, the fog gradually disappears, and the corpse of a strange beast and the bloody Luo Rui appear. The picture is very tragic.

Luo Yan'er was seriously injured. His face was covered with blood. He couldn't see the original delicate makeup, and his damaged clothes were in a mess.

Then look at the cloud Xiu clothes standing in the corner all the time. The blue shirt is flying, because the bloody scene in front of the body actually adds a bit of beautiful breath.

Luo Rui takes Luo Yan'er out of the stockyard, and Jun Shaoqin is still the first one to rush over.

But after seeing Luo Yan'er in such a mess, he takes back his hand. Otherwise, Luo Yan'er is held in his arms by Luo Rui. He can't recognize that the woman with a face and blood stains is Luo Yan'er.

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