Cloud Xiu clothes a little thought, then roughly understand the reason.

In order to consolidate his throne, junlinshi had to restrict the influence of the four families. However, with Luo Rui's character, he obviously didn't know how to restrain himself, so he had to suppress the other three families everywhere to make the show.

If he just wants to be the first family of Dongyue, it's OK. If his ambition grows bigger and bigger, he may threaten the throne of Junlin in the future.

But Yun Jinyan is different. His talent is not high. Even the head of the first family will never affect anyone, so Junlin needs to put him in such a position.

See through these, everything is simple.

Yunxiuyi only needs to make up a reasonable lie. Junlin will come down the steps of the cloud family. She also wants to thank moxilou. If he didn't leave the jade bottle before he left, she would have to spend more time.

Seeing that the cloud family is going to escape tonight, Luo Yan'er is itching with hatred.

Hastily for cloud Xiuyi back to the king's words, "holy, sister called cloud Xiuyi, is the cloud family's miss!"

Said squeeze out a few tears, a sob after catchy way, "the emperor is not to reward the cloud family! You might as well make up your mind for sister Xiuyi and let her not be bullied all day. "

"Oh? What does that mean? "

Seeing that Junlin didn't stop him, Luo Yan'er said quickly, "have you forgotten? Miss Yun was born without a palace of life, so everyone bullied her sister everywhere! Poor sister can't beat and scold, but she can only bear it in silence, so she is not mentally complete. You might as well make an edict to protect your sister from being bullied by others in the future. "

The four words "no palace of life" are like a huge stone, which instantly arouses thousands of waves.

Just now, everyone's good feeling for Yun Xiu's clothes disappeared, and even Junlin didn't speak any more.

Cloud Xiu clothes is not care about other people's attitude to her, but Luo Yan'er's gas can not be so easy to eliminate, "elder sister, you quickly with the holy say!"

Junlin obviously didn't want to continue this topic, "it's rare that you are in a good mood today. Why don't you go to the animal farm with me to see the sanshuwu captured by Lord Luo."

The animal farm in the palace is actually the place where your family keeps pets, but these pets are not cats and dogs, but all kinds of strange animals.

Although it was a strange animal, it was tamed for the safety of the royal family long before it was put into the stockyard.

Dozens of people were following the king's landing, and the interest of watching the beast was very high.

Taking advantage of everyone's attention on sanzuwu, moxilou fell on the crowd and finally came to yunxiuyi, "I give you Yundan to strengthen Yuanying in the future. It's good for you to give it to Junlin."

"Since it's given to me, it's mine." Yun Xiuyi's attitude was not euphemistic, even lazy to detour.

"Heartless girl."

"You and I are trading. How can we have a conscience? I use Yiyun Dan to avoid my own disaster. Is it for the sake of completing the transaction between us in the future? " Since it's a trade, you can't talk about your heart. This is the truth Yun Xiuyi has always understood.

"I'd like to thank you, then?"

"That's not necessary."

"There are not many people who can recognize Yi Yundan. How do you know?"

Cloud Xiu clothes always squint, "I don't know."

After the Yuns left her room, she found the jade vase beside the pillow. She couldn't think of any other origin except that it was left by Mo Xilou.

She had checked the drug properties. Although she didn't know exactly what effect it had, she was sure that it was not any ordinary product, especially the pill, which was so fragrant that there was a little aura that seemed to be nothing around.

"I don't know if you dare to give it to King's landing." Mo Xi Lou laughs and seems to be in a good mood.

Luo Yan'er, who is not far away, has long noticed that Yun Xiu Yi is whispering with Mo Xi Lou. He thinks that these two people are a perfect match. One can't unite Yuanying without a palace of life, and the other can't unite Yuanying without a palace of life.

They are all waste without cultivation.

She glanced at the strange animals in the animal farm, and then looked at Xiang Yunxiu's eyes, which had hidden the intention of killing.

"Sister, come and see! These ghosts are so interesting. " Luo Yan son said toward cloud Xiu clothes this side came over, want to hold her hand.

Cloud Xiu clothes always don't like other people's touch, step back to avoid her.

But did not expect Luo Yan'er grandiose fall to the ground, the head of the gold hairpin also flew out, just landed in the yard.

Don't wait for the hostage next to ask cloud Xiu clothes, Luo Yan son said, "you don't blame elder sister, she didn't mean to push me."

"Yan'er, are you ok?"Jun Shaoqin is the first to come and help Luo Yan'er.

Luo Yan'er looked at him with rain, "I'm ok, but the golden hairpin from the emperor fell into the animal farm. What should I do? I like that gold hairpin best. "

"Don't cry, don't cry." Jun Shao Qin comforted him with a soft voice, and then he looked at Xiang Yunxiu's clothes viciously. "I can say that it's unintentional for you to push down Yan'er, but you have to pick up the gold hairpin."

Luo Yan'er sobbed and pulled Jun Shaoqin's sleeve. "Brother Shaoqin, don't embarrass my sister. She doesn't dare to go to the animal farm alone, or I'll go down with her. In this way, everyone will forgive my sister's fault, and I can protect her."

"Yan'er is just too kind."

Jun Shaoqin's face is full of spoiling, and people around her agree with him one after another. If Yun Xiuyi doesn't agree at this time, on the contrary, she returns her kindness with resentment and doesn't know the general situation.

"Go! That sanzuwu is not common. If you can get its animal yuan, it will help you to practice in the future. "

Mo Xi Lou didn't speak, but his voice didn't know where it came from. Yun Xiu Yi couldn't see his expression at the moment. He asked with his eyes: are you sure I can get the animal yuan in full view of the public?

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Her life was saved by moxilou. No matter from which angle, moxilou would not want her to die. After all, if she died, he would lose.

Cloud Xiu clothes swept an eye in front of this group of people who see the good play, suddenly a change before of cold, one board and one eye of say, "those monsters are very frightening, smoke son younger sister can want to protect me, Niang still wait for me to go home?"

The tone of innocence is like a child with incomplete mind, which is quite different from the glib woman in the temple before.

The group of people who watched the show were stunned at first, and then associated with the rumor about Yunxiu clothes, thinking that she was pretending before.

Luo Yan Er's face is a little ugly. She doesn't want Yun Xiu Yi to come out of the animal farm alive.

But she said that if she was injured and lost her life, it would become her problem. She didn't know whether the waste was intentional or really afraid.

In such a large animal farm, two thin women and a group of tall beasts form a strong contrast.

Luo Yan'er stood at the edge of the field and nuzui toward the position of the gold hairpin, "go get it! I'll wait for you here. "

Cloud Xiu clothing is not afraid, straight toward the gold hairpin, the result just picked up the gold hairpin, the yard above suddenly flew a hidden arrow, just hit not far from the sanshuwu.

The sanzuwu was not long after he was put into the animal farm, and the animal Xing in his body was still alive, which stimulated the remaining animal Xing instantly.

After a long cry, he fluttered his wings and ran around the yard.

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