Luo Rui and Zuo Qiumeng are overjoyed. They thought that Yun Jinyan would have to struggle for a while, but they didn't expect that the waste of the cloud family would pull him into death.

Jun Shaoqin was greatly disappointed. He just thought it was a pity that this fool was dead. Unexpectedly, her silly nature was exposed so soon.

Yun Jinyan wants to kill Yun Xiuyi, so he shouldn't bring this unlucky waste into the palace. Now he's afraid that the Yun family will be completely destroyed in his hands, and his life is over.

On the other side, Mo Xi Lou looks at this scene, smiling behind the veil, waiting with great interest for the little girl to turn the world around.

Just when everyone's heart began to play elegy for the cloud family, the cloud Xiuyi looked as if he were.

"As we all know, the nighttime pearl is my artifact of Dongyue. I don't know how many people peep at it, but my uncle and I dare to carry it with us. If something goes wrong, it will affect Dongyue's national fortune."

Hearing this, Luo Rui and Zuo Qiumeng's expressions have changed dramatically. When did the cloud family become so smart!

"What my sister said is true."

Luo Yan'er, who has been sitting and watching a good play, also hears the meaning of Yun Xiu's words. How can she be reconciled to the fact that she escaped from death again? She immediately gets up and argues impatiently.

"But how can I hear that yeshizhu is not at the cloud's house these days? Is it because my sister deliberately fabricates lies to deceive the emperor in order to avoid censure?"

"Lost the Pearl at night?"

Zuo Qiumeng's shocked tone and Luo Yaner's determined face stir up everyone's emotion in an instant, and everyone begins to question what's wrong with Yun Xiuyi.

Originally thought that in the face of so many people's interrogation, cloud Xiu clothes will be unable to resist, but see her face from beginning to end has not the slightest change.

"When was the last time you came to Yunjia?"

Cloud Xiu clothes did not rush to refute, but toward Luo Yan'er threw out another seemingly unrelated problem.

"Elder sister, if you tell the truth now and ask for mercy from the emperor, maybe the emperor will open his eyes."

"When is it?"

In the face of cloud Xiu clothes oil salt not into, Luo Yan son some upset gas irritable, "how can I remember!"

In fact, the cloud family and the Luo family have never visited each other in recent years. She can't answer this question at all.

"With your intelligence, you don't remember when you came to the cloud home last time. I'm afraid you haven't been here for a long time." Cloud Xiu dress words front a turn, "that how do you know when the bead is not at night cloud home?"

"I..." Luo Yan'er said for a moment, "I heard it."

"Oh? It turns out it's just hearing. "

In a few words, Luo Yan'er has been defeated. He wants to continue his sophistry, but Luo Rui stops him with his eyes, which makes him unwilling to sit down again.

"Yan'er is too concerned about Dongyue, so he is eager to prove it. Please don't blame the emperor."

Luo Rui's eyes were sharp, and his words were incisive. "Xiuyi's worry is really reasonable, but since it's the will of the emperor, it should be obeyed. Is it bishop Yun's that you openly disobey the will of the emperor?"

Cloud Xiu clothes are not afraid to smile.

"My uncle and I know we were wrong first, and we hope that the emperor will forgive us this time."

At the end of the speech, he took out the jade bottle that had been put in his sleeve. "This is a rare pill that my uncle specially found for the emperor. Please review it."

Where did the cloud family get the rare pills? Everyone's mind immediately transferred from the night bead to this jade bottle, all staring at cloud Xiu clothes, want to see what she actually took out a junk.

Only Mo Xi Lou's face, who was sitting opposite Yun Xiu's clothes, changed.

After Jun Lin took the jade vase, he enjoyed it with great interest. When he opened the jade vase, a strange fragrance immediately overflowed the palace. Just smelling the smell, he felt that his meridians were stretching.

I didn't expect that the Yun family could really get the rare pills, but no one in the hall recognized what the pills were. It's really rare.

When everyone guessed one after another, Jun Lin laughed, "the cloud master actually found Yi Yundan for me. Let's talk! What is the main reward of the cloud family? "


Yunxiu clothes for Junlin is yiyundan! It is said that Yi Yun Dan has a magical effect on Yuan Ying. Even if the palace of life is fierce and the talent is not high, if you take one Yi Yun Dan when you gather Yuan Ying, you will be able to practice spirituality or soul.

However, Yiyun pill is extremely difficult to refine. Even if you ask for a thousand gold, you may not be able to get half of it. Where can you afford to buy it now?

But these three words of yiyundan come from the mouth of Junlin, and there will be no falsehood.

A hundred legged insects die but not stiff. Is the cloud family going to revive?Not only other people are full of doubts, but even Yun Jinyan looks at Yun Xiuyi many times suspiciously. Where did this waste come from? Does it have something to do with her martial arts?

"It's our duty to do our best for the Holy One. We don't dare to ask for any reward. I just hope the holy one doesn't blame us for not bringing the nighttime pearl."

Yun Jinyan wiped the sweat on his forehead and carefully observed Jun Lin's reaction.

Jun Lin waved his hand, "master Yun is more considerate than me. How can I blame you? I also believe that master Yun will guard the nighttime pearl."

Then he laughed heartily and looked at the cloud Xiuyi with great interest, "are you a member of the cloud family? Enter the palace for the first time! I haven't seen it before. "

In fact, yunxiuyi has been observing him since the appearance of Junlin. He has all the characteristics that emperors should have, and his mind is just as hard to guess as other emperors.

But she saw that Junlin did not intend to let the cloud family disappear, at least for now he would not move the cloud family.

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