When Yun Xiuyi and Yun Jinyan arrived at the banquet palace, there were a lot of people in it. It should be the four families of Dongyue empire.

Since the founding of Dongyue Empire, four families controlled all forces and guarded the four spirits of Dongyue: Zhuque, Qinglong, Baihu and Xuanwu, so as to make Dongyue prosperous.

However, because of the prosperity and decline of the major families, the four families have not remained unchanged for tens of millions of years, and they have always followed the principle of "winner, loser and loser".

Now, the four families of Dongyue Empire have a short history. They were formed 37 years ago. They are zhuqueyun family, qinglongluo family, baihuzuo family and Xuanwu Jimo family.

In this generation, the heads of the four families are Yun Jinyan, Luo Rui, Zuo Qiumeng and jimochuan.

As soon as Yun Jinyan appeared, everyone's eyes turned to him. There were sympathy, ridicule and disgust. He was so angry that he couldn't pull down his face and get angry in the palace. He even said hello with a smile.

There are also many people noticed cloud Jinyan next to cloud Xiuyi, only a glance can no longer move their eyes, have guessed her identity.

With the help of Qing Yao, Yun Xiu wears a blue Luo skirt. Her hair is pulled up by a plain jade hairpin, decorated with purple jade. Her face looks like the first snow of pear blossom, and a little cinnabar mole in the corner of her eyes adds some charm.

Slender waist and tiny step, white wrist and light yarn, the eyes like the dark pool are like demons. Rao is their firm mind, and they are also lost in the circulation of her eyes.

And she stood there, gas like orchid, indifferent look, as if the bustle had nothing to do with her, and she also seems never to belong to the world fireworks, such a person, the United States is thrilling.

Soon, everyone's attention turned from Yun Jinyan to Yun Xiuyi.

As early as when Yun Xiuyi just stepped into the palace, Jun Shaoqin noticed her.

Repeatedly confirmed many times to be sure that he did not dazzled, cloud Xiuyi look he remembered, and now standing there, he is not sure whether cloud Xiuyi.

This look, this temperament where or before that will only be silly chuckles fool, two people in addition to the same body shape, completely unable to connect, simply like a different person.

Before everyone came back, Jun Shaoqin came to Yun Jinyan and said, "the master of the cloud family is coming!"

Said hello and looked to the side of cloud Xiuyi, "Xiuyi, you are very special today."

A word immediately caused an uproar, this fairy like person turned out to be cloud Xiu clothes? Miss duchai of the cloud family, who was born without a palace of life, or even some silly person?

After knowing the truth, everyone felt sorry for such a person.

Not only these people feel sorry, but also Jun Shaoqin feels that it's too early for her to die, but it's hard to get over the past. Tonight, the cloud family will surely die.

"How did master Yun come? Qiu Meng and I have been waiting for a long time. " From behind Jun Shaoqin, two middle-aged men of the same age as Yun Jinyan come.

"Yes! Brother Jinyan, you will be punished for three drinks later. "

Yun Jinyan looked at people's eyes slightly embarrassed, but his momentum didn't diminish. "What the Luo family leader and the left family leader said, it wasn't me who arrived last."

"Oh! When we talk about brother Jimo, we're here. "

Zuo Qiumeng said with a smile to Jimo Chuan, who was walking face to face, "what's the matter with brother Jimo? The party is about to start? "

Speaking, his eyes moved to the man wearing the light gauze hat beside jimochuan, "who is this?"

"As it happens, everyone is here. This is my adopted son moxilou. This child is not good at dealing with people. In the future, he will offend many people. Please bear with him. "

Left Qiu Meng "Yi" a, "Jimo elder brother when to accept adopted son, we unexpectedly don't know."

Then, looking at jimochuan's adopted son, I can't see where the other party's Yuanying is. Is he a man without cultivation?

"Why do you wear a hat to cover your face when you come to the banquet of the Holy One?"

Jimochuan seems to have expected that someone would ask for a long time. He replied slowly, "this child has been weak since he was a child, so he can't bear the cold."

weak? Cloud Xiu dress dark ridicule.

I don't know whether it's fate or abuse. They actually met again on this day. Even if the other party was wearing a hat, she recognized at a glance that this person was the man who was trading with her.

At first, she still thought that he should be someone of great status in Dongyue, but judging from the attitude of these people, she didn't know him before.

And his strength cloud Xiu clothes is experienced, such a person unless it is deliberately hiding his talents, otherwise it is impossible to be unknown.See cloud Xiu dress without taboo of look at oneself, Mo Xi floor also don't evade, as if already knew that she would appear here tonight.

After talking about jimochuan's adopted son, they return to yunjinyan.

"The LORD said that the master of the cloud family will bring the nighttime beads today. How can I not feel the breath of nighttime beads?" Zuo Qiumeng said, looking at Luo Rui beside him, "brother Luo Rui, can you feel it?"

Luo Rui, who was mentioned, looked at Xiang Yun and said, "Xu is the master of the Yun family, hiding the spirit of the artifact. Otherwise, how many people will spy on him along the way! At that time, I'm afraid it will be hard to resist with the power of master Yun. I heard that master Yun has not been promoted to martial arts master yet. "

"You --"

His pain is said in public. Yun Jinyan is so angry that his face turns red. He just doesn't wait for him to get angry. Luo Rui continues, "or I'll send Yun's master a Peiying pill to help you break through some other day?"

"Brother Luo Rui, the cloud family is the first family of Dongyue. It's not short of a Peiying pill."

People laughed at this.

No one knows that the cloud family has long existed in name. There is no name of the first family. All the industries under the family have been suppressed by the Luo family for years. Let alone Peiying pill, which is a rare pill for Yuanying, it can barely maintain the family.

Where can Yun Jinyan stand this ridicule? He clenches his fist and flushes his eyes. If his reason didn't tell him that it's the time for the survival of the Yun family, he would have rushed there long ago.

"Here comes the Lord."

When the ruler of Dongyue Empire appeared, the farce finally ended.

I don't know whether it's the inborn royal demeanor or the acquired majesty. Junlin just sat there, and the hall was silent.

"It's rare for the four families to get together. Don't make yourself at home tonight."

"Thank you, my Lord."

They raised their glasses to Jun Lin for the first time, and their thoughts gradually revealed.

Luo Rui was the first to say, "my Lord, the Luo family has recently hunted several ten thousand year old spirit beasts in the hidden fog forest, and a sanzuwu has ordered people to send them to the palace animal farm. The Lord has time to enjoy it."

It's hard to catch several ten thousand year old ghosts, but there is also a sanshuwu! I'm afraid that only the Luo family has such strength. People look at Luo Rui with admiration.

At the same time, because of his injustice, the Luo family with such strength is the second family of Dongyue, ranking behind the Yun family.

"Master Luo has a heart."

Junlin's mood is not happy or sad, and his attitude is not clear, which makes people unable to see whether he is happy or not. This is also the reason why the Luo family and the left family dare not kill the cloud family openly, although they are aiming at the cloud family everywhere.

"Over the years, Dongyue has prospered thanks to the guardianship of your four families. So far, master Yun and master Luo have worked hard."

"Whatever your majesty says, that's what we should do." Seeing the position of the cloud family in Jun Lin's heart, Yun Jinyan was not as nervous as when he first entered the palace.

Luo Rui's heart is another taste.

Since the cloud family became the first family of the East moon Empire 37 years ago, Junlin not only let them guard the rosefinch, the head of the four spirits, but also gave them the ancient artifact nighttime beads.

If the cloud family is still a strong cloud family in the past, he has nothing to say.

But now, the Yun family is so weak that they are not as good as the Luo family. Qinglong, one of the four spirits guarded by the Luo family, is more and more prosperous. How can he be willing to be the second family!

"Father, today, the master of the cloud family has brought the nighttime pearl. Why don't you take advantage of everyone's happiness to open our eyes? This artifact is not easy to see at ordinary times."

Junshaoqin naturally did not want the cloud family to steal the limelight of the Luo family. In the future, he inherited the throne of Dongyue emperor, and needed to rely on the influence of the Luo family.

It's time to come. Yun Jinyan's slightly stable heart hangs again. He glances at Yun Xiu's clothes beside him. He plans to give her up according to the original plan.

As a result, before Yun Jinyan spoke, Yun Xiuyi got up first and said, "holy, we didn't bring nighttime beads into the palace."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the Palace Banquet changed subtly——

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