In the past 15 years, the cloud family has become increasingly bleak, not only because Zhuque has been seriously damaged, which has affected his luck, but also because Yun Jinyan's strength is far less than that of the other three families.

A palm falls, cloud in the speech but didn't hear the expected scream.

Looking back at the figure of yunxiuyi, Qin Yuman and others are lying on the ground. Yunxiuyi is lifting Qingyao from the ground. She is not shocked. How can she escape her own hand? He has done his best.

Yunxiuyi thought how powerful the head of the first family was! It turns out that it's just a mere appearance.

Even if she can't practice now, she can handle him with her original skill. Unfortunately, the motor nerve of this body is a little dull, so she needs more exercise.

"Xiuyi, are you ok? Did you get hurt? "

As soon as Qing Yao's rope was untied, her hands began to feel on Yun Xiu's clothes. She hated that she was blind and clumsy, and could not help anything.

Cloud Xiu clothes patted her hand back, "I'm ok."

Qingyao's cold voice made her feel cold. It was not her Xiuyi. Then she felt Yunxiu's face with trembling hands and settled down. The nose, eyes and mouth were her daughter.

"Did you learn martial arts? Who did you learn from? "

Yun Jinyan hasn't recovered from the shock of just now. People without the palace of life can't practice, so he can only guess that Yun Xiuyi has learned martial arts.

Before getting a reply, a flustered servant came outside.

"Master, no! There's someone in the palace. They say they want to invite you and the eldest lady to the banquet in the palace. They also want to... And... Bring night time beads. "

After hearing this, Yun Jinyan trembled all over, "the sky is going to kill my cloud family!"

"The cloud family will not die." The tone is still cold and powerful.

Although Yun Xiuyi didn't like the couple and the whole family didn't treat their mother and daughter well, with the Yun family, she at least had enough food and clothing to cover herself.

Besides, she now needs a stable place to improve her strength as soon as possible, so the cloud family must be in.

"For those who go back, we'll be on time."

Yun Xiu's words are full of awe. Before he became a servant, he didn't think so. Now he looked at Yun Xiu's clothes and said carefully, but he didn't know what to do.

Also deterred is Yun Jinyan, but he has another plan in mind.

When he lost the night pearl, the cloud family was dead. Why didn't he tell the truth and let the emperor find out that it was the work of Yun Xiuyi alone. It had nothing to do with him or the cloud family. Maybe there was still a ray of life.

Well prepared, Yun Jinyan waved to the servant, which was the default of Yun Xiuyi's words.

That night, Yun Xiu wore a 70% new dress that Qing Yao took out and followed Yun Jinyan into the palace. Along the way, they had no communication with each other.

It was not until the carriage stopped in front of the palace that the silence was broken by the sound of a sudden intrusion.

"Sister, are you in there?"

With a Jiao Di Di's greeting, a pink hand stretched out from the curtain, and the curtain was lifted, revealing Luo Yan'er's carefully decorated face.

See cloud Xiu clothes intact sitting there, Luo Yan son face Qiao smile Yan Kai, but gnash teeth in the heart.

She was frightened by the words of this slut last night and let her go easily.

Even if this bitch died in Ningxue building, what does it have to do with her? Anyway, no one knows that she cheated people, and she didn't hurt her by herself.

Unfortunately, it's too late for her to understand.

Luo Yan'er was angry all night, and sent someone to the palace early this morning to spread the story of Ningxue building last night to Jun Shaoqin, adding oil and vinegar, saying that Yun Xiu's clothes slandered Jun Shaoqin's place for fireworks.

Jun Shaoqin, who has such a good face, can't bear such rumors. That's why Yun Xiuyi and Yun Jinyan are invited to the Hongmen banquet tonight.

"Brother Shaoqin told me that my sister will go to the palace tonight. I don't believe it. I didn't expect that my sister would come with Uncle Yun. I'm afraid I'll wait here for nothing!"

In fact, Luo Yan'er came here to wait for Yun Xiu's clothes, but she didn't believe that the dead people had come back to life. Even if she was still breathing at that time, she should have been hurt so badly that she was about to die. But last night's cloud Xiu clothes not only move freely, but also have agility.

She couldn't understand what had gone wrong, so she waited for her confirmation at the gate of the palace.

But in front of the cloud Xiu clothes where is a pair of injury heavy appearance, complexion is very good, even sitting there temperament is not the same."It's the first time for my sister to enter the palace."

Luo Yan'er knows that although she is the first lady of the first family, because Yun Xiu Yi has no relationship with the palace of life, she is never welcomed by others, so naturally she can't enter the palace.

And she is not the same, not only looks beautiful, talent is also very high.

At the age of nine, he was able to gather spirit successfully. At the age of twelve, he has reached the third level of spirit. Now at the age of fourteen, he has broken through the fifth level of spirit. This kind of qualification is one of the best in the whole East month.

Compared with Yun Xiu's clothes, it's just one day and one place. In addition, there's a concubine and sister who is loved by thousands of people. Naturally, she is a frequent guest in the palace.

"Eh, my sister likes to talk and laugh. Why is she so cold today?"

Cloud Xiu clothes from the beginning to the end did not want to take care of Luo Yan'er, she is not angry, continue to nag endlessly, "was it last night in the snow building was frightened? That's how it's changed? "

And her words also succeeded to let Jun Shaoqin who came here have a meal at his feet.

He heard about Ningxue building last night early this morning. The fool himself was already a dirty man. He didn't say it, but he was also involved in it.

Yunxiuyi's infatuation with him has always been known to him, but in his status, there are more women infatuated with him. One more yunxiuyi and one less yunxiuyi have little influence on him.

What's more, except for the identity of Miss Yun, everything else is too common.

It's not only ordinary, but also a waste without a palace of life and can't cultivate. It's also rustic all day long. It makes people laugh foolishly when they meet people. It's just like a fool. I really don't like it.

Moreover, the cloud family is not as good as it used to be. That's why he and the Luo family are on the same front. It won't be long before the Luo family is Dongyue's first family.

And Luo Yan'er, no matter in appearance or talent, is much more outstanding than Yun Xiu's clothes, and only such a woman can be worthy of his fourth Prince's identity, so he and Luo Yan'er design to cheat the night beads.

If it wasn't for Ning Xue Lou, he might let the people of Yun family live a few more days, but now, he really can't swallow this breath.

Hiding the murderous Qi at the bottom of your eyes, Jun Shaoqin walks to Luo Yan'er with a smile, "Yan'er, why are you here? Let me find it. " Soft voice in the soft language can not stop the deep love.

Luo Yan'er also happily looks at Jun Shaoqin, "brother Shaoqin, why are you here?"

"To meet you, of course."

Jun Shaoqin takes Luo Yan'er's hand and is ready to leave. He feels as if he will get dirty when he stays with Yun Xiu's clothes. But he is numb when the car curtain falls. Although he just takes a glance, he also feels that his mind is shaking.

Then he asked Luo Yan'er in disbelief, "who is in the car?"

Although Luo Yan'er was not satisfied with Jun Shao Qin's confused appearance, he did not dare to get angry, so he had to shake his arm, "there are only Xiuyi elder sister and uncle Yun in the car!"

Yunxiu clothes? The woman who surprised him just now was that rubbish cloud Xiu clothes!

For a moment, Jun Shaoqin felt a little humiliated. How could he feel that an idiot was as surprised as heaven and man? It's an insult to his aesthetics.

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