The fox is worthy of being a fox. He is still more than enough to deal with xiaoyaozi with Yunxiu clothes on his back. He doesn't forget to make fun of xiaoyaozi in the gap.

"Xiaoyao old man, if you didn't cheat me that day, do you think you were my opponent? Even want to accept the second time, who gives you the courage? "

Originally, he should have been angry with xiaoyaozi, but now he was unexpectedly silent.

Xinyue Fox's strength xiaoyaozi knows better than anyone. At the beginning, it took him many years to conquer the fox.

He also exhausted his spiritual power, and had been closed in Tianji Pavilion for many years. Everyone only knew that he was injured, but they didn't know that he hadn't recovered so far, and his cultivation stopped at that time. That's why he has been rarely seen in front of people all these years.

If we fight fox again today, he has no chance of winning.

Think about this, xiaoyaozi is not ready to start again, "our account will be calculated later, but she, I must take back to Tianji Pavilion today."

"It's said that she's my own person." Then the fox shook his neck and showed xiaoyaozi the crystal stone hanging on it. "I'm also her person. Do you think you can take her away?"

Because the color of the crystal stone is similar to the fox's hair, xiaoyaozi didn't notice it before. Now the fox showed it to him, and he was shocked.

Of course, he knew what the crystal meant, but what he didn't expect was that the girl of the cloud family had accepted the king of ten thousand demons? It seems that it's not easy to take her today.

See Xiaoyao son hesitates, fox Eye Bead son a turn, a face cunning, "Xiaoyao old son, actually you misunderstood this wench."

"What does that mean?"

The fox shook his head and said, "to tell you the truth, this girl even has the prescription of Wuji elixir. There is a pharmacist at home who wants how many Wuji elixir to refine directly. Why bother to steal it from you?"

"The prescription of Wuji elixir?" Xiaoyaozi's face is full of disbelief. There are only 12 elixirs in the world. There is no prescription at all.

As if seeing through xiaoyaozi's mind, the fox said to Yunxiu's clothes on his back, "girl, show him."

It's not that Yun Xiuyi is reluctant to take out the prescription, but xiaoyaozi is not a pharmacist. Even if he is given the prescription, he can't understand it at all, but fox must have his intention.

Cloud Xiu clothes in the heart a little hesitant, still handed in the prescription of the endless fairy elixir.

Xiaoyaozi is a little anxious to take the prescription. After reading it carefully, his hands shaking slightly.

Although he didn't know how to make alchemy, he also studied Wuji elixir many times in recent years, so he recognized some special herbs.

The fox observed the expression of xiaoyaozi and continued.

"As for xuanxinjie, you also misunderstood this girl. If xuanxinjie was in her hands, do you think I would still look like this? I wiped out Tianji Pavilion on the day I left Jiuyin temple. "

Although xiaoyaozi has been fighting with the fox for many years, he has no doubt about the fox's words. The king of ten thousand demons has no reason to cheat him.

Xiaoyaozi sighed slightly. If the murderer was not Yunxiu, who would it be?

He returned the prescription to Yun Xiuyi, and his attitude was much softer. "Even if the killer is not you, you also have many suspicious places. No wonder I have doubts about you. I hope you can do it yourself in the future."

Cloud Xiu clothes also don't retort, but follow xiaoyaozi's words to say, "Xiaoyao elder's suspicion is not without reason, younger generation hope you observe others more."

"What do you mean?"

"What you think in your mind is what you mean."

Xiaoyaozi looks at yunxiuyi and fox, but he doesn't say much at last. Instead, he goes to other places to look for other lost people.

When he finally sent xiaoyaozi away, the fox held his head high and despised him. It was so comfortable to play with xiaoyaozi! It's better than winning him.

The fox retreated to the size of a fox and jumped into Yun Xiu's arms. He asked for credit and said, "well, I saved you this time! Would you like to help me untie the seal on the wooden box now? "

"Thanks to xiaoyaozi's trust in you, you lied to him?"

Yun Xiuyi didn't mean to blame the fox. He was more teasing. The fox didn't mind. "He was too rigid and didn't know how to be flexible."

In xiaoyaozi's creed, since the fox can solve him with strength, why do you want to cheat him?

But what he didn't know was that in that war, not only he was injured, but the fox was no better. What's worse, xuanxinjie was still sealed, so it couldn't be consumed with xiaoyaozi for a long time.Besides, it's a fox! Foxes are all cunning!

"It's because he wants to speculate about me that he will fall into my trap. I don't know that he is so far away from me that he deserves it. It's too high and too few! "

These two groups of people in black originally came for Yunxiu's clothes. As for the others, they did not dare to move a hair, so they all retreated soon. There was no need for xiaoyaozi to rescue them.

When everyone gathered again, they began to talk, "who on earth is so bold that he wants to harm us?"

"It must be those who lose to us. They don't want to be angry and use abusive means."

Everyone is discussing, has not spoken Qi Yuan suddenly said, "nine princesses? Which of you has seen Princess nine? "

As soon as he finished, Zuo wanwan said, "where's my brother? My brother is gone. " Looking around for a while, they found that Jun Jinyao and Zuo sangyan did not join them.

"Don't be impatient. You stay here. I'll go and look for them."

Without waiting for xiaoyaozi to leave, yunxiuyi, who was standing not far away, immediately turned around and went in the other direction, disappearing quickly among the dead branches and rotten leaves.

"Your Highness, what do you think is the relationship between my sister and Princess nine?" Cloud Luo looking at cloud Xiu clothes disappear direction, a face curious.

Jun Fu shakes his head. It seems that Yun Xiuyi is indifferent to everyone, but he refreshes Jin Yao a little. Last time Luo Rui rebelled, he thought Yun Xiuyi would die, but he didn't expect that she finally did.

Yun Xiuyi soon finds Jun Jinyao. She is with Zuo sangyan and is injured.

Jun Jinyao is not weak among these people, and the people in black didn't do their best. No one else was hurt, but she was the only one.

See cloud Xiu clothes, Jun Jinyao happy welcome, step in a flash directly to cloud Xiu clothes arms.

"Sister Yun, are you looking for me?"

Yunxiu clothes hold Jun Jinyao steady before nodding slightly. Regardless of Zuo sangyan, she looks at Jun Jinyao's injury and frowns.

How can Jun Jinyao be affected by evil Qi?

She looked at Zuo sangyan, who knew that the other side was the first to open her mouth. She was surprised and said, "Xiuyi can do medicine. How is the ninth princess now? Is it OK?"

"Sister Yun must have learned from the pharmacist at home."

Yun Xiuyi didn't answer their questions. Instead, she took a pill from the heaven and earth cauldron and fed it to Jun Jinyao. Then she squatted down and planned to carry her back. Unexpectedly, Jun Jinyao waved her hand in resistance, "no, no, I'm very heavy."

See cloud Xiu clothes didn't get up, she pointed to the left sangyan beside, "let him carry me!" Then she said to Zuo sangyan, "come and carry me."

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