In fact, let Zuo sangyan back her is not how good relationship with him, but Jun Jinyao embarrassed to use Yunxiu clothes, more do not want to let her feel very heavy.

Maybe it's the reason why she left her mother to practice in Tianji Pavilion! Contact are heterosexual, usually few can speak. After coming back, those huangjie also don't want to be close to her, so she will be attached to Yunxiu clothes!

Although she is cold, Jun Jinyao always thinks she is a very easy-going person.

And with more and more contacts, she thinks that she still knows Yunxiu clothes. She seems cold, but her mind is very delicate.

She specially came to find her, should be last night she said "for you to protect me" in mind!

Jun Jinyao felt sweet and happy on Zuo sangyan's back. People who didn't know thought she was interested in Zuo sangyan!

The people waiting in the same place immediately hissed at Jun Jinyao and asked for help. When they learned that Jun Jinyao was injured, they all looked nervous.

"Those people in black hurt Princess nine. They have to find out who they are."

But Jun Jinyao quickly waved her hand, "it's not that they hurt me, it's..." she hesitated, and then said uncertainly, "a strange force suddenly attacked me. I didn't even see what it was, so I got hurt."

Then she pointed to Zuo sangyan, "fortunately sangyan appeared in time."

In the past, Zuo sangyan was very humble wherever he went, but now he has become the second in the list of storm, and his accomplishments are higher than them.

So everyone's attitude towards him was naturally different. They praised him one after another, and even Junfu came forward to thank him.

Only xiaoyaozi was still thinking about what was attacking Jun Jinyao. Looking at Zuo sangyan, his eyes were filled with deep meaning, as if the child had also made great progress in cultivation.

In the palace, when Jun Lin heard the report from the man in black in front of him, he looked dark. He sent so many people to deal with a little girl, but he failed.

He has already hinted that xiaoyaozi will solve yunxiuyi in the desolate place of the hidden fog forest, but he ignores his words to save yunxiuyi? Even Tianji Pavilion is on the cloud side?

Is it not xiaoyaozi who tells him that the misfortune of Tianji Pavilion is most likely caused by yunxiuyi?

Such a plan of killing two birds with one stone can not only solve his worries, but also help Tianji Pavilion get rid of the harm. Why did xiaoyaozi obstruct his plan?

In addition, who sent another group of people who wanted to kill yunxiuyi? Although the cloud family is now in the limelight and attracts envy, the other party is so bold as to commit a crime under his eyes that he doesn't pay any attention to him.

If you allow him to act recklessly, he will kill yunxiuyi now. I'm afraid that he will be his family in the future. He has such a sinister intention that he has to guard against it!

Jun Lin waved to the man in black to step down, but he was lost in thought.

In the left study, Zuo Qiumeng kicked the man in black in front of him and said, "what's the use of raising you? So many people can't even deal with a little bitch. "

The man in black wanted to explain that it was because xiaoyaozi was there, but Zuo Qiumeng couldn't listen to anything.

He angrily walked back and forth in the study. Originally, he thought that since it was useless for guangjunlin to send people, he would add some materials to Yunxiu's clothes.

But even if so many people could not hurt Yun Xiu's clothes, how could he not be angry?

Not only the atmosphere in the palace and the left family is low, but also the smoke in the front yard of the cloud family. As soon as yunxiuyi and Yunluo come back, they hear Qin Yuman yelling, and Qingyao is standing next to her.

"Are you strong now? Riding on my head? I can't help you? Bitches are bitches all the time. "

The more Qin Yuman said, the more excited he was. "Don't forget your origin because you are so proud. If Yun Yiyan didn't insist on marrying you, did you think you could enter the gate of Yun's family?"


Cloud Luo stealthily glanced at cloud Xiu clothes, hurriedly and loudly stopped Qin Yuman, he quickly walked a few steps to Qin Yuman's side, "didn't I let you have a good rest? How did you get out? "

Hearing Yunluo's voice, Qin Yuman was more confident, but his tone turned and he said, "luo'er! You're back at last. "

Because they couldn't see it, Qin Yuman cried to the air, "my mother just wanted to come out to breathe. But they bullied me. They ganged up to bully me. The cloud family has changed, and there is no place for us."

Yunluo looks at Qingyao awkwardly, nods to her in embarrassment, and continues to comfort Qin Yuman, "who dares to bully my mother! Let's go back first. "

"No way."Yunluo walks up behind Qin Yuman. As soon as she gets into her wheelchair with both hands, she yells, "I used to say that I bullied her, but now I come to her to show my kindness, but she makes me look pale."

Seeing that Qin Yuman confused right and wrong, Yunxi was angry but wanted to defend Qingyao, "no, it's --"

"Look, all the dogs will bite. I started to talk back before I said anything. Now who cares about me in the cloud family?"

Looking at Qin Yuman from a distance for a while, Yun Xiuyi came over, looked at Yun Xi, and said in a cold voice, "continue to say, what's the matter?"

On hearing the voice of cloud Xiu clothes, Qin Yuman was scared to shiver for a moment, and didn't dare to speak for a moment.

"Miss, my wife asked me to send her back, but I didn't do it for her. I can't see how to send her back!" With Yun Xiu's clothes, Yun Xi's spirit was even stronger, and he explained the whole story in one breath.

i see.

Cloud Xiu clothes go to Qin Yuman in front of, voice not happy not sad, "I send you back to how?"

Suddenly close to the voice scared Qin Yuman shiver more severe, immediately look for cloud Luo everywhere, "Luo Er, mother tired, we go back, quickly take me back to rest."

Cloud Luo clip in the middle is very embarrassed, but can't ignore Qin Yuman, can only push her wheelchair to leave.

Who knows cloud Xiu clothes but stretch out hand to stop him, fierce voice way.

"My aunt is right. The cloud family has changed. If you want to stay in the cloud family, I advise you to be a man. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

"Luo'er --" Qin Yuman's voice was already crying, "let's go, my mother doesn't want to stay here."

When Yunluo and qinyuman leave, Yunxi dares to complain, "fortunately, the young lady has come back. The wife of the owner knows how to bully the soft and afraid of the hard. When the young lady is away, she bullies her."


Qingyao doesn't like right and wrong all the time. She immediately stops Yunxi from going on, and then raises her hand to look for Yunxiu's clothes. Cloud Xiu clothes hold her hand, also did not say much, led her back to their small yard.

In the yard, in addition to the herbs planted in yunxiuyi, there is a large green alfalfa beside.

It's from Qingyao. Alfalfa is also called lucky grass, which means happiness, luck and happiness. Just as she hopes yunxiuyi to be happy, happy and safe, luck will accompany her.

Fearing that a large area of Alfalfa would not look good, Qingyao planted a sunflower in the middle, hoping to shine on her daughter like a sunflower. Even if her eyes can't see, it can bring her warmth.


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