On the second day, Zuo Qiumeng invited many people to make trouble in Yunjia's shop, especially yunmoxuan, the best business shop, and drove away all the guests as soon as he entered.

Although Luo's family often came to make trouble before, the shopkeeper was still in a cold sweat.

He ran over and asked what had happened? If you have something to say, don't move your hands! It's not good to scare the guests. "

They didn't plan to talk well when they came here. The troublemakers ignored the shopkeeper and kicked him in the chest, ready to smash Yun Mo Xuan clean.

But before they started, a few guys of the cloud family rushed forward to stop them, and a group of people suddenly formed a group.

Afraid of damaging the elixir in the shop, they forced the troublemaker out of yunmoxuan, waiting for Zhuque street to let go.

The troublemakers thought that the cloud family were cowards. Before they came, Zuo Qiumeng told them that, so he didn't pay any attention to the cloud family.

But it wasn't long before the troublemakers found that they were not as good as the cloud family. They were flustered and tried harder than at the beginning.

However, they are not rivals of the cloud family at all. The two sides soon split up. They were very confused. When did the cloud family become so powerful? Why haven't you heard of it before?

Because they make a lot of noise and attract a lot of passers-by to watch. The guests who were driven out of yunmoxuan didn't leave. They watched the excitement outside.

It's not only the troublemakers who think that the cloud family is getting worse, but also the onlookers.

When the family members of the cloud show their own Yuanying in the fight, they are all about Level 3 spirits, and even worse, they are level 3 warriors and craftsmen.

People are surprised to open their mouths, not to mention these troublemakers, even they may not be rivals!

I can't help sighing that the cloud family is not what it used to be.

Looking at other people's surprise or admiration, these guys in the cloud family are very proud and feel that their devil training has not been in vain.

They have been training in the Colosseum of fanglou during this period of time, and have been able to deal with a soul beast alone for a long time.

Although there is no chance to fight with outsiders, they usually compete with each other in the cloud family. Now it's nothing to deal with these troublemakers. A few more people will still fight down.

In the heart to their big young lady cloud Xiu clothes also more convinced! The first lady has foresight and forces them to train. Otherwise, they are the ones who are beaten down today. Even if they make a fool of themselves, yunmoxuan will suffer a heavy loss.

After all the troublemakers were subdued, the shopkeeper came forward and asked who assigned them. However, the troublemakers looked at each other, and no one was willing to speak.

Stalemate, and can't let go, finally the shopkeeper had no choice but to send someone to Yunxiu clothes.

After Yun Xiuyi came, he didn't rush to interrogate the troublemakers. Instead, he carefully looked at their clothes and observed their behavior. He guessed that they were all street people.

Although the cloud family is very popular now, there are not many people who dare to make trouble.

But these people have average strength, but they risk provoking the cloud family. She can't think of any other reasons except being bribed. So who would do such a low-level thing?

Before yunxiuyi guesses who assigned them, Zuo Qiumeng appears. His appearance is undoubtedly self confessed.

It seems that this person is against her, because she is determined to be the murderer of zuosang language, so she is focused on dealing with her, and does not spend time looking for evidence, on the contrary, let the real murderer get away with it.

Zuo Qiumeng's face was very ugly, but he forced a smile in front of Yun Xiuyi. "Xiuyi, I heard that someone was making trouble when I passed by here, so I came to have a look."

Then he went to the troublemakers and said, "who are you? How dare you come here to look for things! "

When the troublemakers saw Zuo Qiumeng, they all bowed their heads in fear and did not dare to look directly at him. After a long time, they said, "we just can't stand the cloud family."

"Why do they occupy all the shops in rosefinch street? How can the people of their family enjoy all the glory and wealth? "

These troublemakers were filled with indignation, as if they were really making trouble for these reasons. Even the onlookers were silent.

Cloud family heard their reasons immediately angry.

For what?

Do they think that the cloud family has come to this day for no reason? These people only see how good they are now and have no idea how hard they have been living these years.

"That's why you're going to pick things up! I don't care about the four families! "Zuo Qiumeng seems to be more angry than the Yun family. He questions the troublemaker loudly, but the troublemaker is roared by him and immediately closes his mouth.

Then Zuo Qiumeng did something more extreme. He didn't even ask about Yunxiu's clothes, so he split his hand at these people. He used 100% of his spiritual power, and in a moment, all the troublemakers were killed.

Just now, the silence of the road people suddenly boiling, one by one panic looking at a body.

This group of troublemakers were open to death, and they did not expect that they would come to this end. They even died before they had time to struggle and resist.

Originally, they wanted to use people's money to fight against disasters, but they didn't expect that they were all subdued by the cloud family without breaking a bottle.

Now they die under their employers, and they don't even get a share of the money. It's like a joke.

"Miss, this --" the manager of the cloud family was scared by the bloody scene in front of him. He didn't dare to speak for a long time, and asked the meaning of Yun Xiu's clothes.

Cloud Xiu clothes looking at this farce, heart secretly ridicule left Qiu Meng.

At the beginning, the Luo family's three or two troublemakers were at least aboveboard. Zuo Qiumeng was very good. He had already torn his face, but he didn't want to damage the reputation of the left family. Both the people in black and the people making trouble in shops were hired by money.

Now it's more like jumping out of the wall, killing people and killing people.

Today's Dongyue empire is really worrying!

Yun Jinyan is cowardly, Zuo Qiumeng is despicable, that is, mochuan doesn't care about the world, and Tang Yishuang is a female, so it will take some time to establish the family reputation.

"Xiuyi, these people deserve to die. I know you will do the same. Uncle will help you solve it."

Zuo Qiumeng took an awe inspiring attitude, and then said to the onlookers, "the cloud family is not the place you can afford to make trouble with. If someone comes to make trouble in the future, it will only be worse than them."

All the onlookers kept quiet. Although Zuo Qiumeng was the murderer, it was because of the cloud family. They could not help but put the matter on the cloud family.

I thought that although it's wrong to make trouble, I'll teach you a lesson. I'm not guilty to death! They are so cruel. Who dares to come to the cloud house to buy things in the future!

And Zuo Qiumeng's superior warning also made them very uncomfortable. Even if the cloud family is the first family of Dongyue Empire, they can't look down on people like that! All the people's good feelings for the cloud family are gone.

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