There was once a minister who said that when Xia died, he would be happy, when Yin died, he would be happy, when Daji died, and when Zhou died, he would be happy. The husband and the beautiful woman are the things of the subjugation. The king can't accept them.

It is said that the minister disappeared the next day. Some said that he had gone home, others said that he had been executed by Mi Mi.

In short, Junlin's love and indulgence for Xiao fengran has reached a point that ordinary people can't understand.

Yunxiuyi can turn a deaf ear to everything, but Qingyao's safety can't be ignored. Although she doesn't have much communication with Qingyao these days, the warmth of silent company has been deeply buried in her heart.

As soon as I heard the news, I rushed to the palace.

From the gate of the palace to Xiao fengran's Fengming palace, all the way is unimpeded. Before entering the Fengming palace, yunxiuyi hears bursts of screams.

Confirm the voice is not green Yao just slightly relieved.

"It's Miss Yunda! We have been waiting for you for a long time An old eunuch with a smile on his face was waiting outside the Palace door respectfully. When he saw Yun Xiu's clothes, he immediately welcomed him, "come in with us quickly!"

Fengming palace light dim, a disheveled woman kneeling on the ground, a pool of blood under the body, has been tortured out of shape.

Cloud Xiu clothes over her, see green Yao safe and sound sitting on one side of the soft chair, immediately walked past.

"Mother, are you ok?"


Sitting on one side of the green Yao heard the voice of cloud Xiuyi, his face more sad than happy, "you shouldn't come!"

"You are the cloud Xiu clothes?"

An extremely arrogant voice sounded from behind yunxiuyi. Yunxiuyi turned her head and saw a woman with the appearance of Qing Dynasty coming out from behind the Pearl curtain.

Cloud thick cyan hair, pale eyebrows, face lining peach petals, maid heap gold wind silk. Jinlian step steady, beam Su waist light, autumn Zhanzhan enchanting state, bamboo shoots slender charming posture.

Just a moment ago, Fengming palace was still dark. At this time, because of the person in front of her, she became gorgeous and colorful.

So vivid, so gorgeous, let cloud Xiu clothes also for it.

It's true that Xiao fengran is worthy of the first beauty of Dongyue.

"Don't they all say you're a fool? I think you are smarter than them. "

Xiao fengran's eyes narrowed slightly and flashed a ray of dangerous light. "Your cold appearance is really not pleasing. Would you like to smile?"

She wants to reach out to touch the corner of cloud Xiu's mouth, but she dodges to avoid.

I thought she would be angry, but I didn't expect that she would laugh after being slightly stunned. "For a long time, no one has disobeyed our palace. I'm happy, funny, ha ha ha."

This disposition is indeed eccentric, cloud Xiu clothes slightly frown, think this person is not easy to deal with.

The laughter stopped abruptly, and Xiao fengran said with a smile, "I haven't seen Luo Yan'er's angry face for a long time. She even came to ask me one day."

As for Xiao fengran's no taboo remarks, Yunxiu's clothes were a little unexpected.

Listen to her meaning, it is Luo Yan'er who complains with her that she will invite Qing Yao and Qin Yuman into the palace, but their relationship is not intimate.

"You have some skills to make Luo Yan'er have no choice but to come to our palace."

She walked around Yunxiu's clothes, like looking at a pet, pondering for a moment, "kill you! I can't see Luo Yan'er's ugly face in the future. Give you a break! Now that she has come to ask for help from the palace, the elder sister of the palace can't just sit back and ignore her. "

She suddenly looked up at the cloud Xiuyi, a thousand years old pool like eyes hidden deep meaning.

"Choose! It's you who'll get fifty lashes, or she. "

Xiao fengran seems to be playing tricks on Yunxiu's clothes. Her slender catkin points to Qingyao. After a pause, she moves to the shivering woman on the ground.

"This woman, you should also want to teach me a lesson!"

Hearing Xiao fengran's words, the woman kneeling on the ground always buried her head in her arms. Then she raised her head. With her messy hair and bloody face, she could see her arrogant and domineering appearance before.

She scrambled to the foot of yunxiuyi, hugged her and cried, "Xiuyi! Help your aunt! Help your aunt! I don't want to die! "

Cloud Xiu clothes this just remembers to go into the palace with Qin Yuman.

She glanced at the people on the ground indifferently. When Qin Yuman looked desperate and didn't hold any hope, she said, "OK."

Their mother and daughter are not popular in the cloud family. It's no secret in the East moon empire. At the moment, the word "good" in cloud Xiu's clothes surprised everyone in the palace.Even Xiao fengran's eyes changed.

"Think clearly before you answer! The whip in this palace was specially made by the holy craftsman. So far, no one has been able to get through three whips. "

Seeing that Yun Xiu's face did not change, Xiao fengran motioned to the old eunuch next to him to take a black iron whip with barbs.

"After fifty lashes, will the imperial concubine let us go?"

"Release, as long as you are alive, this palace will release all three of you."

"I hope the imperial concubine will make a promise."

Qingyao grabs yunxiuyi's hand and says, "Xiuyi, you can't! Xiuyi - my mother will take care of you, and my mother will be whipped. "

Yun Xiuyi patted the back of her hand, and her tone was softer than before. "Niang, believe me, I will take you out of the palace safely."

The cold wind whistled through the gate, and the old eunuch holding the black iron whip was gradually ferocious. A whip fell. With the dull sound of silk cracking, a shocking bloodstain appeared on the back of Yunxiu's clothes.

The old eunuch fell several more lashes, and seemed to be more and more excited. Only ten lashes later, Yun Xiu's body was shaking slightly, and his back was dripping with blood.

Xiao fengran leaned against the imperial concubine's couch, as if watching a play. "De'an, have you been hungry for many days, and ten lashes haven't beaten her down? Should we change people?"

Xiao fengran's last voice went up. He heard the old eunuch named De'an in a cold sweat.

"Yes, the slave knows his sin, so he will fight to death, hard."

Then she clenched her teeth and raised the black iron whip. With a sound of "pa", Yun Xiu's clothes staggered. She looked in the direction of Qing Yao and saw that her face was sad, but her empty eyes couldn't shed tears.

Fortunately, Qingyao couldn't see it, she thought.

Seeing that Yun Xiu's clothes were still standing, the old eunuch was angry and flustered. His feet were firm, riveted and waved the black iron whip.

Finally, cloud Xiu clothes in the 49th whip time fell down.

The old eunuch was secretly happy, and quickly added three more lashes to calculate the evil spirit in his heart.

See cloud Xiu clothes on the ground for a long time no movement, Xiao fengran languid voice came over, "go to see if she is dead."

The old eunuch squatted down to sigh the breath of Yun Xiu's clothes. As soon as she got close, Yun Xiu's clothes suddenly got up and kicked him away. She grabbed the black iron whip in the old eunuch's hand and gave him two lashes.

"This is for you."

The old eunuch only got two lashes, and his eyes turned and fainted.

"Concubine Xiao, can we go out of the palace now?" As he spoke, a pool of frightening blood had accumulated under the feet of Yun Xiu's clothes.

In the end, it was flesh and blood. If it had been replaced by ordinary people, it would have been out of breath. The situation of Yun Xiu's clothes was not much better. He held on for the last breath before he fainted.

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