Yun Xiuyi and Qin Yuman were carried back to Yun's home.

In order to pay attention to the treatment of his own injury, Yunxiu clothes specially will green Yao away, the result just ready to exercise, Mo Xi Lou appeared in front of me.

Looking at Yun Xiu's red clothes soaked in blood, Mo Xi Lou raised her eyebrows and said, "it's more serious than last time."

The cloud Xiu dress regards him as the air, the movement is difficult to take off the dirty outer garment, every move will involve the flesh wound on the body, the facial expression also can't see where to go.

When only Xieyi was left to cover the body, Yunxiu raised her eyes to see moxilou, and asked with her eyes, when do you want to see it?

In fact, Mo Xi Lou appeared in the cloud house to fulfill her promise. She took Yun Xiu Yi to a place where she could meet her desire to make pills. Unexpectedly, the other party was ungrateful and had to drive him away.

He would like to go, but in this case, I'm afraid she will die as soon as he goes.

Because of too much blood loss, cloud Xiu clothes face has gradually pale, and then with Mo Xi Lou stalemate, her small life really will not protect.

But the medical skills she learned are her only card at present. She has not trusted Mo Xilou to the point of no reservation.

One is stubborn enough to hold on, the other is indifferent and waiting for the other to beg for mercy.

At the end of the stalemate, Mo Xilou compromised first. This little girl is very useful to him. It's not cost-effective for him to be physically broken, but before he comes forward, Yun Xiuyi faints.

He looked at her sleeping face. It was as quiet as moonlight and flowing water. It was more pleasant when he was asleep.

When Yunxiu clothes wake up again, she has changed into clean clothes. Mo Xilou is behind her to perform martial arts. For fear of being disturbed, she has laid a transparent border around her.

She moved a little, the previous pain is still, but the body is a lot easier.

"Don't move. Don't be possessed."

"I didn't ask you to help me." If it wasn't for the sudden arrival of Mo Xi Lou, she would have healed her skin and flesh. She didn't want to see that there were more human relationships and more entanglements.

After several previous contacts, Mo Xilou more or less realized what kind of temperament this little girl was, and didn't expect her to be grateful.

"I also hope you have the life to finish our deal."

This is what Yun Xiuyi once said to Mo Xilou, and now he returns it intact.

"Close your eyes and concentrate. I'll help you unite Yuanying."

Taking advantage of this healing, Mo Xi Lou just tries to test the power that is sealed up by him in Xia Yun Xiu's clothes, and confirms that there is no abnormality, and plans to help her gather yuan baby.

In this way, she had some cultivation foundation, and she didn't have to be whipped by others in the future.

Yun Xiuyi obediently closed his eyes, under the guidance of Mo Xilou, gathered the Qi in his body in one place, "bang -" like the sound of bubbles breaking.

A golden bead slowly appeared in the body of Yunxiu's clothes.

She was vaguely excited and wanted to explore further, but the golden bead disappeared in an instant. In the face of the sudden disappearance of the golden beads, cloud Xiu clothes slightly lost.

"Don't be impatient."

The voice of Mo Xi Lou seemed to come from the remote mountain forest. It was ethereal and inviolable. At the same time, it made Yun Xiu's clothes settle down and concentrate again.

Soon the golden bead appeared again. This golden bead is the yuan baby just gathered in Yunxiu clothes.

The color of Yuanying formed by cultivation changes with each breakthrough.

Take spiritual cultivation as an example. The first child of the spirit is gray, the master is blue, the great master is blue, the spirit is purple, the master is orange, and the sixth master is gold.

Yun Xiu's clothes are just beginning to be cultivated. As a spiritual person, her Yuanying is already golden. Looking at the whole empire of Dongyue, it's an unprecedented phenomenon.

Mo Xi Lou sighs in her heart. I don't know whether I should be happy or worried for her.

With the help of Yun Xiu's clothes, Yuan Ying is able to gather together. Mo Xi Lou withdraws the surrounding defensive border, and Yun Xiu's clothes have entered a settled state, closing the five senses and six senses.

Xiao fengran's whip is not completely without benefits, even let cloud Xiuyi in the recovery at the same time directly promoted to the first level of spirit.

Mo Xi Lou sits on one side, waiting for the end of cloud Xiu clothes.

"The palace of life has been rebuilt for you, and Yuanying has also been condensed for you. You should try your best to do what I ask you to do in the future."

I don't know if it's the illusion of Yun Xiu's clothes. It's clear that Mo Xilou has spent a lot of energy to help her heal her wounds and help her gather Yuan Ying. He should be a little tired, but he is more and more energetic.Cloud Xiu clothes and think of the last remodeling of the palace of life, Mo Xi Lou state is also so, the heart suddenly began to doubt.

"What's the matter with your injuries?"

According to Yun Xiuyi's character, how could she be willing to be whipped so much?

"Xiao fengran invited my mother into the palace."

Mo Xi floor corner of the mouth a Yang, "have weakness is not a good thing."

"So I got whipped. However, once this matter has passed, Xiao fengran will not make any further changes in the near future. And my whip is for Qin Yuman. She lost half of her life this time. It should have a long memory. I can't always guard my mother. The Yuns should make good use of it. "

What Yun Xiuyi said was not obscure.

Since we all know that Qingyao is her weakness, she is too lazy to hide sophistry, so she simply uses the Yuns to protect Qingyao.

She now has the handle of Yun Jinyan and Qin Yuman's life-saving benefactor in her hand. It's hard for the Yun family and his wife to look at her face or not.

This little girl is really treacherous and cunning. She always calculates every step she takes.

Mo Xi Lou doesn't know whether he should be lucky or not. They have a trading relationship at present, so they don't have to deal with her.

"By the way, how can I upgrade quickly?"

She has spent too much time from reshaping the palace of life to uniting Yuanying, and now to the first-order spirit, and her current ability is far from being able to crush those enemies who want her life. She must seize the time to become stronger.

"Don't worry, there will be an opportunity soon."

Moxilou's opportunity is the annual hunting competition held by the Luo family.

The place is located in the hidden fog forest, hunting is the soul beast, and to participate in the nature is the four families, jun family, and some famous families of the East moon empire.

According to the number and year of hunting, the winner can not only get the 100 year spirit beast yuan sponsored by the Luo family, but also get the best God pill provided by the royal family.

In addition to material rewards, the contestants pay more attention to the promotion of fame.

The winner can not only establish his position in the East moon Empire, but also make his family famous and have a place in the East moon empire.

Therefore, every year's hunting competition is a bloody battle.

In previous years, Yunxiu dress is not qualified to participate, she has no life palace can not cultivate people to go, is undoubtedly the soul beast's belly meal.

But this year is different. The first contestant invited by the Luo family is her.

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