After sealing the fire of bird feather again, Yunxiu's body immediately returned to normal, but her heart was lost.

You know, her job is to cultivate both medicine and poison. After she came here, she was abandoned for a long time for various reasons, and finally got a free fire. Mo Xilou said that she was not strong enough to control it.

Anyone would be lost!

"You can make pills without fire."

Mo Xi Lou originally planned to take Yun Xiu clothes to find the alchemy furnace and the fire, but he was delayed by all kinds of things.

Now, seeing that she was lost, she promised to finish her wish as soon as the hunting contest was over.

Mo Xi Lou naturally won't take this kind of thing to deceive her, immediately cloud Xiu clothes lost, mind back to the hunting competition.

"You say that this cauldron can hold all things in the world. Since it can't be upgraded now, how about we really compete?"

The treachery in Yunxiu's eyes has no cover up. If she is the leader of this year's hunting competition, the expressions of the Luo family should be very wonderful.

And if she wants to gain a foothold in Dongyue Empire, she should not only have strong strength, but also strong background.

In her capacity, it is impossible to rely on other forces. It is better to make the cloud family stronger as the foundation of her own foothold.

"How can I be serious?"

Cloud Xiu clothes mouth a bad smile, make people shudder, "let them have more happy have more anger."

Before leaving the cave, Mo Xilou used Lingli to dry Yunxiu's clothes and forge the cauldron.

Unexpectedly, the originally dark cauldron slowly faded the heavy black dirt and gradually showed the dark lines of bronze color. A trace of aura lingered around the cauldron from light to thick.

When the black dirt completely faded, Mo Xi Lou took the heaven and earth tripod in his hand.

"Let's go!"

The wind blows, rolling up leaves all over the sky. A trace of rich aura lingers in the forest, and the world is full of desolation.

The weapons in yunxiuyi's hands are constantly changing to deal with different types of ghosts and beasts.

And Mo Xi Lou's hands are behind her, and her eyes are always on Yun Xiu's clothes.

I don't know why, it seems that none of those ghosts dare to get close to Mo Xi Lou, so he can only keep a proper distance from Yun Xiu Yi, so as not to scare away the ghosts fighting with her.

Above the two of them, the heaven and earth cauldron is spinning and floating in the air, continuously absorbing all kinds of beasts on the ground.

Because the hunting competition is based on the number and year of the soul beast, and the high year of the soul beast is not easy to find, it also takes a lot of time to fight.

Cloud Xiu clothes simply find a place where low-level soul beasts gather, and intend to win by quantity.

After more than half an hour's slaughter, the bodies of low-level ghosts around yunxiuyi had piled up like a mountain, and the land under her feet had also become a Shura field.

Most of them are bloodthirsty.

Originally, Yunxiu clothes have given up looking for high-Year ghosts. Unexpectedly, those high-Year ghosts are attracted by the bloody smell of Shura hall and sent to the door on their own initiative.

With an earthshaking roar, yunxiuyi's feet are shaking. She is ready to fight early. As soon as the prey appears, she jumps to the front of the soul beast.

He quickly transformed the spirit power into two double moon machetes. Without giving the soul beast a chance to fight back, he cut off its head.

After that, the year of the ghosts and beasts attracted by him became higher and higher. After fighting for a long time, Yun Xiuyi didn't feel tired, but became more and more excited.

In a short time, the heaven and earth cauldron has accumulated a lot of high animal yuan.

Just when she was ready to make further efforts, a group of unexpected guests came not far away. Yunxiuyi thought it was Jun Shaoqin and Luo Yaner, and immediately pulled Mo Xi Lou to hide in the ivy.

When the group of uninvited guests came near, Yunxiu clothes just saw that it was a group of strange faces.

The Luo family is also too irresponsible. They agreed to eliminate the irrelevant people in the hidden fog forest in order to protect the personal safety of the contestants.

As a result, a large group of unidentified people appeared in the hidden fog forest before the hunting competition was over.

"Master, the scene is so tragic. There should be a lot of people on the other side. Could it be the younger generation who participated in the hunting competition?"

The old man, who was called to be a master, frowned. "It's not like that group of children did such a fierce hunting, and they didn't take this road."

"Master, do you mean someone else broke in?"

"Why?"The old man shook his head and seemed not to be covered with the young man's saying, "hidden fog forest is a common place. How can others break into it? You mean we're intruders, too? "

"It was the disciple who broke his word."

The old man nodded to show that he was OK. Looking at the Shura hall in front of him, he felt uneasy. "If there are many people on the other side, how can you hide from the eyes of the Luo family? I'm afraid it was done by one person, but not many people in Dongyue Empire have such strength... "

As soon as the words came out, the disciples beside him took a breath.

If you can kill so many ghosts and beasts by yourself, and you can retreat, how powerful this man is!

Yunxiuyi, who has been hiding behind the green vine, analyzes the conversation of the other party.

First of all, they certainly didn't come to the hunting contest.

Secondly, they said that such a large-scale team can't hide from the eyes of the Luo family, so why can they stand here aboveboard?

So the origin of these people should not be so simple.

Cloud Xiu clothes carefully hiding himself, no matter who the other party is, she doesn't want to expose herself so soon.

The space behind the green vine was already narrow. Yun Xiu's clothes were tightly attached to Mo Xi Lou's chest. He could even hear his powerful heartbeat.

However, her attention is now on the group of people outside, and she doesn't feel that there is something wrong with her posture at the moment.

However, Mo Xi Lou frowned slightly. At such an age, he had never been in close contact with any woman, but the little woman threw herself into her arms again and again.

So soft and fragrant, I don't know whether she is big hearted or too trusting him.

After hiding for a long time, the group of uninvited visitors never left, but searched for something nearby and passed them several times.

Just when Yun Xiuyi was thinking about how to solve the present dilemma, the nine birds next to the old man suddenly found her.

The nine birds seemed to know human nature, 18 black eyes staring at her motionless, then pecked the old man's arm with his beak, and the old man immediately looked in the direction of Yunxiu clothes hiding.

The old man looked more serious than just now. After a while, he said, "where is your holiness? Why hunt so many ghosts? "

Now the cloud Xiu clothing is only a level spirit, want to rush out is not easy.

She looked up at Mo Xi Lou and said, "since we are all rubbish without cultivation in their eyes, it's better to pretend that we are hiding here because of fear."

"Do you know what they were looking for?"


Cloud Xiu clothes a face doubts of hope Mo Xi floor, don't understand him this is what meaning.

But the next moment, Mo Xilou falls back with her in her arms, and the rock behind them suddenly loosens, revealing a gap one person wide.

Then the dizziness of weightlessness came. Yunxiuyi heard the wind whistling past her ears. She put her hands tightly around Mo Xilou's waist until her feet fell to the ground.

And wait until the cloud Xiu clothes see the scene around, has always been the face of the moment full of joy.

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