In fact, moxilou has long found that the rock behind them is empty, releasing a trace of aura to explore whether there is danger, and unexpectedly found that there is plenty of aura inside.

Combined with the behavior of this group of people, it is speculated that there is another cave behind the rock, and most of the things they are looking for are also related to it.

At the moment, what makes Yun Xiuyi happy is nothing else. It's that all kinds of strange flowers and plants grow under the rock.

Just a cursory glance, you can see the valuable herbs such as Hypericum, reincarnation, Cymbidium and Celestia.

Yunxiu clothes can't hide her inner excitement. You know, no matter as a doctor or a poison maker, all kinds of strange flowers and plants are in her heart.

She picked a heartbroken grass nearby and couldn't put it down to study it.

When she helped Qingyao to prepare typhoid medicine before, she inquired about the market price of herbal medicine in the Empire of the next east month, and found that many valuable herbal medicines had no market.

As Mo Xilou said, there are not many pharmacists who can make pills in the East moon empire. It's not only useless for them to take the prescriptions, but also the precious herbs in their hands.

Therefore, Dongyue's herbal medicine market simply bid up prices, and no one bought it anyway. It's better to wait for a big injustice to be cheated.

Looking at the current cloud family, even the maintenance of the family is barely enough, let alone a large amount of surplus funds for Yun Xiuyi to buy medicinal materials.

And now this valley from the sky, not only can she save a lot of money, but also many herbs here can't be found in the market.

We can imagine the joy of yunxiuyi at this moment.

Mo Xi Lou thought that this little woman had no feelings except for her mother's snacks. She didn't expect that the simple herbal medicine could make her so happy.

"So happy?"


Now she can't afford to go to Mo Xi Lou. She is picking herbs all the time. Some precious herbs are simply uprooted.

There are herbs, but there are no tools for quenching. If she can control the fire of bird plume, she should be able to directly quench it now

However, since Mo Xi Lou has promised to take her to find the furnace and fire for refining the elixir, it's a matter of time to refine the elixir.

Yun Xiuyi soon put aside the sudden loss and continued to happily pick the herbs and put them into the heaven and earth cauldron.

It is obvious that there are few people in and out of the valley. All kinds of exotic flowers and plants grow densely, and there is no place to stand. And picking herbs can't destroy them at will, which will take some time.

Moreover, the valley is not very high. Mo Xilou worried that the group of people outside would soon find it and set up a border on the valley.

Until the valley can not even find a bud of herbal medicine, cloud Xiuyi left contentedly.

Just as they came along the valley to a small stream, there was a loud voice behind them. Looking around, the nine headed bird did not know when to follow.

Eighteen drops of black eyes have been staring at cloud Xiu clothes, let her some scalp numb, but tilted head look even some disgusting sprout.

One person and one bird looked at each other for about half a moment. There was more movement in the distance. It was obvious that the group of people broke through the boundary of the valley.

She and moxilou jumped across the stream and went on. The nine headed bird was always with her.

Yun Xiuyi discovered that the nine birds had a thousand years. She spent most of her time in the hidden fog forest, killing countless ghosts and beasts, and the highest year she met was 500 years.

It's the giant under the cliff that helps the zither player break through into a great master.

Now a thousand year old soul beast comes to the door, saying that she is not excited at all is false. Although she is now full of Yuan baby, it doesn't mean that she can't absorb animal yuan all the time.

And once you miss it, it's not easy to meet again.

Cloud Xiu clothes suddenly stopped, turned around, the hands of the spirit power has quickly turned into a lightsaber.

At the moment when the lightsaber appeared, the nine birds staring at Yunxiu clothes seemed to be stimulated. Their heads were shaking violently, and they were flapping their wings all the time.

Cloud Xiu dress is unidentified, so she hasn't started yet! Is that what the bird is afraid of?

And behind her, Mo Xi Lou saw through Yun Xiu's idea at a glance, "the first level spirit also wants to deal with a thousand year old soul beast?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

However, before Yun Xiuyi could start, Mo Xilou's eyes sank, and the sky and earth became dim. Yun Xiuyi just felt that he was surrounded by a terrible force, and the nine headed bird had fallen to the ground.What happened just now?

She turned her head to see Mo Xi Lou, the other side already looked as usual, "take the beast yuan, go quickly, they want to catch up."

Before Yun Xiuyi said yes, those uninvited guests had come after him. The old man saw the corpse of nine birds and cried, "my nine sons!"

All the disciples around him also have a sad face.

After the old man was sad, he raised his head and asked Yun Xiuyi, "why do you want to kill my nine sons?"

In the face of questioning, Yun Xiuyi said innocently, "where are our opponents? When we came, it was already dead. You misunderstood us."

The old man looked suspiciously at Yunxiu clothes, and then at Moxi building, and found that both of them didn't have Yuanying, and one of them didn't even have a palace of life.

"Are you the eldest lady of the cloud family?"

Cloud Xiu dress embarrassed smile two, "do you know me?"

I don't know, but yunxiuyi is the only one who doesn't have a palace of life in Dongyue empire. If she is really yunxiuyi, she is not jiuer's opponent.

The old man has now ruled out the suspicion of Yunxiu clothes.

"Do you see any suspicious people around here?"

Yun Xiuyi shook his head. "We are all here to take part in the hunting competition, and all we see are people who also take part in the hunting competition. If you want to say something suspicious..."

She continued to look awkwardly at the people around her. She didn't say that you are the most suspicious person, but she wrote this sentence on her face.

The old man's face changed, but he didn't explain to Yun Xiu's clothes.

At this time, not far away came a flustered footsteps, followed by Jun Shaoqin and Luo Yan'er, they are very embarrassed to appear in front of us.

As soon as they saw the old man, they seemed to have met the Savior, "elder Xingchen, help

It turned out that they were followed by several firelight beasts. They could not fight them, so they ran all the way here.

The old man recognized that there were Jun Shaoqin and Luo Yan'er among the people. He immediately called on his disciples to deal with the fire beast together, and soon solved all the fire beasts.

When the crisis is relieved, Luo Yan'er immediately thanks the old man, "elder Xingchen, fortunately I met you."

"Little things, the Luo family invited me, just to ensure your safety."

So this group of people can move freely in the hidden fog forest, because they are also invited by the Luo family? No, they were looking for something before.

After chatting with the old man called elder Xingchen, Luo Yan'er first noticed Mo Xi Lou. Before he could ask why he was here, he found Yun Xiu Yi standing beside him.

Suddenly a face of panic, "you are not dead?"

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