Found that he lost state, Luo Yan son forced himself to calm down, but look at cloud Xiu clothes look like a poisoned silver needle in general.

Luo Yan'er's reaction is in the expectation of Yun Xiu's clothes, and she calmly replies, "yes! I almost died. Thanks to my sister, I met Mr. Mo, who saved me

After a while, the little girl has been in a few flusters, but her face is not red and her heart is not beating.

Mo Xi Lou began to wonder how many unknown aspects she had.

"Yes Luo Yan'er was so angry that he clenched his hands tightly. His nails were deep in the meat, and he let the waste escape again. "It's good that my sister is OK. We've been worried for a long time!"

"You are so lucky

From the crowd out of the left Wan Wan suddenly said such a sentence, tone is not very good, but her heart is slightly better than some.

Their left family has always been associated with the Luo family, which is well known to all in the East moon empire. So even if she can't stand Luo Yan'er any more, she can't fight against her openly and let her down.

And every time she wants to do something, she must first consider the interests of the left family.

So when Zuo sangyan holds her and refuses to let her rescue yunxiuyi, she can only listen silently and watch her poison roll down the steep slope.

Fortunately, she's ok now. She's better off.

"My God! How did elder Xingchen's nine birds die? " Luo Yan'er was surprised to find the corpses of nine birds on the ground, "elder Xingchen, who did this?"

No wonder Luo Yan'er is so surprised.

You know, these nine birds are ghosts and beasts of a thousand years. Most people can't see them all their lives. Even if they meet them, they are not rivals at all.

You can imagine how difficult it is for stardust to accept the nine headed birds.

Moreover, because of the nine headed bird he took in, many people regarded him differently, including his fellow teachers and brothers.

So Xingchen is very proud of this nine headed bird. He has to take it with him wherever he goes. Now that he is suddenly killed, he will not feel better.

If you want to say that elder Xingchen and Luo Yan'er have a very close relationship, Tianji Pavilion, where elder Xingchen is located, is the largest sect of Dongyue Empire, and Luo Rui introduced him at the beginning.

So his relationship with the Luo family is naturally extraordinary.

The history of Tianji Pavilion is no shorter than that of the four big families, and its position in the Dongyue empire is as light as a foot. Almost all the children of famous families want to go in and gild themselves.

Of course, Luo Yan'er is also one of these famous children.

As early as a few years ago, Luo Rui had already made an agreement with elder Xingchen, and let Luo Yan'er worship him as soon as the time came.

He appeared in the hunting competition today, ostensibly to protect the safety of the competitors. In fact, he heard that there was a valley full of exotic flowers and plants in the hidden fog forest, and he came to pick herbs.

I didn't expect to be taken first by others. I picked the herbs clean under their eyes.

At the thought of a month and a half later, the pharmacists in zhulanglou would show their elegant demeanor again, and a trace of fierce murderous spirit flashed in Xingchen's eyes.

When he thought that his beloved jiuer had been killed, he was so angry that he could not lose face in front of these young people.

Xingchen shook his head and sighed, "I haven't found it yet. When you came here, did you meet any suspicious people?"



The different answers of these contestants instantly made Stardust suspicious. Zuo wanwan quickly explained, "what they mean is that suspicious people have not met, but they have met suspicious things."

"What's the matter?" Stardust asked immediately.

"Along the way, we found a lot of corpses of ghosts and beasts. They died very tragically. It should be that there were other unidentified people in the hidden fog forest."

"You mean the route you took also found many ghost carcasses?"

Stardust told them what they had seen and heard. Combined with the information on both sides, they came to the conclusion that a group of unidentified people were killing in the hidden fog forest.

What's more, the year of their killing is only 20 or 30 years, but the year of their killing is 300 or 400 years. The specific purpose is still unknown.

After discussing with Jun Shaoqin and Luo Yan'er, Xingchen thinks it's not easy, so he sends some disciples back to tell Luo Rui about it, and the competitors continue to finish the competition.

After a series of accidents, these competitors have to be more careful than before. One by one, they follow the team closely, for fear that if they fall behind, they will encounter accidents.All along the way, they were scared and trembled by any disturbance.

Just when everyone's nerves had reached the critical point, the star dust elder who walked in the front raised his hand to signal everyone to stop, "don't make any noise."

His voice was very low, as if there was a flood ahead.

Jun Shaoqin and others immediately stay in the same place, the atmosphere dare not breathe.

Before long, they were excited one by one, and there were bursts of rich aura coming from the front.

Several people in the team immediately began to meditate and absorb aura.

Yunxiuyi had found the chaotic green lotus on the rock, and the rich aura came from it.

This chaotic green lotus looks like a lotus, but its color is almost transparent milky white. In the middle of the milky white, if there is a trace of cyan printing and dyeing, it looks good.

At the same time, she also found the dangerous smell in the cave.

Nine out of ten treasures are guarded by ferocious beasts, or they grow and store in a very dangerous environment.

Luo Yan'er's eyes are full of light. "Elder Xingchen, we are so lucky that we can meet chaos Qinglian."

Elder Xingchen nodded. He lost a valley of herbs and nine sons one after another. It seems that the chaotic green lotus is just a little compensation for him.

However, his face was not good-looking. He pointed to the hidden cave beside him. "It's hard to deal with the ghost beast guarding chaos green lotus. I'm afraid it's hard to take it!"

"Why don't we just find someone to lead the beast away?"

Luo Yan'er said with an apologetic look at Xiang Yunxiu's clothes, "elder sister, just now we have been fighting with the spirit beast for a long time, and our physical strength has been exhausted. Now you are the most suitable to lead the spirit beast away. Don't worry, we will help you as soon as we get chaos Qinglian."

Help me?

I'm afraid as soon as she leads the beast away, there will be no return.

Cloud Xiu dress incomparably magnanimous stare at Luo Yan son, she is so impatient ugly face, also not afraid to be torn down by these people, she doesn't mind to help her.

"Sister, you know that I don't have a palace of life. If I go to lead the soul beast, I will surely die."

"My sister is very lucky and has a big life. I'm sure she'll be fine." Luo Yan'er turns to see Jun Shao Qin beside him, "Brother Shao Qin, do you agree to let your sister go too?"

People here are rich or expensive, so it's impossible to be the bait of the soul beast. In this way, only Yun Xiu's clothes are suitable. After all, her cheap life is nothing compared with them.

In addition, Jun Shaoqin had a grudge against Yun Xiu's clothes, so he nodded without thinking.

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