Now Bai Lingxi puts his fault on Gong Rou, and Bai's family breaks with Xingxiu Haige completely, which is exactly what Gu Nanchu wants to see.

Second, Gu Nanxu really took advantage of that woman. If it wasn't for Mrs. Gu, he decided not to hold any Xinyi Festival. Even if it was held, he really didn't want to spend energy to deal with a woman.

That's why he shows his attention to that woman. The purpose is to let everyone know that he already has a place.

Although very sorry that woman, but this is Gu Nan Xu can think of the best way. When he finds her, he will try to make up for her.

Gu Nanxu should trust shuimurong very much and tell her his original intention and purpose one by one. Shuimurong also understands him very well.

On the roof irrigation speechless, thanks to it before Gu Nanxu so good, also said a lot of good words, he has been using cloud Xiu clothes! That's too much!

Guanguan wanted to fly away and complain to Yunxiu, but new news came from the palace.

"I came to see you this time because the God of water and moon appeared a vision. I was afraid of causing panic, so I didn't tell my father. I wanted to hear the advice of the palace leader first."

Gu Nan Xu was a little nervous when he heard that the God of water and moon appeared. Then shuimurong said, "these days, the spirit water is no longer flowing. I can't find the crux. I've checked the water and moon, and there's no problem."

"Since Shuiyue is OK, how can Lingshui not flow?" Gu Nanxu also realized the seriousness of the problem and immediately fell into silence.

Irrigation on the roof heard the word "water moon" and almost slid down.

What do you mean it takes no effort? This is it! They did not find the whereabouts of "Jinghua" after searching in Fuli palace for a long time. They did not expect that it eavesdropped here and knew the clue of "Shuiyue".

Douguan is so excited that he shakes his feathers. He can't wait for a moment to fly to find Yunxiu clothes. He has made such a great contribution that Yunxiu clothes must give him a lot of sugar beans.

As soon as Mrs. Gu returns to her residence, she is so angry that she falls down. Yunmo doesn't know how to comfort others. She adds some soothing and calming medicine to let the waitress fry it for Mrs. Gu, so that she won't have any serious problems with her Qi and blood.

After all this, yunmo plans to turn the Fuli palace around again, and carefully search the place he has been looking for before.

However, just out of Mrs. Gu's residence, yunmo meets Tianshu, who also notices him.

I haven't met him before, but every time Tianshu looks at him, he doesn't look at him. But this time, he stops and looks warily at yunmo. After a while, he doesn't leave directly.

He went to yunmo, his voice was deep and thick, "you seem to be very interested in Fuli palace."

"Of course." Cloud Mo did not hesitate to admit, and then said, "no one in the infinite continent should not be interested in Fuli palace, do you think?"

Tianshu didn't take yunmo's words. He took a meaningful look at him and left. As soon as he left, he hid in some place! The irrigation immediately flew out, "cloud Xiuyi cloud Xiuyi, you quickly praise me, quickly praise me! I know the news of Shuiyue

Irrigation just excited to fly down, cloud Xiu clothes then a choke it's neck, "you are afraid that others can't hear your voice?"


Until irrigation could not breathe and began to roll his eyes, Yunxiu clothes released it, worried that Tianshu would appear anytime and anywhere. Yunxiu clothes left Fuli palace with irrigation, and didn't ask until it was safe, "what's the matter?"

Irrigation aggrieved of pull together head, "is you not let me follow Gu Nan Xu! I heard him talking to the saint

Then douguan told yunxiuyi all the news he heard, and yunxiuyi immediately found the key words.

God of water and moon, spirit water, water and moon.

It seems that the "water moon" of the Xiang Yi people is easier to find than the "Mirror Flower" of the Fuli palace. Fortunately, something happened at this time. Even if Yun Xiuyi decided to go to the Xiang Yi people to find out.

Because yunmo's identity was still useful, Yunxiu didn't change his appearance when he went to the Yi nationality in Hunan.

Compared with the strict guard of Fuli palace, the Yi people in Hunan are much more relaxed. Perhaps this is the place where the God of water and moon is worshipped, and people in the limitless continent dare not offend easily.

Shuimurong had not come back when yunxiuyi sneaked into the Hunan Yi nationality. Originally, she wanted to find the place related to water according to the clue of Lingshui. However, without looking, yunxiuyi arrived at the so-called Lingshui place.

Xiang Yi people exist in the form of tribes. The whole environment is primitive and simple. After entering Xiang Yi people, you will see a natural pool half a kilometer away.

The water in the pool is clear to the bottom, and there is a towering ancient tree beside the pool. Countless red ribbons are tied on the branches of the ancient tree, which is full of mystery under the cover of moonlight. Surprisingly, the water in the pool really stops flowing.Looking at the pool without even a ripple, Yun Xiuyi thought about what the connection was, and where the "water moon" would be placed.

At this time, the moon reflected in the pool attracted the attention of yunxiuyi.

The moon above her head is clearly the first quarter moon, but the reflection of the moon in the water is actually round. She moves her toes in her heart and skips over the water, but before she gets close to the reflection, suddenly a strong light strikes her.

Cloud Xiu clothes too late to avoid this strong light, her throat a sweet mouthful of blood scattered in the pool, the water suddenly swayed, the reflection of the moon also followed a slight tremor.

After a long time, the blood did not merge with the pool water, but spread very slowly towards the moon reflection.

Originally, yunxiuyi wanted to try again. Without waiting for her action, shuimurong and Gu Nanxu came. She jumped to the ancient tree and blocked herself with the branches and leaves.

When shuimurong and Gu Nanchu arrived at the pool, the blood just overlapped with the reflection of the moon, so shuimurong and Gu Nanchu saw a scene where the reflection of the moon suddenly flashed strange red light, and then the pool water turned red instantly.

"I'm sorry."

Shuimurong was shocked, but everything happened so suddenly that she had no way to deal with it. She could only look anxiously at Gu Nanchu, "but what can I do? All the people will find out after daybreak. "

"Don't worry."

Gu Nanxu said and closed his eyes, a ray of transparent light slowly floated out of his forehead, that ray of light circled in the air and then drilled into the pool, but in a moment, Gu Nanxu's mouth also spilled blood.

He suddenly opened his eyes and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth carelessly. "The water moon is polluted, which repels my soul power. I'm afraid it's dangerous to approach it easily."

He then raised his hands and covered the whole pool and the ancient trees with soul power. "I'll block this place first. You can find a reason to pacify the people. It's not easy. We have to think about it in the long run."

Shuimurong nodded after listening. She looked at the pool of blood and the crimson full moon. Her face was full of sadness. I don't know why she was in a state of uneasiness.

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