"Lingshui" is the water in this pool, and "Shuiyue" is the reflection of the moon in this pool. It turns out that the God of Shuiyue in Wuji continent is not a metaphysical immortal, but a place of the Yi people in Hunan.

Although Yun Xiuyi understood this, the dilemma she faced now was how to leave here.

Leaving now is like throwing herself into a trap, but if Gu Nanchu and shuimurong leave first, how can she get out of the border created by Gu Nanchu's soul power?

Yunxiuyi decided to wait first. Before she came to the Yi people in Hunan, she asked Guanguan to look for the fox. If she didn't go back for a long time, the fox and Guanguan would come to her. For safety's sake, she didn't plan to have a direct conflict with Gu Nanxu and shuimurong.

However, after Gu Nanchu and shuimurong leave, Yunxiu's clothes begin to feel unwell. Her body is hot and cold, and her whole body is full of Qi and blood.

She sat on the branches of an ancient tree to breathe, and the baby turned quickly.

Gradually, Yunxiu's shortness of breath and her consciousness began to be confused. She took a pill from the heaven and earth cauldron to protect her heart. At the next moment, she would whirl backwards, and then she would be unconscious.

Gu Nanchu originally wanted to go back to Fuli palace and have a look at the pool. Before he got close, he saw a flash of red shadow.

Looking closely, it turned out to be the fiery red fox I saw in Yunwu Mountain that day.

He remembered that the fox was with Xinyue. It was the fox who told him that Xinyue was in trouble with the Bai family, but he never saw her again. How can it be here? Is Miss Xinyue nearby?

Will the "water moon" also have something to do with this fox?

Gu Nan Xu hid his breath and stood in the same place for a long time, but the fox seemed to break his border by force, and then left suddenly.

When the fox disappeared in the night, Gu Nanxu walked through the border to the pool. However, before he could stand still, he saw a woman fall from the ancient tree. He quickly jumped forward to meet her, so as to avoid her falling into the pool.

After Gu Nan Xu settled down, he went to see the face of the woman in his arms. Her eyebrows suddenly twisted into a ball. She was really nearby, but she was not disfigured?

Gu Nan Xu is afraid that she has hallucination. She reaches out her hand and touches Yun Xiu's face. It's smooth and delicate, and she can't see any flaws. No wonder she wants to wear white gauze to cover up the fact that she is not disfigured.

But that day in Bai's family, he saw with his own eyes that her face was full of scars and blood. Even the miracle doctor could not have left a trace.

Gu Nan Xu is full of doubts in his heart. As he thinks that this "water moon" vision is most likely related to her, the woman in his arms suddenly struggles a few times. Her expression is very distorted and seems to be suffering a lot.

All of a sudden, Yun Xiu's clothes seemed to be out of breath. His hands slid down and his expression gradually stretched out.

Gu Nan Xu "clatters" in her heart. As soon as she is ready to check what happened to Yun Xiu's clothes, she sees a golden baby floating out of her body.

Her baby is gold!

The previous riddle has not been solved, and there are more riddles on this woman. Who is she? What's the reason for coming to the infinite continent?

The golden baby floats in mid air and spins rapidly, followed by an incredible scene. In the rotation, the golden baby gradually splits and becomes two like a double shadow.

How can anyone have two yuan babies at the same time? Before Gu Nanxu thought about it, the two golden babies slowly returned to Yunxiu's body.

Yun Xiuyi's breathing gradually recovered evenly, but he didn't wake up.

The next day, yunxiuyi woke up like amnesia. She opened her eyes and thought for a long time before she could get back the memory of last night bit by bit.

She remembers that she went to the Yi nationality in Hunan and saw Shuiyue. Then she hid in an ancient tree to avoid Gu Nanxu. Then she fell into a coma... What happened after that? She was saved? Who can break Gu Nanxu's border to save her?

With doubts, Yun Xiuyi struggled to get up. When she saw the scene around her, she was shocked. She went around and came back.

At this moment, she was in Gu Nanxu's bedroom, and the bed under her was not the first time for her to sleep.

It's right to think about it. Since it's Gu Nanchu's border, no one can break it except him. She should be glad that Gu Nanchu didn't kill her directly and took her back to Fuli palace.


Cloud Xiuyi looked up and saw Gu Nanxu come in. The morning light came in from behind him. It seemed that the light was shining around him. It was too dazzling to look directly at him.

As if nothing had happened, Gu Nan Xu went to the bed and looked at Yun Xiu's clothes carefully. After a while, he said, "his face seems to be better."But the more calm he was, the more Yun Xiu Yi felt that he had already set a trap for her to jump, and he didn't respond, waiting for him to show his chips first, so that she could know how to deal with it to her advantage.

"What's your name?"

Gu Nanxu said to himself after asking, "Xinyue should not be your name. How can you expose your real name with your way of doing things?"

He shook his head with a smile. "The first time I met such an interesting girl, Yunwu Mountain? Disfigurement? Disappear? Water moon? Two golden babies? " Suddenly he came close to Yun Xiu's clothes, so close that his eyelashes were clear.

"How many secrets do you have?"

Two golden babies?!

Gu Nanxu said that the only thing that Yun Xiuyi was interested in was two golden yuan babies. She always knew that her yuan babies were golden, but when did they become two?

No matter Gu Nanxu has not left, Yunxiu clothes close her eyes and quickly find Yuanying in her body. When she sees that there are really two, even she is shocked.

What on earth is this? Is it related to "water moon"? It's about the red water in the pool?

Then Yun Xiuyi had a little joy. Now that she had two yuan babies, does it mean that she can practice both spirituality and soul?

The reason why I have been frustrated in Wuji mainland for such a long time is that the strength of Yunxiu clothes is not enough. Although cultivation is extremely slow, it is better than no hope!

Although he fell into the hands of Gu Nan Xu, cloud Xiu clothes mood is not from the good up.

Gu Nan Xu naturally felt her mood change and continued, "I don't know what your purpose is to come to the continent, but if you do something harmful to the continent, I won't let you go."

"Are you sure?"

Cloud Xiu clothes push away Gu Nanxu, who is close at hand, and begin to resolve the crisis for himself, "did you forget that I just helped you a big favor? No, it should be two. Of course, you saved me twice. We're even

Listen to this sentence, she should know that she used her, Gu Nan Xu is not guilty, asked, "you are deliberately led me to the White House."

Seeing that Yun Xiuyi didn't deny it, he continued, "so your purpose is to get into Fu Li palace. In this case, why do you leave in a hurry? I don't believe you can be driven away by a single nine song. "

"You want to hear the truth?"

"If you will."

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