Jun Shaoqin where can stand this insult, angry nose are crooked, and see Luo Yan'er very embarrassed lying at his feet, more angry.

"Since you can hunt so many beasts, I'll see what you can do."

With that, Jun Shaoqin attacked Yun Xiuyi. "Qiang --" before Yun Xiuyi could fight back, a sound of Qin came, and Sheng Sheng played Jun Shaoqin away.

The expression of the audience immediately changed from watching the play to surprise.

When the man with Guqin behind them appeared, they all gave way one after another. They bowed their heads respectfully and dared not breathe.

"It's your highness seven."

Shocked by all kinds of reversal plots, Zuo Qiong, who has not spoken for a long time, looks at the visitor excitedly, and the admiration in his eyes is revealed without any disguise.

Is that him?

Seeing the visitor, Yun Xiuyi was also slightly surprised that the zither player was Junfu, the seventh Prince of Dongyue empire.

Among all the children in Junlin, Junfu has the highest talent. If he wants to, he will be the next emperor of Dongyue empire. There is no junshaoqin at all.

But this Junfu didn't want to be emperor. He indulged in cultivation all day. Even Junlin wanted to see him.

What's more, Junfu was gifted and could have practiced spiritually, but he chose the most difficult one.

Moreover, there are all kinds of magic weapons in the palace, so he once again unexpectedly chose Guqin as his training.

In other people's eyes, Jun Fu's behavior is unconventional, but in Jun Shaoqin's eyes, he is clearly laughing at his mediocre talent, and he can't compare with him through all kinds of hardships.

"Why does the fourth brother beat women?"

You help to jump to the stage, a face disdain, compared with the previous lazy Su Sha breath, now he is quite Prince dignified, momentum completely crush Jun Shaoqin.

Jun Shaoqin's face turned black. "Seven younger brothers don't know that this woman is not a serious woman. She is full of lies and insults me. I'm training her for the bishop of the cloud family."

If Jun Fu didn't know what virtue he was, he would have cheated him.

"But seven younger brothers, why are you here?"

"It's not nonsense! I came to the hidden fog forest to hunt ghosts and beasts. Did I come to visit mountains and waters? "

With these words, not only Jun Shaoqin and Luo Yan'er are stunned, but also the elder Xingchen's face has changed. Now he has linked Jun Fu with the corpses of those ghosts.

If the other party is Jun Fu, it is possible to kill jiu'er.

But the murderer is barely found, but Jun Fu's identity is put there, in addition to Jun Lin Dongyue Empire, who dares to touch him half a hair?

Let's forget it! Xingchen couldn't swallow it at one breath. Finally, he asked angrily, "Your Highness, why do you want to kill my jiuer?"

Jiuer? What nine?

Looking at this man's forbearance, it seems that he was not wronged for no reason.

Xingchen continued, "my nine son is a nine headed bird and soul beast. I think his Highness has killed too many soul beasts. I don't remember at all."

When he said these words, Xingchen was gnashing his teeth. The nine birds he kept as his baby were killed by the man in front of him. If you don't say it, you can't remember such a thing.

Nine headed birds?

Although Junfu doesn't know elder Xingchen, jiutouniao still knows him. This ghost beast is a rare thing. How can he not remember it if he encounters it?

"Do you mean that your nine birds died in the hidden fog forest today?"



Jun Fu is thoughtful. It turns out that this man misunderstood that he killed his nine birds. Don't they know that he is not the only one killed in the hidden fog forest today?

I don't know. He looks at Yunxiu's clothes with great interest. This little girl hides her spiritual power so well that even Yuan Ying can't find it. He really can't connect her with the people who slaughtered the ghost animals.

Jun Fu wanted to threaten the little girl, but her face was magnanimous and her eyes were not shy.

As if to tell him that even if he confessed her, no one would believe her.

Oh! He didn't blame her for leaving at the bottom of the cliff without saying goodbye. She made him take the blame again. However, this favor will be recovered in the future.

"There are too many ghosts and beasts killed today. I can't remember what you said about the nine headed birds. Since you think I killed them, I killed them!"Jun Fu's cynical attitude angered Stardust even more.

"Since it was done unintentionally by his highness seven, I can't blame him. I just hope that he can see what's on the opposite side before he hunts ghosts and beasts in the future."

"You mean if I did it on purpose, you're going to blame me?"


Xingchen didn't expect that this Junfu didn't give him any face. He was so angry that even the tip of his brow was shaking. However, due to his identity, he had to keep calm. "I didn't dare. I said the wrong thing."

"She didn't want the reward! I don't think the fourth brother can see the animal yuan of hundreds of years. I'd better give it to you! Just a little compensation. "

Jun Fu said light, not only insulted Jun Shaoqin again, but also humiliated the stars and dust thoroughly. Since then, the Liang Zi has been married.

"Since there's nothing wrong, I'll take her away."

In fact, Jun fuben didn't want to appear in the hunting competition. He just happened to pass by to see the little girl bullied by Jun Shaoqin. He didn't even think about it and stepped forward. He didn't know when he became so reckless.

See cloud Xiu clothes standing in situ did not move, Jun Fu specially walked to her side, whispered, "if you don't go, they won't let you go easily!"

Cloud Xiu clothes weigh the next human value is not worth owe, finally decided to follow Jun help to leave.

"Help elder brother, she is cloud Xiu clothes." Seeing that Jun Fu is about to leave with Yun Xiu's clothes, Luo Yan'er, who has been lying on the ground, screams.

Today, this waste has done her best and made her lose face. Now even Junfu is helping her. How can she be?

Among the people like Junfu, Longfeng is much more outstanding than junshaoqin in both talent and appearance. Not only Zuoli likes him, but Luo Yan'er also likes him since he was a child.

But Junfu never wants to see her more. Fortunately, he is very talented, but he doesn't want to take the throne.

She Luo Yan'er wants to be the future queen, so she does not hesitate to give up Jun Fu and turn to Jun Shaoqin.

Originally, she had put down her obsession with Jun Fu. Why did he bother to help Yun Xiu dress today? Why is this waste cloud Xiu clothing?

Even if it's something she doesn't want, it can't be cheap.

"Cloud Xiu clothes?"

It turns out that her name is yunxiuyi, "it sounds good."

Seeing that Junfu didn't understand his meaning, Luo Yan'er continued to roar, "brother Fu doesn't like these things at ordinary times. Maybe she is not familiar with the name. She is the only one in the East moon Empire who doesn't have a palace of life."

"That's it When it comes to the only person in Dongyue Empire who doesn't have a palace of life, Junfu has some impression, like the dementia lady of the cloud family.

Is she the dementia lady?


This is the first time that he is interested in other things besides cultivation. There is no palace of life, right? He wants to see what medicine the little girl sells in the gourd.

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