As soon as the hunting contest was over, the news that the cloud family's big miss of scrap wood was going to fight the third miss of Luo family's genius spread all over the streets.

Everyone is looking forward to the decisive day.

Even Luo Yan'er disappeared for several days. He must have been concentrating on his cultivation at home. He taught Yun Xiu Yi a lesson for the day of decisive battle.

Back to the hunting competition that day.

Luo Yan'er tried every means to wipe the image of black cloud Xiu clothes, and even moved the matter of Ning Xue Lou out again, emphasizing that she was a woman who did her best.

However, the worse she described Yun Xiu's clothes, the more interested Jun Fu was.

He has seen the strength of Yun Xiu's clothes. If he wants to win, he has to work hard, so the word waste in their mouth can't affect him.

Besides, what about waste?

Isn't he a monster in other people's eyes? If there is a shortcut, we should not take a detour. We should not put the position of the "Nine Five" in front of us.

As for people

Jun help not from narcissism for a while, can easily resist his beauty, cloud Xiu clothes how can see others? Or the dirty dandy of Ning Xue Lou?

I don't believe it. I don't know who this little girl has offended. Rumors spread about her so badly.

In the face of Jun Fu's oil and salt, Luo Yan'er can only give up temporarily. Fortunately, Yun Xiu Yi has promised to fight with her in Zhuque street.

No matter how bad her heretics were, she vowed to let her suffer and die.

Looking at Yunxiu's clothes, she had a pastoral life since the hunting competition. She worked hard in their dilapidated yard every day and didn't worry about the war in a few days.

But Qingyao, every day anxious to turn around, advised yunxiuyi several times to let her go to apologize, but she did not listen, also let her rest assured.

How can she rest assured?

It's said that Luo Yan'er is very good. Even Yun Jinyan is not an opponent, not to mention her silly daughter who has no power to bind a chicken. This time Xiuyi went to the first battle of the appointment, it was clear that she was going to die!

In addition to the cloud Xiuyi incomparably quiet, the cloud couple are also very quiet these days.

The main reason is that Qin Yuman is too badly injured in the palace, and his vitality is greatly damaged. So far, he can't get out of bed. Yun Jinyan has something to do with Yun Xiuyi, and he doesn't dare to act rashly.

What's more, they are all waiting for the day of decisive battle to come early, and Luo Yan'er will solve Yunxiu clothes without them.

One by one, they have a good abacus.

This day, Yun Xiuyi just poured water for the herbs in the yard, and he disguised himself.

It's not that she wants to do something shameful. It's really that the people in the East moon Empire have no brains and regard Luo Yan'er as a goddess one by one.

That's OK. After all, the aesthetic standards of every era are different.

But every day they guard outside the door of Yun's house, which bothers Yun Xiuyi very much, and they always prepare baskets of cabbage and eggs to throw at her.

Cloud Xiu clothing is really distressed by those wasted cabbage and eggs, which forced to secretly leave the cloud home.

She is actually going to Mo Xi Lou today.

After such a long time, he finally wanted to fulfill his original promise to take Yunxiu clothes to find the alchemy furnace and fire, and the location was not far away, just in Zhuque street.

The place where Mo Xi Lou takes Yun Xiu's clothes is called Fang Lou. It's said that it's a shop where you can find treasures in the world.

But the owner of the building is a very strange person. In addition to money, it also depends on his mood. If he is in a bad mood on that day, even if the buyer throws a lot of money, he can't take what he likes.

The reasons for his bad mood are various.

Either you don't have enough breakfast, or the weather is too hot, or the buyer is too ugly, all in all, there are reasons.

So his reputation in Dongyue empire is mixed, but his business has always been good. After all, fanglou is like a treasure house, only you can't think of, not what he can't find.

When yunxiuyi followed moxilou to fanglou, there were not many guests in it.

She looked around and felt that the building was like an ordinary antique shop. The front hall was not big, with a few pieces of China lying in it. She could see the end at a glance.

"Are you sure there's an alchemy furnace and a fire here?"


Cloud Xiu clothes dubious went to the shopkeeper in front of, "I want to buy superior alchemy furnace and fire."The shopkeeper looked up at Yun Xiu's clothes and said, "it's really rare that someone should buy something that others may not want."

He pointed to a wooden door beside him, "go in! Bring good things and pay me. "

So simple?

Cloud Xiu clothes don't understand of hope toward Mo Xi Lou, isn't he say that the alchemy stove and the fire all can meet can't ask of thing? How can I buy it now without any trouble?

However, Mo Xi Lou was wearing a veil and a hat all day long. She couldn't see his expression or guess his intention.

"Let's go!"

Mo Xi Lou goes in first. He naturally understands what she thinks. If they can't touch the owner of the building in the whole process, everything is simple. If they don't happen to meet, it must be another entanglement.

Cloud Xiu clothes into the wooden door, only to find that there is another cave.

In front of you, you can't see the end of the shelf which is hundreds of meters high. The compartment of the shelf is full of all kinds of goods. People are busy on the long wooden ladder.

Cloud Xiu clothes with the door with a pen to register the people said what they need.

The man picked up the bell and shook it. Then he said a series of numbers to the bell. Soon a basket slipped down the wire.

The whole process was accomplished at one go, and it was incredibly smooth.

After paying the money, Yun Xiuyi threw the alchemy furnace and the sealed fire into the heaven and earth cauldron. He thought that the journey was over perfectly.

As a result, before she left the building, a woman who was very similar to Luo Yan'er blocked her way.

"Oh, who should I be! Isn't this the waste of the cloud family? Why do you come out and hang out before the decisive battle? Is that self abandonment? "

The arrogant and domineering woman in front of her is Luo Rou, Luo Yan'er's sister.

The three brothers and sisters of the Luo family, Luo Lang and Luo Yan'er, want to be more and more pretentious. They pretend to be kind and harmless everywhere.

However, Luo Rou, the second young lady, completely follows Luo Rui's hot temper. She always thinks highly of herself and doesn't pay attention to anyone.

"Speak! I only know you are a fool, but I didn't expect you to be dumb! Ah -- "

Luo rouzheng said excited, I do not know why suddenly fell to the ground.

She screamed and looked angrily at Yunxiu's clothes. "Yan'er said you know magic, but I don't believe it. I didn't expect that you really learned these heretics."

The fall had nothing to do with her.

Cloud Xiu clothes turn head to see Mo Xi Lou, this person usually days fall down all motionless, today how so can't sink gas? That's it?

Luo Rou awkwardly got up from the ground, "today I don't want to worry about you, as long as you kneel down on the ground and knock a hundred heads, I immediately don't remember the villain, forgive you."


Cloud Xiu clothes sneer, "you and Luo Yan son who is fierce?"

"What do you mean?" Afraid of the deception in yunxiuyi's words, Luo Rou stares at her warily.

"It's meaningless. I just want to tell you that even Luo Yan'er can't do anything to me. What do you think you can change?"

"You --"

Yun Xiuyi thinks that she's saying more and more now. She thought that ignoring her will solve the problem, but later she found that her tolerance can only get the other party's further efforts over and over again.

No way, she can only waste saliva on these people.

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