"Cloud Xiu clothes, don't deceive people too much!"

It seems that this person's brain is not very good. It is clear that she is in the way, but now she is accused of deceiving others too much.

"Oh! I know. Is it Luo Yan'er who is afraid and specially asked you to ask me for mercy? "

Without waiting for Luo Rou to retort, Yun Xiuyi continued, "say it earlier! At least we are related to each other. I'm sure I won't kill her. "

"You --"

Luo Rou was so angry that her chest heaved violently that she suddenly pulled out the whip that was not on her waist and threw it at Yun Xiu's clothes. With a sound of "pa --", a piece of porcelain lying on one side fell to the ground and broke.

The shopkeeper of fanglou, who has been watching the opera, just came over and said, "ouch, my two aunts and grandmothers, if you want to fight, don't make trouble here, OK? You should have heard that our master has a bad temper. If he knows, we'll have no good fruit to eat! "

Luo Rou naturally knows the owner of the building. Don't say that her father Luo Rui doesn't dare to offend him easily. Even Junlin wants to give him three parts of face.

"Trash, let's go out and fight."

"Who said to fight you?"

"I knew you were afraid and wouldn't fight me."

Cloud Xiu clothes help forehead a face distress, "I know you are love younger sister heart, but so many people look at! You must influence me before the decisive battle. I'm afraid it's not good for Luo Yan'er and the reputation of the Luo family! "

Unknowingly, there were many people outside the building, one by one stretching their necks and looking in.

"Hum, don't put gold on your face. You are not the opponent of Yan'er in ten."

Luo Rou said, another whip thrown out, "crackle" a harsh sound, next to a row of porcelain cabinet are broken.

But Yun Xiu's clothes were intact.

"Is there something wrong with Miss Luo Er's whip! Why don't you fight at that rubbish, but you have to break the porcelain next to it! "

"Yes! I don't know if those porcelains are worth money

"Nonsense, can the things of Sufang master be worthless! But where is the status of Miss Luo Er! The master of Su Fang can't do anything about her. It's the waste of the cloud family. It's miserable! "

People outside the square building are talking about it, and they want to see how Yun Xiu's clothes end in the end.

One after another, Luo Rou doesn't hit Yun Xiu's clothes with two lashes. The way she looks at Yun Xiu's clothes is very strange. She is clearly waving the whip at her. How can she deviate so much?

It must be magic again.

With scruples in her heart, Luo Rou didn't dare to do it again. Instead, she continued to speak rudely. "Listen to Yan'er, you've changed a lot since that night. It's true to see you today."

She sneered, "Yan'er still defends for you, saying that you must have something to hide. I think you are cheap. You are crazy to think of a man and run to the place like Ning Xue Lou."

People watching the play outside the square took a breath.

Cloud Xiu clothes in Ningxue building, they don't know how many times to chat after dinner, didn't expect to speak out from Luo Rou now, still very powerful.

And this young lady of the cloud family is not ugly! I don't dress up like a fairy. What kind of man can't I find?

The people who watched the play thought so in their hearts, and their eyes were sweeping around Yunxiu's clothes with bad intentions, thinking about some dirty things in their hearts.

This time, he didn't use Mo Xi Lou's hand. Yun Xiu's hand in his sleeve moved slightly, and the invisible powder floated out with the dust.

Outside the square building, there was an instant scream like killing a pig.

I saw the group of people have covered their eyes, kept saying "good pain ah!"“ I can't see! " The scene was spectacular.

This powder is made from the heartbreak grass in the valley. Due to the limitation of tools, its purity is not high.

In fact, it can't kill so many people if they are used separately. As for their eyes, they can't be blind, but their eyesight will not be as good as before.

Luo Rou, who is closest to the gate of fanglou, is also flustered to see this picture.

Yun Xiuyi sighed. It turned out to be a paper tiger. "Sister Rou, even if you don't like me any more and beat me a few more whips, why do you want to attack these innocent people?"

"You - I didn't."

Luo Rou realized that she had been designed, "waste, it must be you, it must be you."

"Sister Rou, don't do me wrong. You say I'm rubbish. How can I do these things? Besides, with you in front of them, I dare not do it! "Luo Rou was so hot tempered that she lost her mind completely. "I'm going to kill you."

She waved the whip toward the cloud Xiuyi rushed over, cloud Xiuyi a flash, has passed Luo Rou moved to the door, Luo Rou rushed to empty, turned around again.

The whip in his hand waved wildly, whipping the crowd of onlookers who were covering their eyes.

Cloud Xiu clothes at this time and add oil and vinegar of say, "soft elder sister, you this is to rush to destroy their mouth?"? It's a bit too heavy to start! "

"Don't talk nonsense, bitch."

Seeing the little girl outside playing happily, Mo Xi Lou laughs and worries. The stronger she is in the future, the harder it will be to control.

"Oh, someone ate the bear heart and the leopard gall to make trouble on the owner's site."

Just when Luo Rou was almost insane, a luxurious carriage stopped outside the square building. The people in the carriage said vicious words, but the voice was with a smile.

"Let the owner guess. Do you know that the owner will come to the building at this time, so you can amuse the owner in the performance?"

Even if these people couldn't see, they had already recognized that it was su Zixiang, the owner of the building. They stopped wailing one by one, and the atmosphere didn't dare to breathe.

Just as they are secretly glad that Su Zixiang seems to be in a good mood today, the other side's words change.

"But I don't think it's funny?"

A group of people, including Luo Rou, raised their hearts. After all, Luo Rou was born in a famous family. She was a person who had seen a big scene. She calmed down before those who watched the play.

"Sufang master, you don't know that a mad dog broke into your building today. I'm teaching her a lesson for you!"


Su Zixiang swept the crowd with different interests, and finally fixed his eyes on Yunxiu's clothes.

In fact, he has been here for a while, and what happened here can't escape his eyes, including how to poison Yunxiu's clothes and tease Luorou.

A waste without a palace of life has such ability. He wants to see what she is.

"The master of the workshop only believes what he sees. Since you two are making trouble in the workshop, go to the Colosseum according to the rules of the workshop."

Fang Lou does have such a clear provision that all those who make trouble in Fang Lou, regardless of their status, should be thrown into the Colosseum. If you can live out, it will be written off, and the building will never be investigated again.

But so far, no one can come out of the Colosseum.

The so-called Colosseum is the place where Su Zixiang keeps pets. These pets, like those in Junlin, are all rare and exotic animals. What's different is that the exotic animals in the palace are all domesticated, while the exotic animals in Su Zixiang Colosseum are all wild and cruel.

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