Luo Rou a listen to immediately scared soft leg, "Su Fang Lord, my father is Luo Rui."

"So what?"

Luo Rou is even more flustered to see that Su Zixiang doesn't have any room for turning. Among the three brothers and sisters, she has the lowest talent. After so many years of training with a whip, she is still a weak weapon.

In the past, she was arrogant and domineering as the second miss of the Luo family, and no one dared to do anything to her, so she gradually forgot that she was weak.

Now she will be thrown into the Colosseum by Su Zixiang, and she will die with her strength.

"Sufang master, please make a price! How many gold coins will you let me go? " Luo family has no other money, but she can't use it all her life. As long as Su Zixiang can offer a price, she will be willing to pay it.

Listen to Luo Rou's words, Su Zixiang quite disdain, "this Fang Lord looks very short of money!"

"No, no, the Sufang master misunderstood. Since it can be solved with money, it's better not to hurt the harmony between the fanglou and the Luo family. What do you think, Sufang master?"

Is this wagging head and tail person Luo Rou who was arrogant and domineering before?

Presumably, all the people of the Luo family have gone to learn acting skills, and they all let Yun Xiuyi forget their original nature.

"All right! The owner of the shop has no reason to refuse. " Su Zixiang lifted the curtain and looked up and down at Luo Rou, frowning, "and my beasts may not like to eat you."

A word choked Luo Rou's anger again, but she didn't dare to get angry at Su Zixiang's face, but she cursed Su Zixiang thousands of times in her heart.

The door of the carriage was pushed open by two beautiful maids inside. A man in a broad purple brocade robe leans lazily on the collapse. His narrow eyes look like spring water. In the dust, he carries a deep charm.

The corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and the Phoenix eyes and stars are only swept lightly. Luo Rou has forgotten her curse, and her heart is beating irregularly.

It is Su Zixiang, the owner of the building, who charms all living beings.

Su Zixiang's slender fingers hold a crystal clear glass cup. The wine inside is as lustrous as jade. He wantonly raises his head and drinks it in one gulp. He gives the glass cup to the maid beside him.

"How should the second lady of the Luo family price? If it's less, isn't it disrespect for Miss Luo Er? "

Su Zixiang's words make Luo Rou's heart thump for a while, and instantly wake up from his beauty. The price is less, and it really seems that he has dropped the price. But if it's too high, it's a big loss for Luo's family.

Luo Rou was in a dilemma for a moment, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

"The master of our workshop will give you time to think, so as not to say that the master of our workshop is unkind." Then Su Zixiang got out of the carriage and went to yunxiuyi.

It seems that Su Zixiang is really a waste without a palace of life. His interest in Yunxiu clothes has been greatly reduced.

"Since they are all troublemakers, our owners will treat them equally, and you can set a price for yourself."

The steps were all there. Yunxiu's clothes were unreasonable. She took out a ten year old beast yuan from the heaven and earth cauldron and handed it to Su Zixiang. "Thank you, master Su Fang."


Not to mention Su Zixiang's mouth trembled in shock, even Luo Rou said with a sneer, "you know you're worthless."

Even children who have not been trained can get the animal yuan of these ten years, and they may be able to pick it up when they walk on the street. No one is rare at all. This waste has been taken with them all the time, and the cloud family is small enough.

But Su Zixiang on the opposite side of Yunxiu's clothes didn't pick up either. After all, he said what he said, and he couldn't go back on it, but the ten-year beast yuan picked up his hands.

See Su Zixiang shrank back, cloud Xiu clothes and ten years beast Yuan Dynasty in front of him.

Until Su Zixiang couldn't avoid it, he picked up the beast yuan in disgust, and then threw it to the maid beside him like a hot potato.

"Since the Qing Dynasty, I'll leave."

Cloud Xiu clothes give Mo Xi Lou a look, two people then avoid public to go.

At this time, Su Zixiang noticed the existence of Mo Xilou. He was always observant, but he didn't notice him from beginning to end.

It's much more difficult to completely hide your own breath than to find a sense of existence. When did Dongyue Empire have so many interesting people?

Later, Yun Xiuyi overhears the maid of the Yun family talking about it. That day, after she left the building, Luo Rou used 10000 gold coins to redeem herself.

At the same time, it also makes Luo Rui bleed. He is so angry that he has nothing to do with Su Zixiang.How can one's own value be determined by a few words from others? The second miss of the Luo family is really rich and powerful. She gave Su Zixiang a large sum of money for nothing.

With the alchemy furnace, fire, and all kinds of herbs, yunxiuyi started her alchemy journey.

At first, there was no prescription for Dongyue Empire, so she refined some medicines she used to use. When moxilou did not know where to find all kinds of prescriptions for the elixir, she devoted herself to the elixir.

There are three kinds of pills in Dongyue Empire, one is common, the other is medium, the third is superior, and the common and medium pills are more common.

The top three elixirs are the miraculous elixirs in our mouth. Ordinary people have no happiness at all.

With his own medical attainments, together with his research and Mo Xilou's guidance during this period, Yun Xiuyi was soon able to skillfully use kindling.

And the proportion of herbs in those prescriptions is not difficult for her.

In addition to the first few failures, a lot of medicinal materials and spiritual power were wasted. After that, all the pills were made with rich spiritual power. Although they were not up to the best level, they were valuable.

Although most of his energy was spent on refining pills, Yun Xiuyi did not forget to practice for a moment.

With the blessing of elixir and the high year beast yuan she hunted in the hidden fog forest, she was promoted to the seventh level spirit in a few days, two levels higher than Luo Yan'er.

And there's only one day left for the decisive battle with Luo Yan'er

Since Yun Xiuyi learned how to make pills, their dilapidated yard has always had aura overflow. The servants of the Yun family get together to discuss everything and hang around outside the yard from time to time to see what their silly young lady is doing.

Yun Jinyan naturally knew about it, and it took him several days to step into the courtyard of Yun Xiuyi.

As soon as he gets out of the house, before he pushes the door in, Yun Jinyan feels the fluctuation of his spiritual power. He kicks open the door of Yun Xiuyi's room with an excited kick, but sees that Yun Xiuyi sits on the chair with a calm face and looks at him.

Yun Jinyan always felt that she was waiting for him, and he was like a lamb to be slaughtered.

"How can you come here today?"

"I -" Yun Jin said for a moment, and then felt that he was the head of the cloud family. His tone was a bit tough. "This is the cloud family. Why can't I come?"

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