Although there are some villains taking advantage of the danger at this time, Yun Xiuyi thinks that this is the best time to take back the heaven and earth tripod, so he says to Mo Xi, "where is the heaven and earth tripod? My pills and herbs are in it. "

Originally immersed in a sad atmosphere, Fox and Guanguan were stunned when they heard this sentence. They soon recovered their composure and did not dare to let Mo Xilou find anything unusual.

Yunxiu clothing is Yunxiu clothing, bull force! I don't forget to calculate at this time.

After listening to this, Mo Xilou looks at Yun Xiu's clothes for a while, and then the heaven and earth tripod appears in his palm, as if to discard useless things. Mo Xilou throws the heaven and earth tripod in the past.

Yun Xiuyi immediately reached out to catch it steadily. After confirming that everything in it had not been lost except "Jinghua", she felt a sense of joy in her heart. The corner of her mouth couldn't help rising slightly, but she didn't let Mo Xilou notice because she turned around in time.

The same can not hide the joy of irrigation, although the food of Nalan people is better than insects, but if it has to choose, it still prefers sugar beans.

After taking out a few precious herbs and rare pills from the heaven and earth cauldron, Yun Xiuyi immediately put away the heaven and earth cauldron. Then he turned his attention to the two Nalan sisters and began to treat them wholeheartedly.

If they only rely on ordinary methods, they will not be able to get out of bed in half a year. If they want to get quick results and completely recover from nature, they still need to rely on "floating ashes".

Yun Xiuyi does not shy away from Mo Xilou. In front of him, he shows "floating embers". With a string of mysterious golden characters twining Nalan's two sisters, their injuries recover at the speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, their broken viscera are also recovering at the same speed. It took only half a stick of incense time for Nalan and her two sisters to turn rosy.

Fox and irrigation have long been familiar with the strange, the old God sat on the side to observe nalanyun and nalandot.

However, Mo Xi Lou stares at Yun Xiu Yi in surprise. What kind of skill does this woman use? How come he never heard of it?

In other people's eyes, the big things in front of yunxiuyi is really like a piece of cake. After stopping "floating embers", yunxiuyi has a way to feed nalanyun and nalandou pills.

Then he threw several herbs from the heaven and earth cauldron to the side table and said, "decoct."

"Keke --"

With bouts of severe cough, nalanyun opened her eyes first. Her eyes were empty and her expression was confused. She seemed to be talking to herself, "am I dead? How can't you feel the pain? " With that, she saw Mo Xi Lou and Yun Xiu Yi not far away.

Brain blank for a moment, immediately wake up, nalanyun flustered want to get out of bed, but Mo Xilou raised her hand to stop, so she knelt down on the bed to admit her mistake, "master forgive me, I and duo Er failed to complete the task."

"No harm."

Originally, Mo Xilou didn't expect nalanyun and nalandou to solve the "water moon" problem smoothly. They just sent them to test shuimurong, but they almost killed them.

After confirming that Mo Xi Lou was not angry, the stone hanging in Na LAN Yun's heart was put down, and then he continued to wonder why he didn't do anything.

"It's yunxiuyi who saved you. Don't be surprised!"

Irrigation really can't see that nalanyun can't understand it. He takes the initiative to solve her doubts. Of course, it also has selfishness. It just wants to tell everyone that their Yunxiu clothes are powerful! More powerful than the great immortal!

When nalanyun was shocked to see Xiang Yunxiu's clothes, a maid's voice came from outside the hall, "master of the realm, the patriarch has come back to see two young ladies."

"Come in!"

As soon as the words fell, the door of the hall was pushed open. A middle-aged man in black clothes quickly came in. He looked sad and his eyes were full of blood. However, before he had time to ask about the situation of Mo Xi Lou, he was stunned there.

The middle-aged man looked at nalanyun, who was in a good mental state though his face was stained with blood, and looked at nalandot, who was lying beside her and breathing evenly, full of doubts in his heart.

"Master, what's going on? They told me that yun'er and duo'er were dying. How... "

Without waiting for Mo Xi Lou to open his mouth, the doctor who had been guarding outside the hall staggered in. His surprise and doubt were no less than that of the middle-aged man. "How can he come back from the dead?"

He looked at Yun Xiu Yi with the eyes of the devil. For a long time, he didn't know what to say. Finally, he said repeatedly, "immortal! I've really met a fairy! "

Then the doctor said to the middle-aged man, "patriarch, the original two Miss Nalan are really helpless. We all have a weak heart! I didn't expect that this girl saved them in a very short time. It's really admirable"I see."

Although he was still very confused, the middle-aged man politely bowed to yunxiuyi, "thank you for saving my daughter's life. I don't want to thank you for your kindness. If I have a place for Nalan people in the future, I will devote myself to it."

"You are welcome, patriarch."

No matter how to weigh, Yun Xiuyi thinks that it's worth saving Nalan and her two sisters this time. It's so easy to get back the heaven and earth tripod from Mo Xilou. In principle, she should thank naranyun and narandot.

However, after solving the problem of the two Nalan sisters, the head of the Nalan clan was still worried. "I don't know if the master of the territory heard that all the rivers in the infinite continent were poisoned overnight."


"Yes The Nalan clan chief breathed a sigh, "even if there are a large number of people on the other side, it is impossible to travel to every corner of the limitless continent in a short time." Even if they have countless horns in their hands, tigers can't do it.

Therefore, the only explanation is the God of water and moon. They should have poisoned the spirit water to spread to the whole continent so fast.

Now that the Wuji continent has been controlled by the Xiang Yi people, does the person who poisoned want to deal with the Xiang Yi people? But Gu Nanxu decided not to do such a vicious thing. He ruled out Fuli palace. The most suspect is xingsuhai Pavilion.

"The drinking water in every part of the Wuji continent comes from the spiritual water of the Xiang Yi people. Water is also the source of life. Do you want to let everyone die of poison or thirst?"

The head of the Nalan tribe paced back and forth, as if only in this way could he slightly relieve his restlessness.

At this time, the doctor said, "since it's poisoning, we will detoxify it. The process may be slow, but it's better than sitting here waiting to die." Said he looked at cloud Xiu clothes, "and have this girl in, I think any poison can solve."

So much for her?

Yun Xiuyi stood quietly and did not express his opinion on this matter. On the contrary, the head of Nalan clan immediately woke up after listening to the doctor's words, "girl, do you want to help Wuji land through this difficulty?"

"Chief Nalan, do you know who I am?"

Yun Xiuyi did not directly refuse or agree to the request of the Nalan clan leader, but calmly said, "maybe the people in the limitless continent do not want me to save them, and even they want me to disappear in the limitless continent immediately."

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