The head of Nalan clan was puzzled when he heard that the doctor didn't know what he meant. Finally, Nalan Yun answered for Yunxiu, "father, she is the lady of Fuli palace."


Nalan Jin, the head of Nalan clan, looks shocked. It seems that many things happened during his absence. Why did the lady of the palace leader appear in Nalan? What's more, he saved yun'er and duo'er just now?

The words "palace master's wife" are now more terrifying than poison in Wuji continent, and the doctor did not dare to speak.

However, the shock in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time. He had just seen the strength of the palace master's wife. Combined with various rumors from the outside world, if the woman was not an immortal, she must be a monster. No wonder everyone thinks she is a monster, which is reasonable.

"Because of successive changes, many people have lost their minds and become crazy. The lady of the palace master really shouldn't come forward at this time."

Even if she is willing to come forward to save the limitless continent, she is afraid that the Yi people in Hunan will be surrounded by the mobs before she gets there.

At the moment, shuimurong, a member of the Yi nationality in Hunan Province, looks at the middle-aged man opposite him without expression. "Should the pavilion leader explain what this means?" Although he was questioning, shuimurong's tone was not sharp, even a little tired and powerless.

"Of course, I'll help you!"

The middle-aged man opposite shuimurong was the leader of Xingxiu sea Pavilion. He said with a smile, "our goal is not to make the Wuji land more chaotic. Believe me, the best way to force Gu Nanchu is to make the people of Wuji land desperate."

Without giving shuimurong the space to think, the owner of Xingxiu sea Pavilion continued, "is the saint softhearted? Yes, if it wasn't for the kindness of the saint, I wouldn't have watched the palace master snatched away by others. "

Shuimurong naturally knew that he was exciting her, but he didn't get angry. "Have you ever thought that you would hurt the enemy by doing this?"

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you'll get the tiger's son."

"Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do. You want to drive me and Gu Nanchu to a desperate situation together. How can you take advantage of it?" Shuimurong laughed. "It's taboo to underestimate the enemy's rash advance. I advise you not to look too ugly."

When was the leader of Xingxiu sea Pavilion scolded by a little girl pointing to her nose? Her face suddenly became very ugly, but she forbade her anger.

"The saint said, I dare not look down on you."

When they finally suppressed their anger, their topic became Yun Xiuyi again. "This poisoning incident can be put on that bitch. Now she is notorious in Wuji continent. If you stir up the flames a little, those stupid people will believe it."

"Since there are ready-made scapegoats, please make good use of them."

The poisoning incident this time obviously had a greater impact than the strange disease last time. In only half a day, the bodies everywhere had piled up into mountains.

Cloud Xiuyi originally wanted to sit and ignore, but Jinli breathlessly came to Nalan, "Xiuyi elder sister." She ran while calling cloud Xiu clothes, holding the hands of white flowers do not know what to take.

When he finally stops in front of Yun Xiu's clothes, Jinli gasps, and his little face turns red.

After a long delay, she raised her head and continued, "sister Xiuyi, sister Xiyan of the white family..." speaking of this, Jinli suddenly choked.

It took her a long time for her grief to subside.

"Sister Xiyan passed away. When the Bai family came to find brother Nanxu, they were unable to return to the sky. Before she left, she asked me to give this to a doctor named Yun mo. sister Xiyan said that Yun Mo belonged to sister Xiuyi. If I can't find him, just give it to sister Xiuyi. "

As Jin Li said, he handed a white silk handkerchief to Yun Xiuyi. Yun Xiuyi reached out and took it. It was written in beautiful small characters:

There are trees in the mountains, and there are branches in the trees. You don't know if you are happy.

"Why did she give it to yunmo?" I don't know why cloud Xiu clothes with silk handkerchief fingers slightly trembled, a trace of confusion flashed through the eyes.

Jinli was immersed in the atmosphere of sadness, and was confused by yunxiuyi. Then she said, "sister Xiyan should like yunmo! She cried before she died, and said she wanted to see Yun Mo again. "

"Like it?"

"Well, I like it." I can't think of any other reasons besides liking Jinli.

She used to change her appearance into cloud and ink, and approached Bai Xiyan completely by using her to re mingle with Fuli palace. During that period, she never did anything that made Bai Xiyan misunderstand. How could she fall in love with her?

From junjinyao to shuimurong to baixiyan, yunxiuyi seems to be more and more confused about the meaning of "like", as if everyone's interpretation of it is different.Whether it is intentional or being used, Bai Xiyan has always helped himself. Yun Xiuyi thinks that he should go to see her off for the last time.

Although Bai Xiyan should want to see her changed into yunmo, but he Jinli has been following yunxiuyi. If she suddenly disappears, yunmo will appear, everything seems too deliberate, so yunxiuyi simply does not change.

However, as expected, she was surrounded by the mob before she arrived at Bai's house.

It is obvious that this mob has been instigated before, and it is also intentional to let them stay here, otherwise they will not recognize her at all.

One by one, the mobs were red eyed, and they were about to cut the clothes of Yunxiu into pieces. They all yelled, "get out of the limitless land, demon girl."

Fox thought, these people are really kind, as long as they leave the infinite continent, they will be satisfied.

But the next moment, the mob raised all kinds of weapons in their hands, including knives, swords, axes and sickles. They were all very sharp, and they were obviously well prepared.

Looking at the rioting faces in front of her, what Yun Xiuyi thought at the moment was to kill them all from her point of view. But if Gu Nanxu is taken into consideration, she can't rush to fight, so she stands in the same place and turns a deaf ear to them.

"Don't do that. It's not her fault at all." Jinli is afraid to die, but she keeps in front of Yunxiu's clothes for fear that she will be hurt.

However, where the mobs heard Jinli's words, their eyes became fierce. Finally, Jinli roared hoarse and gave up reasoning with these people in front of her.

After the stalemate for a long time, those mobs could not help their restless heart, and slowly narrowed the encirclement, trying to catch Yun Xiuyi and others.

Just when the weapons in their hands were close enough to touch Yunxiu's clothes, the fox suddenly became bigger and stood in front of Yunxiu's clothes.

"This girl has many scruples and doesn't want to hurt your life. I have no taboo. I want to see who dares to hurt this girl's hair. " Then the fox bared his tusks and claws.

Looking at the giant fox in front of him, someone in the crowd immediately yelled, "it's this monster who killed miss bailingxi."

When the fox heard this, his hair trembled. Why didn't he remember that Bailing River was killed by him? I didn't expect that these craftsmen would dare to frame up the king of ten thousand demons.

If it's spread out, how can it mix in the world of monsters and beasts? How to lead the demon and beast world?

But the fox was just about to teach the mob a lesson, but behind him came the voice of Yun Xiu, "Xinyue, why do you want to protect me?"

This is not the first time that the fox protects the body of cloud Xiu. She didn't care before, but today she asks such a question for the first time. With these words, the fox's hair trembled even more.

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