"You..." Gu Nan Xu has a sad face. He doesn't know whether shuimurong has changed or whether she has always been this kind of temperament. She just hid it before and didn't let anyone notice.

"Have you ever thought that even if we are together, you may not be happy."

"How do you know if you win or lose without gambling?" Water wood Rong exhausted whole body strength to roar out this sentence, "you even don't want to give me an opportunity, why deny me?"

Shuimurong takes a few deep breaths and tries to stabilize her mood. She grabs Gu Nanxu's arm and almost pleads, "maybe after we get together, you will find that you have feelings for me? Maybe we'll have a good time? "

From the beginning of Xinyi society, shuimurong thought that if she was not a saint, if she had the same chance, she would make Gu Nanchu fall in love with her.

People are all made of meat. What's more, is Gu Nanchu a very gentle person? She believes that as long as she works hard enough, she will be able to let Gu Nanchu understand her mind and accept her mind.

"Nanxu, you care too much about the identity of the saint. Now I'm not the saint of the Xiang Yi nationality. Can you not always shut me out?"

Facing the nearly crazy shuimurong, Gu Nanchu doesn't know how to describe his mood at the moment. He doesn't know whether he attaches too much importance to his feelings or whether she takes them too simply. How easy is it to fall in love with someone?

He once thought that he would never fall in love with anyone in this life, and that he would always guard the boundless land and the Fu Li palace, and die alone.

It was not until he met Yun Xiuyi, until he found that his emotions could be easily influenced by another person's words, that he finally understood why all the words of love had no place to start, no place to live, no place to knot, no place to understand, no place to trace and no place to end.

But even so, he never wanted to tie Yunxiu clothes to his side, nor did he say a word of retention when she was going to leave, because he understood that it was her choice, and he had to respect her choice.

Gu Nan Xu's heart twists and turns, but also knows that no matter what he says, shuimurong will not listen to him.

He was silent for a long time, and his brain center was full of the appearance of cloud Xiu clothes. Finally, Gu Nanxu seemed to compromise. He remembered his purpose of coming to Hunan Yi people.

If you sacrifice him, you can get the happiness of all the people in the limitless continent. It seems that it's OK.

The door in his heart suddenly closed, Gu Nan Xu slowly looked up, he thought he could easily say it, but found that every word was very hard, "OK, I'll marry you."


Shuimurong's eyes immediately glowed. She looked at Gu Nanxu happily and confirmed again, "you can see clearly. I'm standing in front of you, shuimurong, not that woman."

Said once has consumed Gu Nanxu's all strength, in the face of shuimurong's confirmation, he just weak nod, and then again.

"The infinite continent is in crisis now. Even if I agree to get married, I have to wait until everything is back on track."


As long as Gu Nanxu agrees to be with her, she will do whatever he says. Shuimurong even says, "don't worry, although this poison is not from me, I will completely solve the problem of poisonous water."

I don't know if it's beside the God of water and moon. On that day, the news that Nan Xu, the patron of Fuli palace, wanted to marry Shui Murong, the holy daughter of the Yi nationality in Hunan, spread all over the continent. It was a happy event, but everyone was full of doubts.

How can a saint marry?

Although shuimurong is not only the saint daughter but also the head of the Xiang Yi nationality, her status as Saint daughter can not be changed now or before. In this case, she can never get married, which is a blasphemy to the God of water and moon!

Also shocked by the news is the owner of Xingxiu sea Pavilion.

However, he didn't expect that Gu Nanxu would agree to marry shuimurong. If Fuli palace and Xiang Yi people were united, how could he be located in Xingxiu Haige?

What's more, if shuimurong stands at Gu Nanxu's side, isn't all he has done exposed?

He can't let them get married! But both Gu Nanxu and shuimurong are hard to deal with, and now he is seriously injured, so we must take a long-term view.

On the other hand, one of the Nalan people didn't respond to the news. As early as Gu Nanxu said that, Yun Xiuyi expected that he was ready to sacrifice himself.

As for Mo Xi Lou, he could not wait for Nan Xu to get involved with other women, so he could no longer peep at Yun Xiu's clothes. Only Guanguan felt very sorry for Gu Nanxu's sudden decision and felt that he had been ruined.Jinli was talking with nalandot. When she heard the news, she hurried back to Fuli palace, saying that she was afraid that old lady Gu could not bear the news.

Fu Li palace, Gu Nan Xu has not come back, Gu old lady in Jiuge's help down the front hall, she was so angry that she was shivering all over, if it is not Jiuge to support her, I'm afraid she can't stand steadily.

"Nonsense! that 's monkey business! It's nonsense

In the face of Mrs. Gu's anger, Tianshu and Yaoguang kept silent all the time. They were not afraid of Mrs. Gu, but even they felt that the decision of the palace master was really improper. This is a lifelong event. Does he want to keep himself in shuimurong's hands?

Not to mention the palace master himself, even the bystanders feel tired when they think about it.

Taking advantage of the fact that Mrs. Gu didn't pay attention to them in her anger, she shook the sleeves of Tianshu and whispered, "I prefer our original palace master's wife."

Tianshu's eyebrows trembled, "are you sure? How can I remember someone saying that the woman was not simple and could not stay? How can we keep it now? "

"When did you talk so much?"

Shaking light glared at Tianshu and explained to himself, "those who don't know are innocent. They didn't know her before. After a little contact, they feel that she is not bad. Since she is not a bad person, it doesn't matter if her strength is terrible."

"You have double standards for people and things."


Without waiting for Yaoguang to retort, Gu Nanchu's figure appeared in front of the hall. However, without waiting for old lady Gu to question, Jinli rushed over, "brother Nanchu, I heard that you are going to marry sister rong'er. It's a lie!"

Jinli said with a smile. She hoped Gu Nanxu could pat her head and scold, "where did you get the false news?".

But she waited for a long time, but still can't wait for a retort, Gu Nan Xu has been lowering his head, seems to have been tired to the extreme.

At this time, old lady Gu also came over. She beat Gu Nanxu's chest and scolded, "when are you so impertinent? You can't marry anyone! Where are you going to put Fu Li palace? Where will we all be? "

"Mother, I have made up my mind. I don't ask you to understand. I just hope my mother can take care of her body."

"Take care of yourself? How can I take care of myself? " Old lady Gu was always dignified, but now she began to cry in spite of her image, "why don't you just kill me! Even if I die, I have no face to see my family's ancestors! "

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