Compared with other places, water is more important than life for the continent. In addition to their belief in the God of water and moon, people here also rely on water to live.

Nowadays, poisonous water is all over the endless continent, which undoubtedly forces them to the end.

Because he promised Gu Nanxu to detoxify the poison, Yunxiu brought Fox and Guanguan to the God of water and moon of the Yi nationality in Hunan early in the morning.

Before she came here, she had studied the ingredients of poison water. Poison is not a rare poison. There is no last strange disease that is hard to cure. But even if she put the antidote into the spirit water now, it will take a full night for the spirit water to infiltrate into the rivers again.

However, this is also a matter of no urgency. The most urgent task is to take action first.

However, as soon as Yun Xiu Yi took out the antidote from the heaven and earth cauldron, Gong Lang and Gong Rou came out of nowhere, "do you want to poison again?"

Before the words came out, a group of people poured out from behind them. Their eyes were fixed on the medicine bottles in Yun Xiuyi's hands. They asked one by one, "what have we done wrong? Why do you persecute us again and again?"

"I beg you to let us go!"

"We haven't done anything bad. If you're angry that we insulted you before, we'll apologize. Can't we kneel down and kowtow to you?"

"My wife is dead and my daughter is dead. Give them back to me."

"I don't want to die!"

These people's faces were dim, and their eyes were full of fear. They did not dare to abuse Yun Xiu's clothes any more, for fear that they would lose their lives in the next moment. In addition to begging cloud Xiuyi let them go, in the face of the threat of death, they have no other way.

"Siren, it's all because of you that they're here." Although the people of Wuji no longer abuse Yunxiu clothes, gongrou is not afraid.

She was a saint, "originally I thought that when you became the palace master's wife, you would think for the people of the limitless continent. I didn't expect that you would kill people. They are so miserable, and you still don't want to let them go."

With that, Gong Rou rushes forward to grab the medicine bottle in Yunxiu's hands, and the people of Wuji also rush over.

Gong Rou of course knows that Yun Xiuyi is holding the antidote instead of the poison, and what she grabs is the antidote. The master told her that even if they took it away, they would refine a new antidote, and she and Gong Lang would try their best to delay the time of detoxification.

Seeing that a group of people had come to yunxiuyi, yunxiuyi jumped up and stood on the ancient tree. She looked down at the people below with a cool look. She was too lazy to expose gongrou's tricks.

"Who is making trouble among the Yi people in Hunan?"

Just as the crowd was about to surround the ancient trees, shuimurong came over. She glanced at them. Before they finished speaking, a stone hit her, and then several more came.

The people of Wuji continent look at shuimurong with disappointment. Once she existed like a belief, but now they just feel disgusted.

They are as holy as the white lotus, and their saints even have desires! Wang, perhaps it is because of her disrespect to the God of water and moon that she has caused many disasters in the infinite continent. Even if these disasters are not caused by her own hands, they have nothing to do with her.

When did shuimurong receive such treatment? She has been a saint since childhood. These people are afraid of blaspheming her even when they look at her, but now they dare to throw stones at her.

But even so, she managed to hold back her anger. She knew what they were feeling at the moment and that they could not accept the fact that the saint was about to get married, so she didn't care about them.

However, the more indifferent shuimurong is, the more guilty these people feel that she is. Several people even spit directly at shuimurong.

"Saint? Go to his mother's saint, I think you just want men to be crazy. "

"Before, we thought that as long as you come back, there will be hope in the infinite continent. Now, it's you who brought the disaster back."

How important shuimurong was in their minds, how disappointed and disgusted they were at the moment, and what they scolded became more and more unpleasant.

What makes Yun Xiuyi admire very much is that shuimurong endures it all the time. If it's her, these people don't know how many times they have died.

Until those people scold tired stop, shuimurong just said, "scold enough? I can understand your anger at the moment, but I also want to tell you that instead of doing something meaningless, you should think about how to save yourself. "

She said, looking at the cloud Xiuyi on the ancient tree, "you keep saying that we have done harm to the limitless continent, what have you done?"

"You can't save yourself, and you have to shut out those who are willing to save you! Poison? Since the limitless continent is covered with poisonous water, why are you afraid of her poisoning again? Could it be worse than you are now? "Listen to shuimurong's words, just now he was still shouting! The crowd was silent. Yes! Even if something happens again, will it be worse than now?

In fact, they are already physically and mentally tired. If Gong Lang and Gong Rou did not say that they would seek justice for them, they would not even have the strength to come to Hunan Yi people. In order to prevent poisoning, they have not drunk water for a long time.

At this time, these people like a bereaved dog generally pull their heads together, it seems that they don't want to struggle any more, and they don't listen to shuimurong's self-help at all.

"Stupid, ignorant human beings."

Fox thought that he would see a wonderful fight, but he didn't expect that these people were defeated by shuimurong's words. It was really boring.

Irrigation also agreed, "it's really stupid. Shuimurong is right. They are already in danger. Do you still need to deal with them? These people seem to take themselves too seriously. "

For shuimurong's help, yunxiuyi is not surprised. Since Gu Nanchu has promised to marry her, she naturally wants to stand on Gu Nanchu's side.

And she must have guessed that she came here to solve the problem of Lingshui because of Gu Nanxu. In this case, of course, she wants to defend her. After all, it's good for her to solve the problem.

Seeing that those people had been stabilized by shuimurong, yunxiuyi jumped down from the ancient tree. As a result, just as she was about to pull out the cork, gongrou called again.

"Don't be bewitched by them! Don't you think it strange that one of them is the wife of the palace master and the other is going to marry the palace master? Is this reasonable? "


The fox glances at Gong Rou in disgust. The Luo family is exactly the same. Her sister Luo Yan'er used to be very annoying. I didn't expect that her sister was better than Luo Yan'er.

The fox walked slowly to Gong Rou, and passed the way to Yun Xiuyi. "I'll deal with her. What should you do?"

Although her accomplishments are not high, especially when she comes to the limitless land and is almost completely suppressed, Gong Rou is still aware of the intention of killing. Looking up, she sees a giant fox coming towards her and runs to Gong Lang immediately.

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