Although he sacrificed thousands of people's lives to sacrifice the night time bead, Gong Yan still failed to open the night time bead, but because of the blood sacrifice, the night time bead was full of gloomy resentment.

Every artifact has its own spirit. When she is treated so disrespectfully, she has already been angry. Even if she doesn't recognize Gong Yan as the Lord, she is now desperate to destroy the sky and let these stupid human beings pay for what she has done.

As soon as Gong Yangang took out the nighttime bead, it rushed into the air out of his control. The sky suddenly became bright and dark, and the wind howled around.

A disciple of Xingxiu Haige came to check it out for no reason. At night, the power of Zhu turned him into powder, and his soul disappeared.

Seeing the terrible power of destroying the withered and decaying, cloud Xiuyi immediately spread several defensive arrays around.

On the other side, Gong Yan was also obviously afraid. He yelled at Gong Lang and Gong Rou, who were numb behind him, "go, leave the Castle Peak, not afraid of no firewood."

At night, however, the Pearl did not give them any chance to escape. Several lightning strikes struck the foot of Gong Yan, and a huge pit immediately appeared in front of them.

In the face of such a terrible power, yunxiuyi also had a sense of fear. She frowned slightly, and expected that she could not control the night beads with her own strength.

For today's plan, we should try our best to reduce the damage caused by nighttime beads to the continent, and wait for moxilou and shuimurong to make plans.

After making a good decision, yunxiuyi took Xingxiu Haige as the center, and laid several defensive barriers to confine the power of the Pearl at night. Whenever the power of the Pearl destroyed a barrier at night, she quickly laid another barrier, and so on.

See cloud Xiu clothes! Lack of skill, Gong Yan had the idea of sneaking attack on her, but the idea just flashed by. After all, he was also afraid of death.

If you kill Yun Xiu Yi at the moment, I'm afraid he will become a fan the next moment.

Gradually, yunxiuyi's soul power has consumed more than half, and her physical strength has begun to be exhausted. Chaos feels her difficulty and reminds her with his mind, "don't be brave. If you die, I won't exist any more."

"Shut up."

At the moment, Yun Xiuyi can't hear any sound. She forces herself to concentrate on gathering her soul power. At the same time, she turns to Gong Yan and says, "if you don't want to die, go and open the gate of Xingxiu Haige, so that your people don't stop Gu Nanchu from coming in."

After hearing Yun Xiuyi's words, Gong Yan hesitated a little, and then said to Gong Lang and Gong Rou, "order to go down. Without my order, everyone can't have an argument with the people in the Fu Li palace."

However, Gong Lang and Gong Rou had long been unable to stand steadily because of the strength of the Pearl at night. Now they had fled to the stone gate. Relying on the strength of the stone gate, they would not fall down. Where else would they want to carry out Gong Yan's task.

Finally, Gong Yan had no choice but to go out and give orders in person, but he was still a little late. The people in Xingxiu Haige had already been fighting with the people in Fuli palace.

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Gong Yan roared, "stop it all."

This sudden remark not only made people in Xingxiu Haige puzzled, but also those in Fuli palace puzzled. However, although both sides were not clear, they still stopped.

When the war temporarily subsided, Gu Nan Xu immediately asked Gong Yan, "what's the matter?"

Just now, she ran back and said that there was a pearl. She also said that Yunxiu asked her to go to moxilou and shuimurong immediately.

Due to the lack of time, he did not ask in detail. When Tianshu and Yaoguang went to find moxilou and shuimurong respectively, he immediately led the people of Fuli palace to rush into Xingxiu Haige.

It wasn't long before the fight, he felt that there was a force in Xingxiu Haige that even he was afraid of surging out. He just prepared to defend that force, but it was suddenly intercepted. He realized that Yunxiu clothes might be dangerous, and Gu Nanchu immediately ordered the blockers to kill.

However, before they break in, someone takes the initiative to stop the people in Xingxiu Haige, which makes Gu Nanchu more worried about the safety of Yunxiu clothes.

Moreover, since this man can command the people of Xingxiu Haige, it shows that he is not in a low position in Xingxiu Haige. If he guesses correctly, this man is the owner of Xingxiu Haige who has never appeared.

Gong Yan didn't expect that the first meeting with Gu Nanchu was in this situation. He didn't want to explain more, but said, "Yunxiu clothes let you in."

In Xingxiu Pavilion, Yunxiu's mouth has spilled blood, and her breath has been disordered. If she confronts with yeshizhu, it's possible for her to be possessed, or even die. She also obviously feels that yeshizhu's strength is stronger than before.

Just when the corners of Yunxiu's eyes are oppressed and bleeding by external forces, Gu Nanxu finally rushes over. He can't help but protect Yunxiu's clothes in front of her and use his soul power to block the power of nighttime beads for her.

When Yun Xiuyi could catch her breath a little, she took out a few pills of pills from the heaven and earth cauldron and quickly adjusted her internal breathing.Then he said to Gu Nanxu, "this is one of the four artifact. We can't resist it with our strength. We have to delay until Tianshu and Yaoguang find jinghuashuiyue."

Shouldn't "Jinghua" be in her hands? Gu Nan Xu has doubts in his heart, but he doesn't ask any questions. He just nods to Chao Yun Xiu's clothes, and they work together to resist the power of the night bead. Taking advantage of Gu Nan Xu, cloud Xiu clothes in one breath and even cloth under the many border.

However, in the face of absolute power, all the resistance is futile. Soon, the sands and rocks in Xingxiu sea pavilion are flying, and even the houses are rolled up in the air.

"Who is the owner of this artifact? Why not subdue its owner and let it stop? "

"There is no master at night."

No owner? Under normal circumstances, the artifact has no owner and can't be opened like a dead object. But at this moment, the terrible power around is obviously that the artifact has been opened. What's the matter? Did the artifact awaken itself?

If there is no owner, the only way is to suppress it by other forces. No wonder Yunxiu clothes let Yaoguang to find moxilou and shuimurong. It must be in the hands of moxilou that "Jinghua" should be!

As Yun Xiuyi and Gu Nanxu's strength gradually dried up, Xingxiu Haige was also razed to the ground. Those disciples who had not yet escaped even had no time to cry for help, they became a pool of powder, which dissipated in the strong wind and could not even find the ashes.

"Master of the palace!"

Finally, yunxiuyi and Gu Nanchu came to Tianshu and Yaoguang, and moxilou and shuimurong appeared one after another. Not only they, but also fox, Guanguan, nalanyun and nalandou.

When they came in, they were frightened by the scene outside. Now they came to yunxiuyi and Gu Nanxu, and they felt that the power was terrible.

Although Fox and Guanguan have long known the power of Zhu during the night, they still can't be indifferent, but nalanyun, duo and shuimurong are too shocked to say anything.

Seeing Gu Nanxu in danger, shuimurong is the first to rush forward to fight against yeshizhu with them.

Perhaps because of the "water moon" and the fact that the beads have no owners at night, the power around them dissipated a lot in a flash.

Cloud Xiu clothes also immediately distracted to see Mo Xi Lou, motioned him to take out the "Mirror Flower", but at this time Mo Xi Lou thought is, if the "water moon" has been unable to take out from the body of Shuimu Rong, this night bead is also good.

But... Mo Xi Lou frowns at the black air around the beads at night. It's obvious that this artifact has been demonized. It takes a lot of energy to get rid of impurities.

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