See Mo Xi Lou's attention is not in oneself at all here, cloud Xiu Yi quickly goes to his side, "Mirror Flower!"

Mo Xi Lou's vision sweeps to Yun Xiu's clothes, Shui Mu Rong and Gu Nan Xu one by one. He takes out the "Mirror Flower" in no hurry. He gives a trace of spiritual power to the "Mirror Flower", and then turns the "Mirror Flower" to the night beads.

Although "Jinghua" did not recognize him as the main, moxilou opened it by its own strength. Even if there was only one soul, moxilou was also formidable.

Under the joint forces of "Jinghua" and "Shuiyue", the strength of nighttime Pearl was finally suppressed after several repetitions.

While the crowd is still panting! Breath too late to have the next action, Mo Xi Lou raised his hand, then the night time bead closed in the palm.

On the other side, Gong Yan immediately came forward to snatch. However, in front of Mo Xi Lou, his strength was so weak that he couldn't even get close to Mo Xi Lou.

Aware that the current situation is not good for him, Gong Yan did not dare to act rashly. He looked around, and finally fell on the fox. He was also a beast. This fox should be able to disturb his mind just like rosefinch and white tiger!

Thinking about this, Gong Yan's fingertips gradually wrapped up a mass of black Qi. At the beginning, he used this kind of magic to hurt the rosefinch, and made the white tiger out of control.

Cloud Xiu clothes watched a mass of black air flying towards the fox. Before he could remind the fox to be careful, the mass of black air quickly entangled the fox. At first, the fox was still confused, and gradually his eyes began to become dull.

After successfully controlling the fox, Gong Yan was very proud. Although he was very unwilling to be taken away at night, the most important thing was to protect his life.

He gave the fox a hint, and the fox immediately attacked yunxiuyi.

Yunxiuyi wanted to check the fox's condition. In the face of sudden changes, she jumped back quickly. However, the fox soon came to her. Gu Nanchu and others want to help, but yunxiuyi stops them for fear that they will hurt the fox.

"Heart moon?"

Yun Xiuyi dodged the fox's attack and called the fox's name. Irrigation was so anxious that he flew around them, "wake up! You are the king of ten thousand demons. How can you be controlled by mortals? "

But no matter how yunxiuyi and Guanguan called, the fox was always like a puppet who lost his soul and repeatedly attacked yunxiuyi.

Yunxiuyi doesn't want to hurt the fox, but the fox is deadly. One person, one fox, one defense, one attack. The situation has been deadlocked. Finally, the fox shows his claws and pours yunxiuyi to the ground.

Just when the fox wanted to give Yunxiu a fatal blow, a burst of powder filled the air, and then Yunxiu read something in his mouth.

Mo Xi Lou, not far away, looked at this scene and felt very familiar. After a long time, she remembered that the woman had dealt with him with powder of unknown things, including the Scriptures she was reciting.

The Seven Star powder is combined with the heart calming mantra, which is developed by Yunxiu clothes in order to suppress the spirit of moxilou. Unexpectedly, it is now used on foxes.

As the mantra came to an end, the color of the fox's eyes faded away.

Taking advantage of the fox's no longer attacking, Yun Xiuyi immediately took out the immortal rope and tied it up, and used the soul power to disperse the black Qi for it.

I don't know how long the fox's eyes finally recovered. He looked at the cloud Xiu clothes and murmured, "girl, what's the matter with me? How do you feel headache? "

"You have just been controlled by Gong Yan! Almost killed Yun Xiu Yi. "

Irrigation has always been unable to hide words, immediately out of the reason, the fox after hearing pale, what? Is it controlled by Gong Yan?

The fox was shocked and didn't want to believe this fact at all, but when he saw several blood marks on the front of Yunxiu's clothes, he had to admit that the blood mark was really his paw mark, and immediately showed a guilty expression.

It hurt Yun Xiu's clothes!

Fox Wei Qu Baba's hope to cloud Xiu clothes, the body also followed to become small, "wench, I didn't mean to, do you hurt?"

"No pain."

The fox knew that Yun Xiuyi didn't want to worry about this, so he immediately became more sad. Then he yelled, "if there is no Xuanxin ring, how can I be controlled by a mere mortal?" Just after complaining, the fox suddenly realized that it was wrong.

It flurried to see cloud Xiu Yi one eye, see she also is looking at, oneself immediately explain a way, "this Zun is not with you want Xuan heart to abstain of meaning."

"I will return Xuanxin ring to you."

If he heard this sentence before, the fox would be overjoyed. However, at this moment, he was not happy at all. Wei qubaba asked, "what do you mean?" Subconsciously, the fox felt that Yunxiu didn't want it.

The fox asked Yunxiu what he meant? Xuanxin ring is its own, shouldn't it be returned?Moreover, Yun Xiuyi also agreed with fox. If there was Xuanxin Jie, it would be much more powerful than it is now, and it would not be calculated by Gong Yan.

See cloud Xiu clothes don't speak, fox more flustered, it jumped to cloud Xiu clothes arms with head rub her, "you don't want to drive me away! I will not go Don't say anything! Follow her if you don't go anywhere!

"I didn't drive you away."

Just when the fox was ready to cry, Yun Xiuyi calmly replied, and immediately made him feel sad just now.

At the beginning of the irrigation, I almost thought that the fox was going to leave, and I felt sad. As a result, when I heard this, I immediately laughed heartlessly again, "I'll laugh to death. If someone knows that the king of ten thousand demons acts like a kitten..."

"Shut up

Before he finished, the fox angrily scolded. He was so scared that he immediately covered his mouth with his wings. Although he is still afraid of foxes, Guanguan knows that he is not afraid of foxes.

It's not because it's expanding now, but because it knows that the fox will never hurt it. It even thinks that it, yunxiuyi and the fox will be together forever.

While everyone's attention was on Fox and Yunxiu's clothes, Gong Yan ran away again, and Gong Lang and Gong Rou disappeared. But without the nighttime pearl, Gong Yan could not lift any storm at all. He was not afraid, and the people didn't feel alarmed.

Because of the terrible power of the Pearl at night, Xingxiu Haige has become a ruin in the blink of an eye, and has been completely removed from the limitless continent.

The dead and wounded disciples of Xingxiu Haige fled like dogs after being abandoned by Gong Yan.

It took Gong Yan more than 30 years to develop Xingxiu Haige into what it is today. However, because of his mistake, all his efforts went to waste, and people didn't know whether to feel sorry for him.

After a series of changes, the continent finally regained its peace.

Although the vast majority of people have not yet come out of the shadow of successive disasters, the good thing is that everything is changing in a good direction, and the limitless continent is on the right track again.

After a period of calm, Gu Nanchu and shuimurong's wedding was also put on the agenda. Even though Mrs. Gu made a lot of trouble, she still couldn't change a bit. At last, she was forced to accept this fact.

Once the notice of dismissing the lady of the palace leader was posted, everyone was shocked. After being shocked, they felt that it was reasonable that one palace could not accommodate two lady of the palace leader.

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