As the five o'clock approaches, the sky suddenly darkens. This is the darkest nothingness before dawn, and also the thickest color before the bright King comes to the earth.

At this time, people who should have been sleeping gathered in Zhuque street early.

Because today there is going to be an unprecedented decisive battle held here, the waste miss of the cloud family vs. the talented miss of the Zhan Luo family.

Although it was a duel without suspense, people of Dongyue Empire talked about it with relish for several days. Today, they even got up early to see the excitement.

They just want to see how Miss Luo San humiliates the waste of the cloud family.

What about the first lady of the family? Isn't it trampled under the feet? No more noble than them.

Jealousy, like snakes, entangles the audience at the darkest hour of the dawn.

Luo Yaner was cheered by many people from the Luo family. Luo Rou and Luo Lang were all present, and even Luo Rui had already sat on the observation table.

But these people think that there must be no one on the side of yunxiuyi. Unexpectedly, they see the figures of yunjinyan and qinyuman. They are followed by a large group of Yuns.

In the heart can't help but doubt: this cloud family couple doesn't always dislike cloud Xiu clothes!

Luo Rui is also quite surprised to see Yun Jinyan. When he thinks about it, it's just right to let him see how weak and unbearable the cloud family is.

The cold wind rolled the fallen leaves, which made the already depressed dawn even colder. It was not until the first beam of sunlight hit Yun Xiu's clothes that the chill gradually dissipated.

Today, Yun Xiu is dressed in white, with three thousand hair neatly tied into a ponytail. His face is as flawless as jade.

And the sunshine around her makes people who just dislike her feel confused.

As for Luo Yan'er, he is still a graceful and gorgeous dress. Even if he wants to fight later, he has also elaborately made up his perfect look.

She domineering will throw a sword in front of cloud Xiuyi, "for your self-defense, lest say I do sister bully sister." The voice fell, and the audience laughed.

Cloud Xiu clothes calm and self-confident bent to pick up the sword, threw two times, as if in the inspection, take advantage of.

With the sound of the drum beside the challenge arena, the war is on the verge of breaking out, and all the people under the arena are excited to stretch their necks, and even imagine Luo Yan'er as themselves.

To bully the weak, most of them take the initiative to destroy their opponents in one fell swoop; When a weak attack is strong, it is usually a late strike. Therefore, it shows its flaws to lure the enemy into a strong attack and wait for an opportunity to strike back.

When two experts of the same level meet, the first problem is how to find a flaw in each other's perfect defense.

This is the secret that Luo Rui has been teaching Luo Yan'er.

But if the opponent is replaced by Yunxiu clothes, she only needs to hook her fingers to beat her down. Where does she have the chance to fight back.

At the beginning of the decisive battle, Luo Yan'er offered sacrifices to You'an bird.

She plans to make a quick decision, first will cloud Xiu clothes abuse only one breath, and then a little bit of torture her.

"Well! Die

With Luo Yan'er's cold hum, You'an bird's long song swoops down from the air, and Luo Yan'er also attacks Yunxiu clothes at the same time.

It should have been absolutely safe. Yun Xiu's clothes will be disabled even if they are not dead.

However, when Luo Yan'er is half an inch away from Yun Xiu's clothes, her whole body's Qi force is suddenly dissolved by a soft force. Before she can make a countermeasure, her wrist has been grasped by Yun Xiu's clothes, and the next moment's clear sound is accompanied by Luo Yan'er's scream.

"You -- you --"

Luo Yan son can't believe of stare at cloud Xiu dress, "bitch, what evil method did you use after all?"

Cloud Xiu clothing turns a deaf ear to Luo Yan'er's words, raises Luo Yan'er to give her sword, straight into her abdomen, suddenly there is blood gushing out.

"It's a good sword."

The spectators in the challenge arena have been stunned, this waste has not moved half a step to solve Luo Yan'er? How can a waste solve the problem of genius? How on earth did she do it?

"Dad, she's going to kill me."

Luo Yan'er was lying on the ground covered with blood. He complained feebly, because he lost too much blood, and his face was very pale, which was very frightening.

Cloud Xiu clothes a face is not self-centered, abruptly pull up the sword.

The next moment, the red blood gushed from Luo Yan'er's abdomen like a column of water.

Luo Rui how can tolerate his daughter to be bullied like this, "cloud Xiu clothes, you don't want to be rampant, I will solve your disaster."

Luo Rui is the third-order great spirit Master, while Yun Xiuyi is the seventh level spirit Master. His strength is different by more than one or two levels. It's unfair for anyone to see such a huge battle.But at this moment, no one under the challenge arena spoke for Yun Xiuyi. They were all shouting "kill her."

However, the couple who just received the favor of Yunxiu clothes yesterday are very nervous. They just see hope in Yunxiu clothes. She can't have anything to do!

"You Luo family can't afford to lose. Do you want to kill me?"

Luo Rui's eyes were horizontal. "I've heard that you've been practicing heresy for a long time. Today I'll kill you for heaven's sake, so that you won't harm the East moon empire in the future."

With that, Luo Rui draws the sword in yunxiuyi's hand with the spirit power. If she can hurt Yan'er with this sword, he will make her full of holes with this sword.

Just when he put the spirit power into the sword and attacked the cloud Xiuyi, the sky and the earth suddenly became dark. Gradually, there was fog around.

Yunxiuyi really doubts that moxilou is not a human being. He can manipulate the weather casually.

The sudden thick fog makes Luo Rui's action stop, but just for a moment, the cloud Xiuyi opposite him has disappeared without a trace.

He looked around, but his eyes were covered with thick fog, and he couldn't see anything.

In the corner of the challenge arena, moxilou stood on the side of Yunxiu's clothes and whispered, "the Luo family are very pestering. If they don't catch all of them, they will never end in the future."

"So we have to find a way to get rid of them all. It's better to drive them out of the East moon empire."

"Will this Luo Rui be killed?"

"Leave him a life first, Luo family big power is in his hand, wait for him to spit out to clean up again not too late."

Just when Luo Rui found the location of Yunxiu's clothes, the fog around him gradually dispersed, so that he could see the scene around him.

Luo Rui see cloud Xiu clothes in front of him smile bright, cold voice just can let the people under the challenge arena hear, "I don't like these intrigues, but you have to force, my cloud family is not afraid."

There was a sudden burst of blood light in the mist. Without waiting for people to wonder what happened, the fog around suddenly dispersed.

And before Luo Rui took in the hand of the sword actually inserted in his own body, he vomited blood, can't believe looking at cloud Xiu clothes, "how possible?"

Cloud Xiu clothes ignore Luo Rui, but toward the Luo family that group of people.

The group of people see cloud Xiu clothes close, have shrunk neck, a face of fear, but dare not run away, afraid to lose the face of the Luo family, they can't afford to go.

"Are there any of you who don't agree?"

Even their master Luo Rui has fallen. How dare they refuse?

Luo Lang's expression is uncertain. Luo Rou is even more funny. She has a dark face. Her eyes can burst into fire when she looks at Yun Xiu's clothes, but she has nothing to do with it.

"Now that you are convinced, this is the end of today's decisive battle."

Cloud Xiu clothes finish saying just a turn around, in front of the human figure in a flash, she had no time to stop, forcefully got a palm, there is blood overflow from lips and teeth.

"Girl, I like you. You are so naive when you die! How dare you threaten my family. "

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