Just now the Luo family, who was still lifeless, became restless when they saw this man. Luo Yan'er, who was dying on the challenge arena, cried excitedly, "Uncle Heng, you're back! Take revenge for me. "

Luo Heng, Luo Rui's younger brother, is also the No.1 cultivator in Dongyue empire.

In his early 40s, he was a first-class spirit.

Among their generation, he is the best among the best. The reason why he ranks first in the East moon empire is that the real masters are generally invisible.

This Luo Heng, however, is a complete replica of the hot character of the Luo family and loves to be in the limelight.

Over the years, all the people who didn't agree with him were beaten to death by him. Coupled with the influence of the Luo family, everyone slowly accepted his title of No.1.

Luo Heng looked at the cloud Xiu clothes that had been seriously injured and disdained, "just take my hand. It's this virtue. It seems that you don't have much ability. You will make Yin move."

What he said was light. If other people had been slapped by him, they would have been unconscious for a long time. Yun Xiu's clothes didn't fall down, which shocked him so much that he had to say something about himself.

Mo Xi Lou's eyes sank in the crowd. It was his carelessness that made Yun Xiu's clothes seriously injured under his eyes.

And he looked at Luo Heng's eyes again, it was more than killing.

"Bullying the weak is just and awe inspiring. Only you Luo family can do such shameless behavior." Even if he was seriously injured, Yun Xiuyi stood upright.

"You keep saying that it's disgraceful for me to win over you by using unorthodox tactics, but I can't afford to lose."

"Don't be wild."

Luo Heng said and ready to move, cloud Xiuyi speak shamelessly way, "live to your age has not admitted the wrong courage, you Luo family is let me eye opener."

Cloud Xiu dress side stimulates Luo Heng, the silver needle in the sleeve quenched poison has already been ready, wait for him to be angry to rush over.

As a result, Luo Heng was blocked by a sound wave before he came to yunxiuyi. Then a clear voice came, "I heard that there is a duel here today. How can I look like I'm being executed?"

The crowd under the challenge arena turned their heads and looked at the people. Then they saw a handsome man standing not far away with Guqin in his arms.

Junfu ignored everyone's eyes, and his lightness skill leaped to the challenge arena. Seeing that Yunxiu's clothes were badly injured, his dazzling face sank slightly. "I don't know. Your Luo family only covers the sky in the East moon Empire, and the eldest lady of Lianyun family will be killed."

"Don't judge rashly if your highness doesn't know the reason. It's the waste that hurt Yan'er and my elder brother by dishonorable means."

oh Jun Fu didn't notice Luo Rui and Luo Yan'er who were also seriously injured.

"So what? There should be only yunxiuyi and luoyan'er on the challenge arena. You and the leader of Luo's family are here. You can't be bound by yunxiuyi! "

Since they want to reason with him, they should reason with him!

"You --"

Seeing that Luo Heng's beard stood up, Jun Fu narrowed his eyes and threatened, "what am I? Do you think there's something wrong with what I said? "

When did this waste find the seventh prince as its backing? Luo Heng was speechless and did not dare to be presumptuous.

"How come when I finally went out of the palace, I ran into seven Highnesses bullying my family?" I thought the situation had turned around, but Xiao fengran didn't know where he came from.

She came down from Luan car with an arrogant face, which surprised everyone's eyes. People in the challenge arena exclaimed that it was worth it this time. They were lucky to meet the first beauty of the East moon empire.

Xiao fengran went to the challenge arena with the help of the maid of honor, and then stepped on the back of the old eunuch next to him.

When he saw that Luo Rui still had a sword on his body, he was flustered and ran to him, but he didn't dare to touch him. "Father, who hurt you?"

Luo Yan'er, lying on the ground, replied feebly, "it's her, this bitch is murdering her father."

Xiao fengran's eyes, which she couldn't see through, were suddenly covered with the intention of killing. She looked at Yunxiu's clothes with indignation, "my palace spared you last time, but you didn't know how to repay your kindness. Instead, you hurt my father."

"Concubine Xiao, the leader of Luo family is a third-order great spirit Master. Do you think a man without a palace of life can hurt him? If you insist that she can play tricks in front of the Luo family, I should think that the Luo family is incompetent! Or is Miss Yun too powerful? "

Xiao fengran didn't expect that Junfu, who had always been addicted to cultivation, would come to the muddy water.

"Why did your highness come here today?"She had no intention of sweeping eyes cloud Xiu clothes, "also right, seven his highness is to the marriageable age, this palace see cloud Xiu clothes appearance is good."

Xiao fengran's words made everyone sigh. I'm afraid the seventh Prince is not a fool! I have a crush on Yunxiu's dirty clothes.

Xiao fengran's words were just heard by the gentleman Qin who just arrived.

That day in the hunting competition, he felt that the relationship between Junfu and yunxiuyi was unusual. Now it seems that he is not suspicious. They really have an affair.

At the thought of the woman who has been pestering her for many years, she turns to her rival's arms. Jun Shao Qin green feels that she is humiliated by Yun Xiu's clothes again. Even if she is what he doesn't want, she can't catch up with Jun Fu.

And Jun Fu repeatedly help cloud Xiu clothes, afraid to the throne and moved the mind, want to revive the cloud family against him.

Well, he will never let their trick succeed.

"Your Highness, you don't know that this woman is not a clean and innocent woman. Who here doesn't know about her fooling around in Ningxue building?"

Luo Rou, who had been afraid to speak just now, saw that the current situation was favorable to them and became arrogant again.

She left the observation seat and went to the challenge arena. "I'm afraid that the seventh highness is fascinated by this waste. Please be more careful of this waste."

"Every one of you is a waste. The upbringing of the Luo family is really touching."

Jun Fu's sarcastic words instantly make Luo Rou blush, half angry and half ashamed. She likes Jun Fu for many years, but he teaches her today because of a bitch.

"I'm just kind enough to remind my seventh highness. Why should my seventh highness hurt me?"

"It's a busy day."

Jun Shaoqin said and jumped into the challenge arena. "I can't see seven younger brothers in the palace on weekdays. I didn't expect to see them twice outside these days."

With that, he saluted Xiao fengran, "I've seen lady Xiao."

"Brother Shaoqin, you are here at last!"

Luo Yan'er sees Jun Shao Qin, whining, but she doesn't know that her face is very pale now because she has lost too much blood. With the original heavy makeup, she is more terrible than the ghost. She is so scared that Jun Shao Qin staggers.

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