For a long time, yunxiuyi was white in front of her eyes. After a long time, she could see the scene again, and the water had already disappeared.

She looked at the place where she had just stood, and the empty eyes of cloud Xiu clothes were warm again.

It seems that recently she is always moved by all kinds of things. It seems that she is not what she used to be.

Yunxiu clothes closed her eyes, looked up and breathed a long breath. She hid the water in her heart. When she opened her eyes again, the dense water mist in her eyes had disappeared. She was still the original Yunxiu clothes.

Pack up a good mood, cloud Xiu clothes ready to go abroad to inquire about fox their news, if they leave the magic way smoothly, will go abroad in the month waiting for her.

If they don't go abroad in January, she stays and continues to look for them until she finds them.

Just as Yun Xiu's clothes had just stepped forward, a little light fluorescence was floating around her slowly. Yun Xiu's eyes sank and said, "are you out, too?"

This is the woman in green who had been pestering Yunxiu's clothes before. At that time, shuifuxi joked that she must have some connection with her. Was shuifuxi really right?

Seeing that the light of the fluorescence is getting lighter and lighter, Yunxiu clothes carefully put her into the heaven and earth cauldron, and temporarily protected the weak fluorescence with spiritual power.

"Sister Yun?"

Suddenly, a familiar female voice came not far away. The voice was confused first, and then cried happily, "sister Yun, it's really you who are back."

Yunxiuyi turned around and saw nalandot running all the way. She came to yunxiuyi and cried with joy, "sister Yun, I finally waited for you. I thought you..." she said, shaking her head abruptly, "I knew you would never die."

Looking at nalandot in front of her, Yunxiu always felt that there was something different. It seemed that after only ten days, she became more mature and stable.

There is also a trace of fatigue and sadness between the eyebrows.

"Sister Yun? Why don't you talk! You won't know me if you haven't seen me for three years Nalandou nervously looked at Yunxiu clothes, "I'm nalandou! Narandot, the second daughter of Naran people in the limitless continent, is the maid of the Lord

Then she asked, "sister Yun, you don't even forget who the master is, do you? Oh, my God! Oh, my God! The master must be very sad. "

three years?

Cloud Xiu dress slightly frown, in the heart hundred turn thousand return, she clearly left ten days time, how outside passed three years? But nalandot didn't have to make such a joke with her at this time.

And she finally understood why she thought nalandot was a little different. If it had been three years, her change would have been explained.

"I remember you."

Then cloud Xiu clothes will fall from the magic way after the matter told nalandot, nalandot after hearing surprised said, "more than ten days?"

She walked around Yunxiu's clothes a few times. "Yes, when we separated from sister Yun, sister Yun did wear this dress. It was wrinkled but it was still new. We worried about sister Yun for three years, but we didn't expect that sister Yun had only left us for more than ten days."

"Three years? More than ten days? No! I've been waiting for sister Yun for three years in May! " The more nalandot thought, the more confused he felt.

She suddenly shook her head, "don't want to, don't want to, cloud sister back like, no matter how long he passed."

"What about Xinyue and irrigation?"

Cloud Xiu clothes from the beginning to look for them everywhere, but never found their figure, this just began to ask. Unexpectedly, nalandot suddenly lowered his head, "I don't know, I was separated from them in the magic way."

"If sister Yun didn't protect us with her soul power, I would have been torn apart with the magic way. But don't worry, sister Yun. Since I'm ok, they will be OK."

Nalandot's words are not only comforting yunxiuyi, but also comforting herself. She believes that everyone will come back.

Xinyue and Guanguan are not in that unknown place, and they have not left the magic way. Where will they fall?

"Let's go to the hallucinogenic path."

"Sister Yun, I've been there almost every day for the past three years, but I haven't found any clue. Moreover, since the destruction of hallucination, the infinite continent and the Empire of Dongyue can communicate with each other. And... "

Nalandot suddenly wanted to talk and stopped, and finally summoned up courage to continue to say, "I'm afraid sister Yun will go back to Yun's house first. Yun's house is in a very difficult situation now."

Later, she told Yun Xiuyi that during the three years, the situation of Dongyue Empire had changed dramatically, because the successive incidents of the four families of the previous generation led to Dongyue people's more and more rejection of the four families.In the end, Junfu could only weaken the power of the four families to protect them from being attacked by others.

The four families are not lagging behind. They are the only family in Tianji Pavilion, which is famous in the East moon empire.

Xiaoyaozi, the leader of Tianji Pavilion, seems to have a grudge against the cloud family. He targets at the cloud family everywhere. If it wasn't for the support of the cloud family, he would have been killed by Tianji Pavilion.

Xiaoyaozi against the cloud family? The misunderstanding between her and xiaoyaozi should have come to light with Zuo sangyan's death?

Does he hate her for taking away xuanxinjie and Xinyue?

One side is the cloud family, the other side is Xinyue and Guanguan. After hesitation, yunxiuyi plans to solve the problem of the cloud family first, and then come back here to continue to search Xinyue and Guanguan.

Before leaving Yunjian swamp, nalandot and yunxiuyi went to Yueyue to go abroad.

According to nalandot, moxilou and Gu Nanchu just left here a few days ago. It seems that there was a disturbance in the far north. They went to suppress it. Nalandot is not very clear about the details.

In order to avoid Mo Xi Lou and Gu Nan Xu going abroad to find her, she must first inform them that they have found Yun Xiu clothes to go to Dongyue empire.


The main city of Dongyue Empire must pass through tianque, and Tianji Pavilion is located in tianque. Before knowing the actual situation, Yun Xiuyi didn't plan to scare the snake, so he took nalandot to avoid Tianji Pavilion and went back to the main city.

Xu's feelings for the Empire of Dongyue were not very deep. When he returned to the place where he had been away for a long time, Yun Xiuyi didn't have a lot of emotional ups and downs in his heart.

It was not until she saw the gate of the cloud family that she was slightly touched.

Nalandot took the initiative to knock on the door, waiting for a long time before someone came to open the door. When he saw nalandot's strange face, the man was full of doubts, "girl, who are you looking for?"

Nalandou looks back at Yunxiu's clothes. Before he enters tianque, Yunxiu's clothes are veiled. It must be that Yunxiu's family doesn't recognize her! Without waiting for yunxiuyi to come to explain, the family member who opened the door suddenly pointed to yunxiuyi and trembled.

"You are... You are..."

Although he hasn't seen the first lady for nearly four years, he won't forget her until he dies. Even if the girl is veiled, her feeling, her cool temperament and her calm eyes are clearly the first lady.

"Miss?" Although he has the answer in his heart, the cloud family still inquires carefully, and his eyes are full of expectations.

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