Seeing Yun Xiuyi nodding, he suddenly cried, "they all said that the first lady is dead. We don't believe it. We know that the first lady will come back."

He raised his hand to wipe his tears. "I should be happy when the young lady comes back. What are you crying for?"

"Come in, miss." This cloud family side body let cloud Xiu clothes and nalandot go in, still don't forget careful probe to look out there is no suspicious person, etc. confirm no abnormality just close the door again.

His series of actions did not escape the eyes of cloud Xiuyi, thinking that now the cloud family has come to the stage of a bow and a snake?

After closing the door, the cloud family happily followed the cloud Xiuyi. When they got to the front hall, they rushed in first, "master, miss is back!"

Yunluo was originally looking at the account book of this month's shop. When he heard this, he frowned and looked up.

I saw a young girl standing in the dim light, her whole body seemed to be coated with a layer of aperture, and there was wind blowing through her soft hair, flying into a beautiful picture.

Against the sunshine, Yunluo couldn't see the girl's face clearly, but the sense of familiarity that he had not seen for a long time made him in a trance. His account book fell to the ground. He got up and walked a few steps. After he saw the face of his predecessors, he immediately showed a knowing smile.


If you change into the previous cloud Xiu clothes must frown on a frown, can't stand cloud Luo always can call "sister" this word out of all kinds of cadence tone. However, at the moment, her heart also ripples, followed by a smile.

So this is the feeling of going home!

Even if you are in the north and south of the world, even if you are separated by thousands of rivers, thousands of rivers and months, even if you are mountain after mountain, close and close. Even if across rivers and mountains, mountains, will not look back, firm and unswervingly toward each other.

I didn't expect to feel the family affection that I didn't experience in my previous life. Yun Xiuyi stretched out his hand to Yun Luo and said, "I'm back."

I don't know if this sentence is too sentimental, or I'm not used to the cloud Xiu clothes that suddenly become warm. Yunluo's nose is sour and his eyes are red. He comes very slowly, as if the scene will be broken if he goes faster.

When he comes to Yunxiu's clothes, Yunluo hugs her. He buries his head on Yunxiu's shoulders. His voice is a little stuffy. "Elder sister, I knew you would come back."

For a while, many family members were surrounded outside the Kungfu front hall, and they wept with joy at the reunion.

However, before they could wipe away the tears from the corner of their eyes, Yunluo suddenly pushed away Yunxiu's clothes and questioned, "you are not my sister, are you! My sister is not as considerate as you are

Before, don't say is to hold cloud Xiu clothes, even if it is to touch her, a little careless will be thrown out.

Cloud Luo wrung a face, very seriously looked at the person in front of him, and then stretched out his hand to pull cloud Xiu clothes face, want to confirm whether people disguised her.

As a result, before she touched Yun Xiu's face, she clapped it open with one palm. The strength was so strong that Yun Luo's hand was instantly red and swollen. Yun Luo held his hands and complained wrongly, "elder sister, you can't be lighter! Just came back and bullied me. "

Then he laughed again, "it's really my sister."

After the warmth, all the people around the front hall came to yunxiuyi, and their faces were full of curiosity. You asked me one by one, "Miss, where have you been these years? What happened to you that caused you to lose your message

"They all say that the first lady is dead. Although we don't believe it, we are sad until now."

"Yes! The owner also went out to look for the eldest lady for a long time. "

"If the owner hadn't left the cloud family for two years, the cloud family wouldn't be like this..."


Like talking about something obscure, Yunluo suddenly coughed twice, "OK, there will be plenty of time to talk about these trivial things in the future. Have you finished today? One or two around here, openly lazy? If you can't finish it, don't rest today! "

When they heard Yunluo's words, they left the front hall with a loud beep. When it was quiet, another stampede of footsteps sounded.

"Xiuyi is Xiuyi back?"

Haven't seen the figure of green Yao, her urgent call then spread over, cloud Xiu dress is Leng Leng at first, then quickly welcomed out.

As if feeling the smell of Yunxiu clothes, Qingyao suddenly stops. She shakes her hands and wants to cry, but her empty eyes can't shed tears. At this moment, the air seemed to become sticky. Qingyao choked a few times, and her voice trembled.

"Xiuyi, are you back?"

Like every time before, yunxiuyi held out her hand to hold Qingyao's hands hanging in the air. "Niang, it's me. I'm back."Hearing the voice of Yun Xiu's clothes, Qing Yao felt that she was dreaming for a moment. She has had this dream countless times in the past four years, but every time she wakes up, there is only boundless darkness waiting for her.

She hesitated and asked, "is Xiuyi really back? Mother is not dreaming, is she? Has Xiuyi really come back? "


It's clearly a response that doesn't have much ups and downs in her mood, but Qingyao is very excited. She claps the back of Yunxiu's hand and sobs, "just come back, just come back."

There are thousands of words to say, but now I find that I don't have to say anything. Even if I don't say anything, the other side can understand my mind.

Four years later, Qingyao's body seems to be weakened a lot. After chatting for a while, her spirit is slightly depressed. Accompanied by Yunluo, yunxiuyi first sends Qingyao back to the small yard, and then plans to talk about Dongyue in detail.

In the small yard, a piece of green alfalfa must be planted again by Qingyao after yunxiuyi left.

Yunxiuyi was standing under the shadow tree which covered the sky and the sun. Her thoughts went back to a long time ago. It took her a lot of effort to bring back this shadow tree.

And transplant shadow wood pit or she coerced heart month dug out.

Think of heart month cloud Xiu clothes face appear a trace of sadness, also don't know heart month and irrigation now body where, they fell down after the magic spirit way where.

"Thanks to this shadow tree, the aura of the cloud family is around. In recent years, even if you are not here, we are not tired of cultivation."

Said cloud Luo pointed to the distance shadow wood not far from the magic Kui, that is cloud Xiu clothing in the palace of the animal farm, "Ye Xingming that guy don't know how many times to play the idea of magic Kui, every time I stopped."

"Sister, you won't leave again this time!"

Without giving Yunluo the chance to continue sensationalizing, yunxiuyi tells her directly what happened after she left Dongyue. When she learns that in the world of yunxiuyi, she has only left Dongyue empire for less than a year, Yunluo is so surprised that she almost dislocated her chin.


After becoming the head of the cloud family, he has become more stable. However, at the moment, he can't help but curse, "shit, so you just went to the infinite continent and came back, and our worries about you are unnecessary?"

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