In the first year of yunxiuyi's departure, Yunluo was still calm. In the second year, he still didn't get any news from her. Yunluo was a little uneasy, especially after he learned that the Wuji continent and the Dongyue empire could travel freely.

Regardless of trusting the cloud family to Su Zixiang and Zhong Li, he went to Yueyue alone, even to the limitless continent.

However, no matter how he explored, he never got the news of yunxiuyi.

He only heard that there was once a very good lady of the palace leader in Wuji continent, who was as inviolable as an immortal and as shocking as a demon. His intuition told Yunluo that the lady was Yunxiu clothes.

But later, he heard that the palace master's wife had long disappeared, so Yunluo went to find Nanxu, the palace patron of Fuli palace, and then he knew about the magic way.

Gu Nanxu tells him that after yunxiuyi enters the magic spirit path, the magic spirit path collapses somehow. He has sent people everywhere to look for yunxiuyi's whereabouts, but he has never found a clue. Even the fox and Guanguan don't know where they have gone.

In this way, Yunluo stayed for two years near Heyue's going abroad in Wuji continent. It was only when he heard that the cloud family was suppressed by Tianji pavilion that he rushed back to Dongyue empire.

Cloud Luo one hand fork waist, one hand rub chin, he walked back and forth a few circles, in the heart of irritability did not dissipate.

"You don't know how I've come over these years. It's hard for me to be on guard against Tianji Pavilion while you are on the one hand and the cloud family on the other."

Yunluo complains, but he doesn't blame yunxiuyi for all this. Then he says to yunxiuyi, "the people of Dongyue Empire say that you are dead. If they know that you are back alive, it will be a bloodbath."

After listening to Yunluo's words, Yunxiu's eyebrows trembled, thinking that she had such a great influence in Dongyue Empire?

"What's the matter with Tianji pavilion?"

"Who knows what it is." When it comes to Tianji Pavilion, Yunluo is very angry. "I don't know where my cloud family offended the old man xiaoyaozi. He not only banned our cloud family from participating in the Tianji Pavilion disciple selection meeting, but also suppressed our cloud family everywhere on the Fengyun ranking list."

Yunluo tells yunxiuyi that now in the Dongyue Empire, Tianji Pavilion disciple selection meeting and Fengyun qualifying competition are very important competitions, and every year is a great event.

Especially after the status of Tianji pavilion was higher than before in Dongyue Empire, all people tried their best to get into Tianji Pavilion.

After all, the children of the major families were proud to be disciples of Tianji Pavilion, not to mention that Tianji Pavilion now has a direct position over the four families.

"What's the situation with the other families now?"

"Uncle Jimo, you know that you never ask about the world. You can't count on him until the critical moment. As for Zuo Ruo, she is devoted to the Holy Spirit. You should know about this. She has always been devoted to the Holy Spirit before. "

With the words of Jimo and Zuojia, Yunluo takes a deep look at Yunxiu's clothes. "Sister, I'm afraid you'll never dream of the changes of the Tang family in recent years."

Tang family? Yun Xiuyi remembers that the owner of the Tang family is Tang Yishuang, and there are a pair of gifted twin daughters in the family.

"Tang Yishuang has been working hard to strengthen the Tang family in recent years, but her two daughters don't let her worry. The eldest one, Tang Ning, is very jealous with Zuo Li all day long. The second one, Tang Wan, has been neglecting cultivation since he got married, and has long been out of the storm list."

"Guess who Tang Wan married?"

Knowing that Yun Xiuyi won't have leisure to think about these things, Yun Luo continued, "sister, do you still remember the tenth place in the first ranking? A man named Qi Yuan. "

"Qi Yuan?" Yun Xiuyi recalled it carefully, but he had no impression of the name.

"My sister can't remember him, but he is full of resentment against her. In the past few years when you are not in Dongyue, he has not less slandered you and said that you are inhuman! Bloody and cruel!... "

"Qi Yuan is also very skilled. He not only married Tang Wan, but also became xiaoyaozi's Apprentice. Xiaoyaozi, the old man, originally had only nine princesses as an apprentice. Since he accepted Qi Yuan, he became famous in Dongyue overnight. "

Yunluo said so many things, yunxiuyi only found two important information, xiaoyaozi and Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan married Tang Wan of Tang family, which means that Tianji Pavilion and Tang family are the biggest enemies of Yun family.

To understand the basic situation of Dongyue Empire, yunxiuyi asked, "how is Yunjia shop operating now? Is yunmoxuan affected? "

Yunluo sighed and reproached himself, "Yunjia shop is not as good as before, and I blame that I haven't done my best in the shop in recent years. If it wasn't for Su Zixiang's backing, I'd have closed down a long time ago.""But yunmoxuan has become more and more famous in recent years, and its monthly net income is rising."

These things have long been expected by Yunxiu clothing. The goods sold by Yunjia shops are all daily necessities. Although they are famous for their high quality and low price, they are easy to be replaced.

But yunmoxuan is different. Even in the past four years, pharmacists are still very scarce in Dongyue Empire, and medicinal materials are still things that ordinary people can't afford, so yunmoxuan will never be affected too much.

Cloud Xiuyi patted cloud Luo's shoulder, "you don't have to blame yourself, since I'm back, we can work together to revive the cloud family in the future."

In the past, the cloud family has survived such difficulties, not to mention that now they still have many cards in hand.

"In addition, I will not publicize my return for the time being. I just take advantage of these days to understand what is going on in Tianji Pavilion." She always feels that the purpose of xiaoyaozi is not just to suppress the cloud family.


After talking about these things, Yunluo noticed nalandot behind Yunxiu's clothes and asked, "who is this girl?"

Yun Xiuyi looked at the person behind him and said, "nalandot, she is the second lady of Nalan nationality in the infinite continent. She will live with me in the future."

"It's miss Naran."

Nalandot was originally a very lively person. At this moment, she was so nervous that she couldn't say a word to Yunluo. She secretly mocked that she was not promising. She had followed the Lord since she was a child and should have been immune to the appearance of ordinary people!

How did she get nervous from the moment she saw Yunluo?

At first he didn't notice that he was ok, but now he suddenly looked at him. Nalandot's face turned red and his eyes kept dodging.

For nalandot's state, Yunluo has long been familiar with it. Who made him the most popular figure in the East moon Empire besides Junfu? Few women could resist his charm.

"By the way, what about the fox and the bird?" Yunluo remembers that they used to be around their elder sister. Why didn't they come back with her this time?


Cloud Xiu clothes suddenly silent, after a long time to say, "I with them in the magic way, now don't know where they are."

Hearing this news, the atmosphere in the small yard immediately became sad. Yunluo was stunned and said softly, "since my sister has come back safely, they will come back safely."

The voice did not fall, not far away suddenly came a fiery call, "Yunluo, the princess heard that just came to two women, you are not out to have sex again!" Cloud Xiuyi looked up and saw the crescent Princess running.

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