Among the three Hall leaders, Su Mei, the leader of Qingxu hall, had the most unstable temper. He was afraid of the unexpected. Qi Yuan waited until Yun Xiu was punished before he left the criminal law hall.

Fighting is a serious mistake in Tianji Pavilion, and the punishment is also severe.

Su Mei leads Yun Xiu's clothes to a pool of fire and says, "the criminal law of criminal law hall is divided into five kinds: gold, wood, water, fire and earth. What you have to suffer is the punishment of fire."

Yun Xiuyi stops for a while in front of the pool and finds that the fires are not as hot as she thought. Before she doubts, Su Mei takes the initiative to explain, "the fire in the pool is different from the ordinary fire. What burns is not your skin, but your baby."

Since it's just punishment, it won't hurt her life. After hearing Su Mei's explanation, Yun Xiuyi doesn't want to waste any more time. Without hesitation, she jumps into the pool of fire. In an instant, the fire rushes to her.

As Su Mei said, the fire in the fire pool has no temperature, but it can enter your body through your skin and burn your baby.

It's hundreds of times more painful than burning your skin directly, but it doesn't leave a trace of punishment.

As soon as Yun Xiu's clothes entered the pool of fire, thin and dense beads of sweat came out of her forehead. She sat down on her knees in the same place. Just as she was ready to resist the surrounding fire with her spiritual power, Su Mei's voice came at this time.

"Don't use the spirit power to resist. The fire will only burn fiercer and fiercer when it encounters the spirit power. If you don't want Yuanying to be damaged, you will be punished quietly."

Su Mei's words are not alarmist. Yun Xiu's clothes have just released a trace of spiritual power. The fire around her is really more vigorous than before. She has to quickly hide all her spiritual power and let the fire burn her Yuanying.

But the pain in the body didn't last for a long time. After a while, the fire around Yun Xiu's clothes became weaker and weaker. In the end, there were only a few weak flames.

"This is..."

Su Mei, who has been guarding outside the fire pool, looks at this scene in surprise. The fire in the fire pool has not been extinguished since Tianji Pavilion established the sect. How come the little girl has not been extinguished long after she went in? What can we do?

There is no fire in the pool, cloud Xiu clothes has entered a sitting state, she does not know what happened outside, the body of the only gold yuan baby fast rotation.

The fire red rosefinch in Yuanying is waving its wings. It is she who absorbs all the fire from the outside world into Yuanying.

Like everything that has been moistened by rain, the golden light around the golden yuan baby becomes more and more dazzling after being burned by the fire. In front of Su Mei's face, Yun Xiu's clothes successfully break through to the first level spirit, and the whole criminal law hall is filled with strong spirit.

Su Mei was stunned at the beginning. She thought that this little girl was so smart that she should not be ranked tenth in the list of the storm with her strength!

After a flash of doubt in her heart, Su Mei suddenly laughs. Since the little girl deliberately conceals her strength, of course he won't take the initiative to expose it. It's just that... He must bring her to his Diming class.

In addition to class competition, there will be various competitions between the four classes in Tianji Pavilion in the past four years.

These competitions are not only related to the honor of each class, but also directly affect the reputation of the three Hall leaders. A few years ago, Su Mei has been defeated by LAN Feiyu and Zhiyuan.

Seeing that there was no possibility of turning over, God sent the little girl to him at this time. It was God's help.

Su Mei looks at Yun Xiu's clothes and laughs, forgetting why the fire in the pool disappears.

Yun Xiuyi sat in the fire pool for a whole day and night. When she opened her eyes again, she found that she had risen to the first level. She couldn't remember what had happened before.


This day and night, Su Mei has been guarding by the fire pool, now see cloud Xiu clothes open eyes, immediately concerned about the inquiry asked, "is there any discomfort? If you feel uncomfortable, please let me know

In the face of Su Mei's concern, Yun Xiuyi obviously didn't know, so then she heard Su Mei say, "you see, the fire in the fire pool has disappeared because of you. If other people know that you are afraid, you will be punished."

See cloud Xiu clothes hear punish two words didn't show panic look, Su Mei continues to say, "punish or light, maybe will be driven out of Tianji Pavilion."

The main purpose of yunxiuyi's coming to Tianji Pavilion is to find foxes. She hasn't been to Jiuyin Temple yet. How can she leave easily? "What do you want to say?"

Although the little girl in the fire pool is still calm, she says that she doesn't want to leave Tianji Pavilion, "I can hide this for you, but..." Su Mei smiles again, "as a return gift, you must come to my Diming class after the class competition."

Although it's not clear why Su Mei insists on letting her go to Diming class, Yun Xiuyi thinks about it for a while, not to mention that the class competition is half a year later, which will not affect her for the time being.Even if let her go to Diming class now, it's not a big deal for her. In her opinion, no matter which class she is in, it's the same.

So she resolutely agreed to Su Mei's request, "yes, I can go to Diming class after class competition."

"That's right!" After getting the guarantee of Yunxiu clothes, Su Meimei lets Yunxiu clothes leave the fire pool with a smile, and sends her out of the criminal law hall personally.

Not long after leaving the criminal law hall, Yun Xiuyi suddenly hears bursts of heartbreaking screams. She frowns. She didn't want to meddle in her business, but someone pours at her. She dodges and the man kneels on the ground.

"Help us! Help us

Yun Xiuyi turns to the man on the ground and looks at him. Then he sees a man who has been beaten black and blue. He asks her for help in a panic. He also looks back from time to time, as if there are monsters behind him.

Looking at the man's dress, he should be a disciple of Tianji Pavilion, but I don't know why he is wearing grey school clothes.

Yunxiuyi looked in the direction behind him, and then he found that a group of disciples in gray school clothes were being surrounded and beaten by a group of people.

She thought, it seems that there is not only campus violence in the 21st century, but also bullying in Tianji Pavilion. She has just experienced it not long ago. How can she save others when she is too busy?

"Who are you?"

Just as Yun Xiuyi was about to leave, a man in the same blue school uniform as Yun Xiuyi came over. The difference was that there was a gray band on the sleeve of Yun Xiuyi, while the man's sleeve was white band.

"Xuanshui class?" The man looked at the cloud Xiuyi school clothes, eyes flash a trace of disdain, and then impatiently said, "leave here quickly, don't meddle."

She didn't want to meddle in her own business. She was eager to leave soon. Yun Xiuyi walked straight past the man.

However, before he was far away from this place of right and wrong, Qi Yuan suddenly came over with several disciples. He said, "who is making trouble?"

The group of students in grey school clothes saw Qi Yuan coming, as if they saw a savior. "Elder martial brother Qi, are we bullied by people from Tianling class? Help us quickly

Seeing that the atrocity was exposed, the disciples of Tianling class were in a panic and looked at Qi Yuan at a loss.

Just when they thought it was over, they saw Qi Yuan kick the gray man in front of him to the ground, "nonsense, how can people in Tianling class bully people in your low spirit class? You want to slander the people of Tianling class before making trouble

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