The reversal happened in an instant. The group of people in gray school clothes thought they had been saved, but they were knocked down by Qi Yuan. They collapsed to the ground in despair, and the light of hope in their eyes faded little by little.

The people in the Tianling class looked at Qi Yuan in doubt. After understanding that he was on their side, they immediately flattered him and said, "elder martial brother Qi is wise. Don't listen to their nonsense!"

"Elder martial brother Qi, look, my arm is bruised by them."

"Me too, me too. That fool just kicked me. I'm still in pain! Elder martial brother Qi must make decisions for us! "

Listening to the Tianling class disciples' planting and framing, those in grey school clothes were trembling, but they had no choice but to bite their lips one by one and swallow their grievances.

"Send them all to the criminal law hall for punishment." Qi Yuan waved a hand to signal to take away the person, just about to turn around and then saw the cloud Xiu clothes not far away.

He Leng Leng immediately cried out, "you stop."

Not to mention that Qi Yuan didn't name her, even if she called her name, she wouldn't pay attention to her. Yun Xiuyi didn't stop to move on, but Qi Yuan continued to shout angrily, "Yunxi, you hurt so many people and want to leave!"

"Seize her, and I will not hold any of you responsible." At Qi Yuan's command, the disciples of Tianling class and those in grey school clothes were all in a daze.

Seeing cloud Xiu clothes go farther and farther, Qi Yuan even kicked several people, "what are you doing! Why don't you go after me

When yunxiuyi is about to walk to Xuanshui class, a group of people come to surround her, but they just surround her, but they don't know what to do next.

After a while, Qi Yuan also came. He looked at Yun Xiu's clothes unkindly, "what are you running for? Is it a guilty conscience? " Then Qi Yuan looked at the disciples around him, "is that the one who beat you just now?"

The disciples were still at a loss, and they couldn't figure out what the situation was until Qi Yuan angrily scolded them, "are you the ones who are looking for trouble?"

"No, no!" The disciples of Tianling class reacted first, and immediately pointed at yunxiuyi, "it's her. It's her who beat us just now." The voice just fell, and other disciples of Tianling class also echoed.

Then Qi Yuan looked at the group of people in grey school clothes, "what about you? Can you see clearly, who is the one who beat you

The group of disciples in grey uniforms looked at each other. Naturally, they understood what Qi Yuan meant, but

They are the real victims of being bullied, and they know the bitterness and helplessness of being bullied better than anyone else. How can they help to bully others now?

Heart is struggling, Qi Yuan impatient urged way, "is it really you hit the Tianling class?"

"No, no!"

That group of people a listen to anxious, immediately follow Qi Yuan's words to say, "is she! She hit us. " After the accusation, they were suddenly relieved, thinking that they would not have to go to the criminal law hall to be punished!

Qi Yuan looked at the crowd with satisfaction, and then moved his eyes to Yunxiu clothes, "Yunxi, what else do you have to say?"

Since the White has been said to be black, what else can she say? But Qi Yuan so endless planting frame cloud Xiu clothes has been tired.

She raised her eyes and looked at Qi Yuan. Her cold eyes were like a sharp blade, which made Qi Yuan feel guilty.

However, without waiting for Qi Yuan to warn Yun Xiuyi not to change his mind, he suddenly felt numb all over his body, even his mouth was a little stiff. He reached out and patted his cheek doubtfully, and then found his tongue numb. What's going on?

Waiting for a little relief, Qi Yuan immediately questioned Yun Xiuyi, "you dare to poison me!" Qi Yuan angrily stretched out his hand, "where's the antidote?"

Poison? Isn't it a waste of painstakingly refined poison to use on him? Yun Xiu doesn't even bother to look at Qi Yuan. "When do I poison you when I talk about evidence?"

"You... There will be no one here who dares to plot against me except you." At this moment, Qi Yuan has determined that Yun Xiu's clothes have poisoned him.

However, cloud Xiu clothes from the beginning to the end, but did not change his face, "words can not be nonsense, do not you have a hidden disease, mistakenly think it is a poison, sick or as soon as possible to see a doctor, do not delay the best time to treat regret."

"As for poison..." cloud Xiu clothes line of sight swept everyone, "can someone see me poison? If you don't believe in it, you'll find a doctor. "

Qi Yuan wants to say something, and his whole body is a burst of numbness. He is afraid to delay with Yun Xiuyi, which really delays the treatment time. He goes to the doctor in Tianji Pavilion, and he does not forget to warn Yun Xiuyi before he leaves."If I'm really poisoned, you can't have a better time." Dropping this sentence, Qi Yuan left in a hurry.

As soon as Qi Yuan left, Tianling class and the group of people in gray school clothes were guilty to avoid the sight of Yunxiu clothes. Yunxiu clothes didn't want to worry about them, so they went around them and went on to Xuanshui class.

At the moment, in the Xuanshui class, the disciples who had been in trouble with yunxiuyi were discussing happily.

"Do you think that ugly woman will die in the criminal law hall! Few people stay in it for a day or a night without coming out! I think she's probably dead. "

"I don't think so! I haven't heard of any disciple who died in the criminal law hall! But it's good to die. "

Heard that several people fell into the well, nalandou gas but just want to come forward and their theory, cloud Xiuyi figure just at this time appeared in the school gate.

The anger on nalandot's face disappeared immediately, and he called happily, "sister Yun, you're back!"

She excitedly ran to the cloud Xiu clothes in front of, left to see right to see, to be sure cloud Xiu clothes no trauma just relaxed, "cloud elder sister, how did you stay so long in the criminal law hall?"

"There's a delay."

Cloud Xiu clothes finish saying then want to go to own seat, Na Lan Duo also happily follow behind her.

The faces of those who were still talking about Yunxiu's clothes were unpredictable when they saw her. However, the wounds that they had been bitten by their own spiritual power were not healed, and they did not dare to look for trouble again.

At the end of the day, Qi Yuan came to Xuanshui class again, but this time his attitude was totally different from the previous ones.

He forced his anger and went to yunxiuyi, "what did you do to me, younger martial sister Yunxi? I went to see a doctor. The doctor said that I was not poisoned and that my body was OK. But why can't I use the spirit power? "

"Doctors don't know why, how can I know?"

Cloud Xiu clothing set Qi yuan only dare to play the game of planting frame up, did not dare to act openly in front of the public, extremely perfunctory reply.


Since Qi Yuan became xiaoyaozi's second apprentice, even the leader of Tianji Pavilion wanted to give him some face. When was he treated like this? But now he asked for Yunxiu clothes, so he had to swallow the curse again.

Continue to accompany to smile a way, "those doctors which compare with cloud Xi elder martial sister, I admit is elder martial brother's mistake before, you spare me this time!"

"I don't understand what you're saying."

From sealing Qi Yuan's big acupoints with silver needles, Yun Xiuyi never thought of taking out those silver needles again. Now Qi Yuan's Lingli is sealed as a useless person. Let alone her, he can't help anyone in Xuanshui class.

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