Seeing that the ugly woman in front of him was still indifferent, Qi Yuan's anger finally broke out. He patted the table and scolded angrily.

"It's good advice, but you don't know what's good and what's bad. Hand over the antidote quickly, or I'll let you live instead of die!"

In the face of Qi Yuan's threat, cloud Xiuyi cloud light breeze light way back, "since the doctor of Tianji Pavilion said you are not poisoned, where do I come to the antidote? Qi Yuan, on the way here, you warned us not to contact with me. Is it too obvious to plant and frame up now? "


On the way here, Qi Yuan openly warned those people to draw a clear line with the people of the cloud family, because he expected that they would not dare to say it out. However, at this time, in Tianji Pavilion, he had to have a lot of scruples.

Although the leaders and elders in Tianji Pavilion will not take the initiative to conflict with him, if he breaks the rules, he will be punished.

In addition, it's not easy for Qi Yuan to enter xiaoyaozi's family. Xiaoyaozi may sweep him out of the house if he has any mistakes.

To understand the fierce relationship between them, Qi Yuan stretched out his hand to fight Yunxiu clothes and took it back, "when I find out the evidence that you murdered me, even if I don't care about the criminal law, the hall can't tolerate you, you're waiting to die!"

Put down this cruel words, Qi Yuan angrily left Xuanshui class, then Xuanshui class fell into a long period of silence.

After a long time, Yun Xiuyi said to nalandot, "let's go! If you go to the dining hall later, there will be nothing to eat. " Voice: the disciples in the Xuanshui class immediately gave them a way.

Until Yun Xiuyi and nalandot left school, they were relieved. I think that ugly woman even elder martial brother Qi dares to hurt her secretly. I don't know when she will attack them. It's better not to provoke her.

In the dining hall, nalandot asked Yun Xiuyi while eating, "sister Yun, I can't feel any spiritual power on Qi Yuan. Did you really poison him?"


"What's the matter?" Nalandot said with a sigh, "Qi Yuan is aiming at us. It's estimated that he will be even more reluctant in the future. Sister Yun, are you not afraid of being watched by him every day

Cloud Xiu dress looked up to see Na Lan Duo one eye, seem to suspect her words much, but explained again, "he originally won't let us off easily."

Sealing Qi Yuan's spiritual power is to limit his action. For her, it is only beneficial and more convenient.

Nalandot soon understood the meaning of Yun Xiu's clothes. After she felt at ease, even the food became more fragrant. But before she could swallow the food, there was a loud bang in the dining hall, and then the disciples nearby began to stir up.

Just heard a burst of ridicule and abuse came, "you see their stupid appearance, give them food is a waste of food!"

"That's right. I feel uncomfortable when I see their gray clothes, just like a mouse."

"They are not mice! Who is waiting to see them in Tianji pavilion? "

There was a lot of laughter around, but it's not the end, "since they want to eat, let them eat! At least they spent a lot of money coming in. "

The man at the head picked up a bowl of soup and poured it over the head of a disciple in a grey school uniform, laughing, "is it delicious? If it's delicious, you can eat more! Your parents spent a lot of money to improve our food

Nalandot turned to look at the troublemakers and said to yunxiuyi, "Qu Huashang said that the disciples of each class in Tianji Pavilion learn different clothes."

She looked at the noisy people over there, "their sleeves are black belts. They should be from the dusk class."

"As for the group of people in gray clothes who were bullied on the ground were from the low spirit class, Qu Huashang said that they were not qualified to enter Tianji Pavilion because of their low talent. They were all sent in by the powerful family, but even if they entered Tianji Pavilion, they were not disciples of Tianji Pavilion."

Although nalandot is very worried after Yunxiu's clothes are taken to the criminal law hall, he is actively understanding the situation of Tianji Pavilion, hoping to help Yunxiu's clothes a little bit.

"It's common for people in the low spirit class to be bullied in Tianji Pavilion. As long as there is no human life, the hall leader and elders will turn a blind eye."

Before, yunxiuyi had seen the people in the low spirit class bullied by the people in the Tianling class. Now they are in the Diming class. It's not necessary to think about it. They are in a very humble situation in the Tianji Pavilion, and they have no resistance because of their weak spirit power.

As for why the disciples of other classes bullied them, the reason is obvious. They worked hard to get into Tianji Pavilion.

The people in the low spirit class are obviously not as good as themselves. They easily enter the Tianji pavilion just because they have money at home. They will feel unfair to anyone. If they are allowed to, of course, they vent all their resentments on the people in the low spirit class.The cloud Xiu dress once listened to but didn't put this matter on the heart, however just don't happen, before kneeling in front of her to ask for help of that person came again.

As if determined that Yun Xiuyi could help him, he knelt down again, "younger martial sister, help us! Since you are not afraid of elder martial brother Qi, you can certainly save us. We don't want to be bullied by them any more! "

Not afraid that Qi Yuan will save them? What logic?

However, even if Yun Xiuyi wanted to stay out of the trouble, all the people in the dining hall of the low spirit class gathered their eyes on her. One day, the disciples of Tianling class immediately said, "she poisoned elder martial brother Qi, but we can't find any evidence."

"You can't tell without evidence." Nalando rolled his eyes in silence.

But the others in the dining hall don't think so. They quickly surround and accuse Yun Xiuyi, "how dare you poison elder martial brother Qi?"

"Elder martial brother Qi, why do you want to poison him? Give me the antidote, or we will never let you go. "

"Give me the antidote! Give me the antidote

Those people may be used to beating and kicking the people in the low spirit class. Seeing that Yunxiu's clothes are from Xuanshui class, they don't pay any attention to her at all. They have to do it one by two. Yun Xiuyi holds chopsticks in one hand and pats the table in the other.

In a flash, the Taoist spirit power spread around like a visible dagger, and all the people who had been surrounded by yunxiuyi were hit to the ground.

Suddenly, there was a wail in the dining hall. Without waiting for Yun Xiu to get up and leave, Qi Yuan didn't know where to come out.

He ran over in shock and asked, "what happened? Who hurt you? " After asking him, he moved his eyes to Yunxiu's clothes, looking even more shocked, "how can it be you again? You have not harmed me enough, but also the whole Tianji pavilion? "

"Elder martial brother Qi, you must make the decision for us! She has gone too far. If she is allowed to act recklessly, won't she destroy our Tianji pavilion? "

"It's you who are the first..."

Nalandou just wanted to come forward to explain, but yunxiuyi held her, then stepped forward and said, "let's go! Go to the criminal law hall. "

"..." as soon as the words came out of the dining hall, there was a complete silence. In Tianji Pavilion, everyone is afraid to go to the criminal law hall. I've never seen anyone take the initiative to go. I'm afraid this person is not a fool!

Even Qi Yuan could not help but wonder. It seems that this slut left the criminal law hall undamaged today. Did she have an affair with the leader of Su Mei hall?

No! Su Mei hall leader is famous among the three Hall leaders. How can he get involved with her?

Qi Yuan soon overturned this conjecture, only when the previous punishment was lighter, so Yun Xiuyi had no fear. The first time, maybe Su Mei will get away with it. I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with it again.

Thinking of this, Qi Yuan immediately said, "I originally wanted to give you another chance because you are a new disciple. Since you want to go to the criminal law hall to be punished, I will help you and give you an explanation." In this way, cloud Xiu clothing in the public schadenfreude was sent to the criminal law hall.

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