"Oh, you! I said, are you two finished? It's all day long As soon as yunxiuyi is ready to speak, Su Mei's voice suddenly falls from the sky. Then he appears in front of Mo Xi Lou and yunxiuyi.

Su Mei's face was very strange. "Yunxi girl, you used to love to go to the criminal law hall to find my old man. How can you forget me so soon?"

"But don't get me wrong! I didn't come to Houshan specially to look for you. I'm not that bored. "

Then Su Mei looked up and down at Mo Xi Lou and continued, "since you've met me, come with me! It's inconvenient to be old. You're here to help. "

Mo Xi Lou looks at Yun Xiu's clothes, and then they consciously follow Su Mei to the deeper part of the back mountain.

Su Mei's so-called help is to repair a bamboo house in the back mountain for him. He explains while directing moxilou to chop bamboo.

"It's not only Yunxi girl who loves to be quiet. I usually stay here except for the criminal law hall and lectures. A few days ago, there was a change in the desperate trial, which broke the top of the bamboo house. I planned to repair it in my spare time today. Unexpectedly, I met you two

Su Mei took out a set of tea sets and this year's new tea from the bamboo house to enjoy the tea.

Look at the two people not far away, one is cutting bamboo, the other is carrying bamboo.

When the bamboo is almost ready, Moxi upstairs repairs the roof, and yunxiuyi is responsible for handing the bamboo to him. All the steps are going on.

The sunshine fell on the bamboo house through the cracks of the branches, and on the faces of Mo Xi Lou and Yun Xiu Yi, warm and beautiful.

I don't know whether the tea is too fragrant or the picture at the bamboo house is too beautiful. Su Mei's mouth rises. At this moment, she feels very satisfied and a sense of happiness arises spontaneously.

Mo Xi Lou and Yun Xiu Yi don't think Su Mei is calling them. They live in a hurry all the time. They also cherish the rare quiet time. They don't want the time to go too fast.

After repairing the bamboo house, Mo Xi Lou fell to the ground spotlessly. He looked at the sweat beads on Yun Xiu's forehead, and naturally raised his hand to help her wipe the sweat.

As for the cloud Xiu clothes also didn't dodge, quiet stand in front of Mo Xi building, wait until he put down his hand, two talents together toward Su Mei. Su Mei shook his head in disgust. "You two think about the feelings of the elderly a little bit."

Then he asked Mo Xilou, "can a young man play chess? A game of chess? " See Mo Xi Lou nodded, Su Mei Li impromptu rushed into the bamboo house to get the chessboard.

As the sun goes down, the afterglow hits the black-and-white chessboard. Yun Xiuyi drinks tea in boredom. She glances at Su Mei and Mo Xilou, who are absorbed in everything. She doesn't know much about the black-and-white chessboard, so she can only be an outsider at the moment.

Mo Xi Lou looked at Xiang Yunxiu's clothes while she was falling. She knocked her teacup with nothing to do and reminded her, "there are many herbs around here. Why don't you pick some to pass the time?"

If before cloud Xiu clothes afraid is already got up, but at this moment she unexpectedly lazy some don't want to move.

As if seeing through her mind, Mo Xi Lou said, "I see a stove in the bamboo house. When I'm hungry, I'll find some ingredients to make some small dishes."

How many side dishes do you make? Since he came to Dongyue, Yunxiu has eaten everything. If he didn't eat anything, he would swallow a few pills to supplement his physical nutrition. He seldom does it by himself. I vaguely remember that he was roasting a hare in the brokenhearted ridge last time.

She hesitated for a moment and finally got up.

Yunxiuyi first went around the bamboo house and found no food. Then he picked some wild vegetables nearby and hunted some game.

Su Mei and Mo Xilou were playing chess. Suddenly, they heard a loud "crackle" sound coming from the bamboo house. With a flash of fire, they smelled a smell of food burning.

"It seems that Yunxi has no talent in cooking!"

"That's because she never cares about her food, clothing, housing and transportation. The small yard where she lives was worse than here."

Su Mei looked up at Mo Xi Lou and said, "I just said that casually. Is it necessary for you to explain so much? Focus, play chess. "

As soon as the game was over, Yun Xiuyi came out with two sets of black things. After Su Mei put the two sets of black things in front of them, she said, "I'm carrying detoxification pills with me. I don't think anything will happen."

"... Yunxi girl."

Su Mei looked at the food that could not be called food in front of her, and said, "don't make it difficult for yourself or for us. I still have some preserves and cakes. I will never be hungry."

"It doesn't sell well, it tastes good."There Su Mei has not finished, Mo Xi Lou has already eaten up, see him with relish of appearance, Su Mei corner of the mouth twitch twice.

After confirming that Mo Xi Lou had not fainted immediately, he asked suspiciously, "isn't it really bad?" Without waiting for Mo Xilou to answer, he picked up his chopsticks and put a piece of unknown object into his mouth.

Su Mei chewed it carefully twice, and his face turned green almost in the blink of an eye. He spitted out the things in his mouth and complained bitterly about Mo Xi Lou.

"Won't your conscience hurt to cheat an old man?"

After such an afternoon, Su Mei's relationship with Mo Xilou and Yun Xiuyi seems to have improved by leaps and bounds, even threatening to be their witness.

When they returned to Tianji Pavilion together, all the disciples they met were shocked. They were shocked that the ugly woman Yunxi had such a good relationship with Su Mei, who was always hot tempered.

Even elder martial brother Mo, who just came to Tianji Pavilion, is very fond of her!

However, Mo Xi Lou's original plan was very effective. He appeared in Tianji Pavilion in a high profile and showed his strength in a high profile.

If it really makes those disciples in Tianji Pavilion dare not trouble yunxiuyi any more, even if they are still extremely disgusted and dissatisfied with yunxiuyi, they only dare to complain in their hearts. If they meet yunxiuyi in Tianji Pavilion, they will walk around.

Qi Yuan, who once wanted to kill Yunxiu, lost his life in the battle of Tianji square.

And because his internal organs were broken at that time, his body is now vulnerable to a single blow, and there is no need to re cultivate.

After such a miserable ending, Qi Yuan not only does not reflect on himself, but also has a deeper hatred for Yun Xi. Even if he lies in bed day by day, he does not put down his hatred for a moment.

In addition, it is not only Qi Yuan who hates Yunxi to the bone and kills her quickly, but also downing who is afraid of her.

That night, outside Fengming palace, there were the emperor, Yunluo, Zuoli, and Yunxi. The emperor decided not to deal with them, but Yunluo and Zuoli couldn't deal with them for the time being.

Before she returns to Dongyue, she has the idea of killing Yunxi. She doesn't know how many of the three people standing outside at that time know, but Yunxi once went into Fengming palace to put on a coat for her. She must know that she is unclean.

Tang Ning didn't even dare to tell Tang Yishuang about this unspeakable thing. He even dared not face her while hiding from Tang Wan. It was like a purulent wound tormenting her.

Yunxi is an unstable factor that she can't control. She worries that keeping her will hurt herself one day.

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