Apart from the fact that the disciples of Xuanshui class rejected the newcomers in the first few days, they were relieved after a long time. Do you have to blame others for being better than you?

Besides, all the people in Tianji Pavilion, except the low spirit class, are more powerful than them. Do they really have to be fussy?

So it wasn't long before they got used to the existence of such a group of people.

Lin Ge is still fighting everywhere. Yuan Yi's divine dragon can see the head but not the tail. Qu Huashang and Tang Ning are always the goddess images above.

As for nalandot and yunxiuyi, they keep away from each other. Since nalandot was imprisoned in his room by Qi Yuan last time, the leader of lanfeiyu's hall is very concerned about her safety and will come to Xuanshui class every three to five.

In Tianji Pavilion, even the disciples of Jialan class are afraid of the blue hall leader, not to mention them. Naturally, they want to stay away from nalandot to avoid suspicion.

Finally, Yunxi, an ugly woman, they didn't even bother to look at her. They used to look for trouble when they were idle. Anyway, elder martial brother Qi would support them, but since elder martial brother Qi became a useless person, they had no support at all.

In addition, elder martial brother Mo in Jialan class comes to Yunxi without class. Even if he looks at the ugly woman, elder martial brother Mo will warn her with his eyes. How dare they bother her!

Before the end of the morning class, most of the students in Xuanshui class fell asleep. Master Yue stood by and looked at the window and didn't care about them. It wasn't until the end of the morning class that he knocked on the table and said, "wake up and announce something."

The disciples called each other's names, straightened up, looked at Yuexiu with a blank face, and the sleepiness in their eyes had not completely disappeared.

"In two days there will be a competition at the top of the Royal spirit."

"Ah..." as soon as the disciples of Xuanshui class heard these words, they immediately fell asleep and complained, "elder Yuexiu, the top of the imperial spirit should not be able to fight with us! We're not qualified to participate anyway. "

"I won't go if I'm qualified to participate. Three years ago, so many senior brothers and sisters died at the top of the imperial spirit. It's too scary. I don't want to take my life into it."

Xuanshui class's disciples were all in fear when they spoke to each other. They were not relieved until Yue Xiu continued to speak.

"The top of the imperial spirit has nothing to do with you. I'm afraid you'll be wiped out at the first level." He said, his eyes wandered for a while, "but because there are several outstanding disciples in our class, there are places in Xuanshui class, the top of the imperial spirit."

At this point, we finally understand that the original is to let those on the wind and cloud list to participate in the summit of the imperial spirit, all the disciples immediately a look of excitement.

"What is the summit of the imperial spirit?" Asked downing.

Yue Xiu took a few steps forward and said, "the top of the imperial spirit is a competition held by Tianji pavilion every three years. The competition is divided into three levels. Every year, the competition place needs to be found by the participants themselves."

"What's so special about this game?" From Yue Xiu's short words, Downing didn't know anything special about the top of the imperial spirit.

Without waiting for Yuexiu to answer her, the disciples of Xuanshui class chattered and said, "the terrible degree of the top of the imperial spirit is not what you can imagine. It's absolutely more terrible than entering the desperate trial."

"Three years ago, no one at the top of the imperial spirit successfully broke through the pass. Even elder martial brother situ and elder martial sister Jianjia of Jialan class failed at the last pass."

"We don't know what it is. It's all hearsay. Anyway, it's terrible! Fortunately, we are not qualified to participate, and I will not come to Tianji Pavilion. "

Listen to Xuanshui class of disciples more said more outrageous, month repair light cough two, "you don't want to exaggerate."

He continued, "the three levels in the competition of the top of the imperial spirit respectively test the spirit power, intelligence and character. In addition to the spirit power, there is no danger in the other two levels. Although it is not easy to pass, the decision is not so terrible as you said."

Fearing that those on the list would not participate in the summit of the imperial spirit, Yue Xiu said, "situ Yan and Jian Jia, who participated in the summit of the imperial spirit three years ago, will still participate."

Just when everyone's eyes were focused on Yue Xiu, Qu Huashang and Lin Ge looked at each other.

Then Lin Ge raised his hand and said, "elder Yuexiu, I want to take part in the summit of the imperial spirit." As soon as he finished, Qu Huashang also raised his hand.

Elder Yuexiu nodded with approval, "this year, there are plenty of prizes at the top of the imperial spirit. Come on!"

On hearing the word "prize", even if most of the students in Xuanshui class didn't take part, their eyes lit up and asked, "elder Yuexiu, what's the prize? How rich is it? "

"Misty record of the sea of clouds.""Cut!" Immediately, disciple Tucao Dao said, "we can not make complaints about the sea of clouds with our talents. Not interested, not interested. "

In the face of the noise of these young disciples, Yue Xiu shook his head with a smile and said, "it's not only the misty record of the sea of clouds, but also the ice lion of Jiuyou."

"Hold the grass!" Now all the disciples in Xuanshui class are boiling, "nine you ice lion? The prize actually has nine you ice lion, I also want to have nine you ice lion such mount, riding out more pull wind ah! There must be a lot of attention! "

"Don't dream! Who don't want to have it? "

In the noise of the disciples, Downing silently raised his hand, "elder Yuexiu, I want to participate in the summit of the imperial spirit." That Jiuyou ice lion is hers.

Downing didn't like the Jiuyou ice lion much, but he thought that if he gave the Jiuyou ice lion to the emperor, would he look at himself more? With this idea, Downing's fighting spirit was also stimulated.

When Yuan Yi also raised his hand to show that he wanted to participate in the summit of the imperial spirit, all the people in the Xuanshui class focused on Yun Xiu Yi and nalandot.

While observing the crowd, nalandot asked Yun Xiuyi in a low voice, "sister Yun, do we want to join in the fun?"

"Not interested."

Although the voice was not big enough for everyone in Xuanshui class to hear, one of the disciples immediately laughed and said, "I'm not interested! I don't think she has the courage to participate! He just gave himself a high sounding excuse. "

"I'm afraid it's normal! I think people should have self-knowledge, otherwise they don't know how to die. "

"Self knowledge? They have made elder martial brother Qi a useless person by playing tricks. Elder martial brother Qi is the second disciple of the cabinet leader! So she ruined her bright future. "

As soon as the male disciple finished, the female disciple sarcastically said, "what is Yin Zhao? It's amazing how they flatter her. It's the virtue that makes elder martial brother Mo give up on her. I just hope elder martial brother Mo can see her face as soon as possible and turn around. "

"Are you finished?"

Downing slapped the table and said indignantly, "what has Yunxi done to make you say such vicious words? At least you are also disciples of Tianji Pavilion. How did the elders teach you? "

Those disciples didn't expect that downing would stand out for Yunxi. They all looked at each other, then awkwardly avoided sight and stopped talking.

"Well, don't quarrel any more." Yue Xiu looked at Yun Xiu's clothes with soft eyes. "There are still two days to go from the top of the imperial spirit. You should think about it first. If you change your mind and want to go, you can tell me."

As soon as the morning class was over, Downing went to yunxiuyi and said, "don't worry about what they say. They are all people who look at their faces. They are very superficial."

Then downing said to Yun Xiuyi, "why don't you want to take part in the summit of the imperial spirit, since the elder said it's not dangerous? If you win the first place, those people will not despise you any more. "

Cloud Xiu clothes looked up at Tang Ning, thought this person seems to be enthusiastic today some abnormal, must be drunk meaning is not in the bar!

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