Although Su Mei has long been immune to the numb conversation between the two, she still can't help joking, "eating? You two are not afraid of indigestion, but also for the elderly. "

Then "cut" a, "also don't know where to come so much meat hemp explicit words."

After dinner, Su Mei regained her solemnity. After Mo Xilou went to the stove, she said to Yun Xiuyi, "although I take the initiative to persuade you to take part in the summit of the imperial spirit, it's not easy to get this prize!"

"It's not that I doubt your strength. You can pass the two levels of spiritual power and intelligence, even with a little effort, but this character..."

Su Mei looked up and down at Yun Xiu's clothes and said frankly, "I was defeated in character when I took part in the imperial spirit summit."

"There's something wrong with your character."

"Well? Do you talk to your elders like that? " Su Mei blew his beard and glared at his eyes, and then he reached out to beat Yun Xiu's clothes. "This level has nothing to do with character at all. It's mainly about cooperation and patience. You can't control it alone."

"Cooperation? Patience? "

"Yes Su Mei seems to think of what happened when he took part in the summit of the imperial spirit. "What sounds good is cooperation, but what sounds bad is poverty alleviation."

"Although it's not easy to successfully pass the first pass, why should we arrange for the next pass? We must unite to complete the task before we can succeed? Not only will they be held back by others, but they will also help them to break through the barriers together. What is poverty alleviation? "

Su Mei more think more gas, "this also calculate, the key those people stupid cry ghosts, I seem to have patience to save their intelligence?"

Yun Xiuyi nodded in recognition. It's really not what she's good at to cooperate with people she doesn't know and is not familiar with.

When they fell into silence, Mo Xi Lou finally picked up and came over, "I will also take part in the summit of the imperial spirit. I don't have to worry about these things."

With the words of Mo Xi Lou, it was like having security. Yun Xiu Yi was relieved in a moment.

Because Su Mei planned to live in the bamboo house tonight, yunxiuyi and moxilou went back to Tianji Pavilion first. Not long after entering the pavilion, Jianjia came over and said, "brother Mo, you are finally back."

She said, looking at Yun Xi beside Mo Xi building and saying hello, "younger martial sister Yun Xi is also here!"

"What's the matter?" Mo Xi Lou's voice is not warm, but it's not cold. However, Jianjia is stunned after listening to it, and her expression is suddenly lonely.

"I've come to ask you whether you want to take part in the summit of the imperial spirit. Although there are many places in the Karan class, there are many people who want to take part in it. If you don't sign up, you won't have a chance."

"Take part."

Hearing that moxilou was going to participate in Jianjia, he laughed again. "I thought you wouldn't be interested as much as younger martial sister Yunxi!" Then Jianjia said, "Xu shiyunxi's younger martial sister is No. 10 on the Fengyun list. Everyone is very concerned about her participation in the summit of the imperial spirit."

Jianjia doesn't hate Yunxi. On the contrary, she thinks that the contradiction between Yunxi and elder martial brother Qi is mainly responsible.

But does not hate also does not mean that likes, cloud Xi such indifferent disposition really lets her not like.

And Jianjia, like the other disciples in Tianji Pavilion, has no idea why the new younger martial brother Mo has a special love for an ugly girl, even to the point that he never leaves her.

This made her feel angry and unhappy. Jianjia is not stupid. She knows that these emotions are the expression that she likes moxilou.

Now that she has determined her mind, of course, she wants to fight for one. Jianjia has participated in the summit of the imperial spirit, and knows that even if the level changes every year, it will never leave her family. She wants to get closer to Mo Xilou in the process of competition cooperation.

When she learned that Yunxi didn't take part in the summit of the imperial spirit, she was so happy that she looked everywhere for moxilou and planned to persuade him to take part in the competition.

However, without waiting for Jianjia to be happy for a long time, Mo Xilou said, "she will join me in the summit of the imperial spirit."

The smile on Jianjia's face instantly condensed, and soon she adjusted her mood and said, "I'll say it! Why doesn't younger martial sister Yunxi take part? It turns out that all the rumors spread outside are rumors. "

"It's getting late. Go and have a rest! Make good preparations for the summit of the imperial spirit in two days. "

Looking at Jianjia left back, cloud Xiuyi looked at Mo Xi Lou, "she seems not happy, heard that I want to participate in the imperial spirit of the top."

"What do we have to do with whether she's happy or not?"

"She seems to..." Yun Xiuyi hesitated for a moment and said, "she seems to like you... Please you..."

Hear "like" two words from the side of this little woman mouth say, Mo Xi floor surprise, immediately asked, "you finally understand the meaning of like."Yunxiuyi takes another look at moxilou. She always understands the literal meaning of liking, but she doesn't know what kind of mood it is. Jianjia's performance just now is that she likes moxilou.

"Don't worry, the weak water will only take you one scoop." Mo Xi Lou said and pulled cloud Xiu clothes into his arms, just ready to bite on her lips, but was interrupted.

Nalandot originally came to pick up Yunxiu clothes to return to the room, but he didn't expect to encounter this scene.

It's too late for her to turn around and leave, so she has to smile awkwardly, "it's dark, so I'm worried that sister Yun will come out to have a look and forget that the master of the realm is also here."

"Dor, you seem to forget who is your master."


Xu Shi's performance is too mild during this period of time. Nalandot forgot the terror of the Lord for a moment. At this moment, he was frightened by moxilou's warning and knelt down on the ground immediately. "Lord, duo Er is wrong. Please punish him."

Just as nalandot was waiting for the punishment to come, the voice of Mo Xi Lou came from overhead, "remember that she is only the hostess in the future."

Here nalandot hasn't fully digested this sentence, Mo Xilou said, "it's my order to stay by her side. You've done a good job. Why should I punish you? Get up

Until she got up, nalandot was still surprised. He thought that if he had violated Shangjing before, he would never forgive her.

I didn't expect to let her go this time. It seems that the power of love is so great that even their master changed his mind.

Then nalandot thought, she must hold sister Yun's thigh well in the future, so that the master of the realm can't help her!

"Dor, we've decided to take part in the summit, and you're going to join us."

"How did sister Yun change her mind?" After asking, nalandot regretted. She nervously looked at Mo Xi Lou and apologized.

"Jingzhu, I'm talkative. I won't have another one."

When Mo Xilou was away, Yun Xiuyi never treated nalandot as a servant. After a long time, nalandot naturally did not pay attention to the way they got along with each other. He always said what he wanted to say and asked what he wanted to ask.

"You scared her."

Cloud Xiu clothes complained of stare Mo Xi Lou one eye, then still don't forget to answer Na Lan Duo's doubt, "we want to get the cloud sea misty record, so this time the top of the imperial spirit must win, but you don't have to have pressure, ordinary heart can treat."

Listening to Yun Xiu's gentle explanation with nalandot, Mo Xi Lou feels a little cool in her heart. Although this person does have him in his heart, there are many people at the same time!

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