The world is changing. As soon as we enter the river and lake, we can't wait to be drunk.

Banners flutter and drums beat in bursts. The contestants in blue school clothes bravely stood in square array on Tianji square. At that time, the teenagers were in high spirits and in full bloom.

At the front of the square array, the three Hall leaders, LAN Feiyu, Zhi Yuan and Su Mei, were the leaders. The five elders and Qi Yuan stood on both sides of them.

Everyone's eyes were full of praise, thinking that the top of the imperial spirit would never be destroyed as it was last time.

Only Qi Yuan's face was gloomy from the beginning to the end. His eyes had been wandering on Yun Xiu's clothes. The more he saw her high spirited, the more resentful he was.

Originally, he should continue to rest in bed, but after learning that Yun Xiuyi was going to take part in the summit of the imperial spirit, a whole set of tricks took shape in his heart.

Tianji Pavilion attaches great importance to this year's top of the Royal spirit competition. It not only prepares rich prizes, but also stops all courses to prepare.

The top of the imperial spirit competition has not yet started. Tianji square has been surrounded by all the students who came to see the excitement. At the moment, they are cheering one by one. Among them, moxilou is the most popular, followed by Jianjia and situ Yan.

When the drum stops, LAN Feiyu reaches for her hand and nods a few times in the sky. Then there are four big words in the sky: good time and good place.

"What does that mean?"

As soon as one of the contestants raised a question, LAN Feiyu said, "this is the first question of the summit of the imperial spirit. If there is no doubt, you can go to tianque to find the match point."

"Master LAN, how can there be no doubt?" Immediately a disciple complained, "any other tips?"

Then another disciple said, "the first level depends on the spirit power, but what does the location have to do with the spirit power on this day? What does it have to do with the venue? Oh, my God! I'm sorry I took part in the summit. "

As soon as the voice fell, there was a lot of laughter around, and the disciples were talking about it all the time, "the top of the imperial spirit has been testing all aspects of virtue, wisdom and beauty."

"That's it. Do you think it's ok if you have a good spirit?"

Hearing the disciples' complaints, LAN Feiyu said solemnly, "if you want to withdraw from the competition, you can put forward it at any time. You don't have to worry about it."

Drop out? I'm kidding. So many students from other classes are watching! If they withdraw from the competition before the competition starts, they will become the laughing stock of the whole Tianji Pavilion. If so, they would rather die in the competition and under the claws of the ghost beast.

After the match officially started, the disciples formed teams in twos and threes and set out everywhere in tianque.

There is no doubt that yunxiuyi, moxilou and nalandot are in a group. However, in the middle of the way, Downing asked to join them. Several of them didn't agree or refuse, and downing followed them all the time.

"Favorable weather and location refers to the natural climatic conditions and geographical environment during the war. Combined with the first test, it is spiritual power, which means that it should be suitable for fighting with ghosts and beasts."

Nalandot looked around while analyzing, and then continued to analyze, "for the disciples of Tianji Pavilion, the place suitable for fighting with the spirit beast must be Houshan! But is the subject too simple? The first match point is in the back mountain

In the back mountain, the fast-moving disciples have arrived. They are surrounded by a huge wooden card and read the contents carefully.

The general content of the wooden card is that there are two kinds of soul beasts hiding in the back mountain. If they succeed in getting two of them, they will go through the customs. At that time, they will give a hint of the second match point.

As for which two kinds of soul beast, the prompt is still "the right time and the right place".

Yunxiuyi and moxilou walk leisurely all the time, while nalandot and downing are thinking about which two kinds of soul beasts are related to "the right time and place".

However, they did not expect that there was a scream in the back of the mountain, and then nalandot also yelled. She was distracted to see the movement around her, but she didn't notice that there was a trap at her feet, so she fell down carelessly.

Tang Ninggang was about to make fun of her. All of a sudden, she came from all directions with long spikes. She quickly dodged from left to right and finally stepped on a nail board.

"Ah --" she screamed and complained, "who designed such a low-level trap?"

As soon as narandot got out of the trap, he saw downing stomping there, laughing, "you should be glad the nails on the nail board are blunt."

"It's not spiritual power! What do these traps have to do with psychic power? "

"Of course it does. The five senses and six senses of the practitioners are sharper than ordinary people. It's our own fault that we didn't notice, but you're here to blame someone else for designing something wrong."

After two words of argument, nalandot and downing stopped talking, and the four continued to move forward. However, it was strange that they never met a soul beast, let alone one related to "the right time and the right place".In fact, with the ability of yunxiuyi and moxilou, we can see where the Royal beads are hidden at a glance without any hint of "favorable weather and location".

But the game was too fast and eye-catching, so they spent it here. Besides, Downing had to give her enough time to show her feet. Otherwise, how could she get rid of her burden?

I don't know how many traps, nalandot also some impetuous, "sister cloud, will there be no ghost beast in the mountain?"

Cloud Xiu clothes raised eyes to see her one eye, then then offered a spirit force to rush to the sky, a few thorn birds fell from the sky in a short time.

Nalandot and Tang Ning were stunned at first, and then saw a few imperial beads floating out of the body of the thorn bird, not many, not many, just four imperial beads.

"It turns out that Tianshi refers to the thorn bird! I'm so stupid. Just now, several waves of thorn birds flew over my head. "

A few days ago, Tianji pavilion just lost 100 rare gaonianfen spirit beasts. How could LAN Feiyu be willing to release another gaonianfen spirit beast for the participating disciples to hunt? She will definitely choose these more ordinary and worthless ghosts.

It is also because it is too ordinary, ordinary to the slightest insignificant, that all the participants ignore its existence.

In addition, the traps that will appear after a few steps in the mountain disturb the mood of the students, which will make them ignore these details even more.

"If Tianshi refers to the ghosts and beasts in the sky, then Dili refers to the ghosts and beasts on the earth? But we've been walking for so long, and we haven't seen any ghosts on the ground at all! "

As soon as nalandot's voice fell, Downing continued, "the ground is not necessarily on the ground."

She suddenly looked around and said, "did you find that there are many mountain spiders hanging on the trees around us all the way? Maybe the second kind of soul beast is these mountain spiders."

With a guess in mind, nalandot and downing went forward to hunt and kill several mountain spiders at the same time. As expected, they got several royal beads.

The condition of successfully passing the first level is to get two royal spirit beads, and then a row of small words appear in front of them: "walking in the stream, sleeping in the pond. Run in the river, roar in the ocean

"This is the tip of the second level. Is the match point of the second level where there is water?" Nalandot said and complained, "this is the topic of the top of the imperial spirit..."

Nalandot didn't want to finish, but downing said, "what kind of competition did you think it was? As a result, these topics seem to insult our IQ. Let's go! Going to the next match point, I'll see what kind of questions will come out

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