Drizzle around the mountains, everywhere is misty, winding stone path has been leading to the lush green place, the more forward around the more quiet, quiet to yunxiuyi can hear the heartbeat of Mo Xi Lou behind.

Mo Xilou is right. Tianque is a good place. She feels comfortable just breathing the rich aura in the air.

And this day que is also surprisingly large, and Tianji Pavilion is only a very small one. After walking for a long time, Jiuyou ice lion suddenly stopped and let out a roar, which startled several birds in the forest.

"There's a discovery." Mo Xilou first jumped off Jiuyou ice lion, and then took down Yunxiu's clothes. "Jiuyou ice lion is a divine beast, and its perception of the outside world is more acute than that of human beings."

Voice: Luo Yunxiu heard a sound of even breathing. She looked at the source of the sound and saw a strange looking soul beast lying there sleeping. She used her spiritual power to explore the soul beast and found that it was ten thousand years old.

It was the first time that Yun Xiuyi had ever met a spirit beast in a thousand years, and its strength was terrible.

Yun Xiuyi is not a person who can easily make fun of her own life, especially when she has never met the situation. She turns her head and looks at Mo Xi Lou and asks, "do I have a chance to win it?"


Only a word will strengthen the determination of cloud Xiuyi, and with Mo Xi Lou beside her, she seems to have the confidence in general. Yun Xiuyi walked forward a few steps, carefully observing the beast.

Look at its crouching posture, the body should be extremely soft, but all the flowers and plants around it wither, indicating that its body mucus is toxic.

Yunxiu's clothes are invincible to all kinds of poisons, but she is not afraid of any poisons. Thinking about this, she takes a few steps forward, and her whole body's spiritual power is gradually concentrated in her palm. She thinks about what kind of weapon to deal with it according to the shape of the soul beast.

Finally, the spirit power turned into a long sword. As soon as the sword condensed into the soul beast, it opened its scarlet eyes and was as big as a copper bell.

It seems that we seldom meet human beings. Wannianfen moves his body very slowly. Then he cradles his neck and looks at Yunxiu's clothes curiously. After confirming that the one standing in front of him is actually a living person, the soul force immediately opens its mouth excitedly.

With a roar of awe, the smelly pieces of meat spurted out from his teeth. Although Yun Xiu's clothes avoided in time, he was still frowning.


That soul beast "boom" a stand up, body length unexpectedly with the side of the big tree is quite, cloud Xiu clothes heart although don't have full assurance, but still resolutely change body shape rushed past.

After a flash of lightning and flint, the ghost beast was undamaged. It raised its arm and threw a fist at Yunxiu's clothes. Suddenly, a deep pit appeared on the ground.

In the past, when she met the soul beasts, Yun Xiu's clothes could easily break out the beast yuan. Even in the desperate trial, she could easily solve all the 100 rare soul beasts. Now she knows that those soul beasts are not high years at all.

After several rounds, the smell of cloud Xiu's clothes was a little confused, and the Dodge action slowed down gradually. The ghost beast saw that there was an opportunity to attack her with two arms.

But the cloud Xiu dress only cares to evade the frontal attack, but didn't expect ten thousand years share soul beast's tail unexpectedly also swung to come over.

The end of the tail, which is several meters long, is like a barb. Yunxiu's clothes can't be avoided. It broke her shoulder blades and instantly soaked her clothes with blood.

The smell of blood in the air made the ghost beast even more excited. He jumped a few times in the same place, and then quickly rushed towards yunxiuyi. At the critical moment, yunxiuyi called the rosefinch, and he endured the pain to get behind the ghost beast.

Just when the spirit beast was entangled by the rosefinch, the spirit power in the body of cloud Xiu's clothes entangled with the spirit power and hit the back of the spirit beast.

Ten thousand years share soul beast eat pain to send out an earth shaking roar, it ignores rosefinch's attack to turn head toward cloud Xiu clothes to attack, the original excitement all turned into anger and killing intention.

With the fierce breath of the soul beast, its body also secretes more toxic mucus.

Every step forward, the flowers and grass on the ground will wither. Finally, even the air is filled with a pungent smell, and the birds on the trees all around will die and fall to the ground.

When he got close to yunxiuyi for a few steps, wannianfen's attack became more fierce. As yunxiuyi retreated, his whole body was spread with spiritual power, and the powerful power surged to drive the clouds in the sky to roll quickly.

The previous drizzle gradually turned into a heavy rain, and soon all the clothes of Yun Xiu's clothes were wet, and the hair was also sticky to his face.

She doesn't care at all. She stares at the spirit beast in front of her. She calculates the distance between herself and the spirit beast and the attack speed of the spirit beast. She uses her soul power to make a net in advance. When she catches the spirit beast for ten thousand years, her spirit power turns into countless sharp blades.After a splash of flesh and blood, the soul beast was beyond recognition, but still not dead. It broke away from the soul net and attacked Yunxiu again.

At this moment, yunxiuyi had exhausted her physical strength, and she was thinking about how to kill the ghost beast while avoiding. Inadvertently, a few drops of mucus splashed on her arm.

Although Yunxiu clothes are not afraid of poison, the mucus is very corrosive.

A touch to the arm immediately issued a "Yiyi" sound, followed by a burning smell came, pain to the end even numb to no consciousness.

Before the end of the war, she was so embarrassed. Yunxiuyi knew that her world was too narrow before, and she was far less powerful than she wanted. She looked at Mo Xi Lou not far away, and found that his eyebrows had already been twisted.

But since Mo Xi Lou doesn't plan to rescue her, it shows that she still has the hope to win. Yun Xiu Yi adjusts her breath and attacks again.

Although Yun Xiuyi's action was so fast that only the shadow was left, the speed of the soul beast was not slow. His huge body was flexible and shuttled through the forest. He saw two lights and shadows intertwined and separated, and then intertwined and separated again. He couldn't bear to part.

Speed to the extreme, cloud Xiuyi itself and the power of the soul together, and then the content of heaven and earth xuanhuang art one by one floating in her mind.

The soul power in the body seems to have a sense of self-determination. It's like a move attached to Yunxiu's clothes. It can strike wannianfen's soul beast fatally. The first soul skill... The second soul skill... The third


Before reaching the third soul skill, Wannian Fen finally fell in front of Yunxiu's clothes, and a few drops of mucus splashed over, Cloud Xiu clothes but can't help but see to have no strength to evade, this soul skill consumption is not general big.

Until then, Mo Xi Lou quickly flashed to Yun Xiu Yi and pulled her into his arms. He felt the weakness of the person in his arms, and he felt some remorse.

"Blame me?"

Yun Xiuyi wants to say "not strange", but finds that she doesn't have the strength to speak. She shakes her head slightly. Just as she is ready to use "floating embers" to heal her wounds, Mo Xilou stops her.

"Don't use your forbidden skill first. It's easier to break through in the process of injury recovery. You can't get it in vain after all the injuries." Yun Xiuyi thought so.

However, the next moment, looking at the cloud Xiu clothes of a wound Mo Xi floor but also distressed, he worried asked, "pain?"

Just at this time, the beast yuan of the ten thousand year spirit beast burst out. The beast yuan is so big that it has a bright luster around it. Just looking at it, you can see how nourishing it is for spiritual practitioners.

Mo Xi Lou reaches out his hand and takes it, then crushes it and feeds it to Yun Xiu's clothes. He doesn't recover until he completely absorbs Yun Xiu's physical strength.

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