When he had the strength to speak, Yun Xiuyi said to himself, "no wonder the disciples in Tianji pavilion are strictly forbidden to go out. It turns out that tianque is such a threat. It's just that ten thousand year old ghosts and beasts are so hard to deal with."

As if unwilling to attack the self-esteem of Yun Xiu's clothes, Mo Xilou comforted him, "it's very difficult to blade a ten thousand year old soul beast with your current cultivation skill."

"Does tianque have a higher age of soul beast?" With the strength gradually restored, cloud Xiu clothes slowly pushed away Mo Xi floor.

After standing still, she looked around and continued, "I can't find out the true accomplishments of several hall leaders. They must be above lingzun at least! What stage has xiaoyaozi reached? "

"I don't want you to recognize the gap between you and them when I take you to tianque. It doesn't matter what level they reach. When you get to their age, they will be 100 times more powerful than them. The important thing is that they are hard to break through, but you are making progress all the time."

Yun Xiuyi stares at Mo Xi Lou for a while, and finds that his words of comfort are very helpful to him, and his heart is much better.

She looked back at the ghost beast she had defeated with difficulty, but her eyes were attracted by the blue grass beside it. Yun Xiuyi walked forward and asked Mo Xilou, "what is that?"

"You are lucky to eat the moon grass. This must be your fortune today."

Mo Xi Lou is afraid that the mucus on the ghost beast's body will hurt Yun Xiu's clothes again. With a wave of his hand, the ghost beast's body will turn into powder and disappear with the wind.

He continued, "but the moon eating grass is rare, but it has little effect on people. Next time you see the fox, you can give it to help it quickly improve its cultivation. It should be very happy."

When she heard that it had little effect on people, Yun Xiuyi had already stopped. After listening to all the words of Mo Xilou, she went forward again. She squatted down carefully and picked the moon eating grass and put it into the heaven and earth cauldron. Then she got up again.

Only in the first World War, it was already dark. Reading Yun Xiu's clothes, Mo Xi Lou didn't continue to stay here and took her back to Tianji Pavilion.

Seeing Yun Xiu's clothes lying down on the bed, he felt relieved to leave. However, Mo Xi Lou had just left. There was a sudden noise outside, and then a dark shadow flashed to Yun Xiu's bed. The dark shadow put the sharp blade against Yun Xiu's neck and threatened, "don't make any noise."

Cloud Xiuyi looks at the shadow and finds that this person is Yuan Yi. She nods. The next moment the door is knocked, and LAN Feiyu's voice comes, "cloud, are you resting?"

Yuan Yi stares at the door nervously and doesn't forget to guard against Yunxiu clothes, but the knock on the door outside is more and more urgent. If he doesn't open the door again, I'm afraid LAN Feiyu will bring people in. His task hasn't been completed and he can't leave Tianji Pavilion for the time being.

"How can I help you?"

From that time when she happened to meet Yuan Yi's strange behavior outside Jiuyin temple, Yun Xiuyi felt that there was an amazing secret hidden in him, which was probably related to the fluorescence she brought back from her soul.

She looks at the wardrobe beside her and signals Yuan Yi to hide in. However, Yuan Yi's eyes are full of doubts, as if thinking about the man's plot.

Although the sharp blade was against his neck, Yun Xiu's clothes were still calm, "if you don't believe me, then you can wait for LAN Fei Yu to rush in! You think if she really wants to do it, you can use me to threaten her? "

Yuan Yilue thinks that Yun Xiuyi's words are very reasonable. He takes back the sharp blade and enters the wardrobe quickly before LAN Feiyu breaks in.

The small room is very crowded because of the intrusion of LAN Feiyu and other people in Tianji Pavilion. In the dark environment, LAN Feiyu looks around and does not miss any suspicious places.

Cloud Xiu clothes from the bed some difficult body, feet just fell to the ground, someone lit the candle on the candlestick.

With the help of the weak candlelight, she saw LAN Fei's calm face and asked, "what happened? How did the leader of the blue hall come?"

Looking at the pale face of cloud Xiu's clothes, blue Fei Yu's eyes flashed a trace of doubt, "are you hurt?"

As soon as the voice dropped, the hostage asked, "where did you get hurt? Where are you after dark? " The man who raised the question was elder Su Xian. Yun Xiuyi had several theoretical lessons.

He became an elder after Xingchen was killed. In recent years, like LAN Feiyu, he always wanted to make some achievements, but he didn't find a chance. This must be the reason why he was so excited at the moment!

Yun Xiuyi said truthfully, "I want to try the Jiuyou ice lion today, but I didn't think it took me out of Tianji Pavilion. I was hurt by the ghost beast in tianque."

Hearing the explanation of Yunxiu's clothes, LAN Feiyu seems to be relieved. She steps forward and explores Yunxiu's clothes with her aura. Then she says, "you've been hurt a lot. Do you go to the hospital to see a doctor?""It's all skin injuries. It doesn't matter." What she is more concerned about is what Yuan Yi has done to make LAN Feiyu and others so inspiring?

LAN Feiyu is silent for a while and tells the reason why they broke into yunxiuyi's room. "Someone broke into Yunxiao Pavilion tonight and disappeared after being seriously injured by the two Dharma guards. We found blood outside your room and thought he had entered here."

Go to the cloud pavilion? Even what she didn't dare to do was preempted by Yuan Yi, but he was also powerful, and he could escape from Tian Jun and Qi Si.

"The blood outside should be mine." After an explanation, Yun Xiuyi said, "master LAN, do you think the people who break into the cloud Pavilion will be the people in Tianji pavilion?" An understatement of the doubt immediately attracted the attention of LAN Feiyu.

you 're right! Who in Tianji Pavilion doesn't know the power of Tianjun and Qi Si's Dharma protectors? Even if they borrow their ten courage, they will not dare to stand up and risk running into Yunxiao Pavilion. Maybe this person is from outside.

Thinking of this, LAN Feiyu said to Su Xian, "block up the entrances and exits of Tianji Pavilion. We've been here for so long. I'm afraid people have escaped from Tianji Pavilion." After LAN Feiyu gave the order, Su Xian didn't move.

He fixed his eyes on Yun Xiu's clothes. He always felt that there were doubts all over her tonight. It's not strange that she was injured. But why was she injured at this time?

"Not yet!" Under the urging of LAN Feiyu, Su Xian finally takes his eyes back from Yun Xiu's clothes.

Waiting for Su Xian to leave with others, LAN Feiyu said to Yun Xiuyi, "the reason why I don't doubt you is that you have entrusted me to find a way to let you enter Yunxiao Pavilion, so you don't have to take risks at this time."

After a pause, LAN Feiyu said, "but that doesn't mean you have no suspicion at all. Su Xian is eager for quick success and instant benefit. He will find you again. You can do it yourself!"

"Thank you for reminding me."

Before leaving, LAN Feiyu did not forget to search the room of cloud Xiuyi again, but still did not find any suspicious place before she turned to leave.

When the door closed again, cloud Xiu clothes gently against the bed, do not rely on the "floating embers" healing, at the moment she was too weak to sit for a long time. Yuan Yi pushed open the door of the wardrobe and came out, still hiding his breath.

He went to cloud Xiu clothes in front of, slightly frown, "your injury is very serious."

Cloud Xiu clothes look up to him, "your wound is not light." She took out a pill from the heaven and earth cauldron and handed it to Yuan Yi, "not afraid of poison, she ate it."

After experiencing this, Yuan Yi's defense against Yun Xiu's clothes was slightly reduced. He took the pill and looked at it for a while. He slowly put it into his mouth. Then he felt a stream of heat running around in his body, and his rolling blood was smoother.

Yuan Yi adjusted his breath for a moment, and his injury had recovered. He asked Yun Xiu, "since you have such a powerful pill, why don't you take it yourself?"

"I didn't save you to give you the strength to care about me." Yun Xiuyi motioned Yuan Yi to sit on the stool and then asked, "why do you want to break into the cloud pavilion? You are not from the East moon empire

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