Yuan Yi was stunned for a moment and suddenly laughed, "you don't seem to care about these things." He can hide himself so deeply that he is not an ordinary person.

He stepped back and sat on the stool behind him. He said with deep meaning, "have you been to Jiuyin Temple some time ago?"

During this period of time, Yuan Yi has been looking for the person hiding outside Jiuyin temple that day, but he has no clue. Now he has to doubt the person in front of him.

"Jiuyin temple is the forbidden place of Tianji Pavilion. Why should I go there?"

Yunxiuyi calmly pushes the problem back to Yuanyi. After they look at each other for a while, Yuanyi changes the topic. "Just now LAN Feiyu said that you asked her to help find a way to enter Yunxiao Pavilion. Why do you want to enter Yunxiao pavilion?"

"There are many treasures in Yunxiao Pavilion. Who doesn't want to go in?" Once upon a time, neither of them answered each other's questions in a positive way. They were all on the sidelines.

After a long stalemate, Yuan Yi realized that he was in a very passive situation and said, "if I tell you the purpose of going to Yunxiao Pavilion, would you like to help me?"

"Then tell me what your purpose is and whether I can help you."

In fact, yunxiuyi has probably guessed the purpose of Yuanyi. Since he attaches so much importance to the person detained in Jiuyin temple, he wants to find a way to break the seal outside Jiuyin temple when he rushes to Yunxiao Pavilion!

Yuan Yi hesitated and finally told the truth. "To tell you the truth, the man in the Jiuyin temple is my master. He was seriously injured in the early years and has been missing. I finally got his news, but I didn't expect to be taken away by xiaoyaozi. "

"So it's because he was seriously injured that he won't be defeated by xiaoyaozi?"

Hearing this, Yuan Yi's mood suddenly becomes a little excited, "even if the master is injured, xiaoyaozi will never be his opponent. He must have set up a trap."

Yun Xiuyi quickly sorts out these information in his mind, that is to say, the identity of the person in Jiuyin temple is really not simple. If he leaves Jiuyin temple in the future, he will never let go the xiaoyaozi who imprisoned him. Can she use this person?

But Mo Xi Lou also said that the person in the Jiuyin temple was not easy to deal with. If there was something wrong with her, she did nothing but harm herself.

After thinking about it in his heart, Yun Xiuyi said, "we are all seriously injured tonight. It's not suitable to discuss these troublesome problems for a long time. You should go back and have a good rest first. Don't let them notice anything unusual."

As for herself, she has to go to moxilou to discuss before making the final decision.

Yuan Yi has wasted too much time in Tianji Pavilion, so he has taken the risk to break into Yunxiao Pavilion. Now it's hard to find a breakthrough. How can he give up easily.

"As long as you help me find a way to break the seal outside the Jiuyin temple and help me successfully rescue the master, I will certainly repay you this kindness. If you have any wish, the master will also be willing to help you."

His promise was exactly what Yun Xiuyi wanted, but even so, she couldn't agree to him immediately, so she said.

"Whether I can enter the Yunxiao Pavilion depends on the leader of the blue hall. Instead of making empty promises now, you'd better wait until I'm sure I will enter the Yunxiao pavilion to discuss the terms."

At this point, Yuan Yi can't stay here any longer. He nodded. Before he left, he didn't forget to thank Yun Xiuyi. "Thank you so much for your help today. I will never forget this kindness."

I thought it was the end of the night, but before Yun Xiuyi could get back to bed, the heaven and earth tripod shook twice.

Cloud Xiu clothes just ready to check, has been staying in the pot that weak fluorescence active fly out, that point of fluorescence light seems to be stronger than before in the place of the soul.

Just thinking in this way, the fluorescence turned into a young woman in green. She was still thin, but she could see her features clearly.

"Thank you." The woman in green suddenly showed a shallow smile and said softly, "if it wasn't for you, my soul would have been gone long ago, and I didn't expect to have the strength to speak now."

I think it's the reason why the fire of bird plume can reunite the soul again. This should be the reason why she entangled her at the beginning!

"Can you save the man in custody?" When she said this, the woman in Green's eyes were careful, for fear that she would annoy Yun Xiu.

"Do you know that man?"

"I..." the woman in green seems to be baffled by this question, her eyes drooping, as if in memory, "I don't know who he is, and I don't know who I am, but I should know him! I want to ask if he knows me

All these years her consciousness has been confused, until that day she seemed to suddenly wake up, so she was so excited.There are almost no memories of the things that are not spirit or soul in the place where the soul comes back, so she remembers her name, but forgets many things in her life, so it's normal for the woman in green to not know who she is.

Because of the warmth of the water and the fluorescence of the place where the soul returned, Xu could not bear to refuse the request of the woman in green.

But Yun Xiuyi was a man whose reason was better than sensibility. "That man is not something I can easily rescue."

The smile on the green dress woman's face gradually dissipated, replaced by a sad face, but she did not forget to take into account the feelings of Yunxiu dress, "it doesn't matter, it was I who suddenly said a strange thing."

After staying outside for a while, the figure of the woman in green faded away and her facial features began to blur.

Yun Xiuyi put the heaven and earth tripod in his palm and said to her, "go in!" After hearing this, the woman in green nodded her head cleverly and turned back into a little fluorescence again.

Everything that happened that night seems to be in a line, but it's still unknown who the person in Jiuyin temple is.

The first time I fell asleep in the heavy injury, Yunxiu clothes tossed and turned for a long time, until I finally fell asleep, and soon it was light again.

The next morning, the story of someone breaking into Yunxiao Pavilion spread all over Tianji Pavilion. I don't know who spread the news that Yunxi, the ugly girl of Xuanshui class, was injured last night.

For a moment, all the disciples pointed the spearhead at yunxiuyi, and the little favor they had just established for her disappeared in an instant.

The happiest to hear this news are Qi Yuan and Tang Ning.

Since Yun Xiuyi exposed Qi Yuan and Tang Ning's quarrel in Tianji square, their reputation in Tianji pavilion has plummeted.

Now they don't have to do it by themselves, so Yunxiu clothes are pushed to the top of the storm again. Naturally, they are very happy to see each other.

However, without waiting for these two people to sneer at Yun Xiu's clothes or add some more oil and vinegar, Qu Huashang unexpectedly appeared in front of Yun Xiu's clothes first.

Confirming that there was no one around, Qu Huashang said, "it was you who broke into the cloud Pavilion last night?" Her question means obviously that if it is really Yunxi who rushes into the cloud Pavilion, does she already know that there is a secret of heaven's heart in the misty record of the sea of clouds?

Before leaving the Qu family, his father's order was not only to get the misty record of the sea of clouds, but also to crack all the seals imposed on it.

And the solution father also clearly said, need to enter the cloud pavilion to find.

The day before, Yunzhou just got the record of the misty sea of clouds. The next night, someone broke into Yunxiao Pavilion. Is there really no necessary connection? Or is it all as I guess?

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