In the ancestral hall of Tianji Pavilion, the memorial tablets of successive Pavilion leaders are neatly placed in the middle, and the memorial tablets of the dead hall leaders are on both sides. Yun Xiu's eyes are drawn one by one, and the word "star and moon" is seen in the corner.

She walked slowly. With the help of Yuexiu, she made a incense for Xingyue. Then there was a long silence in the ancestral hall.

The elegant fragrance quietly filled the whole ancestral hall, and the voice of Yuexiu slowly rang out, "this is the favorite flavor of Xingyue. I specially found someone to make it. It's clear that people are no longer there, and I don't know whether it's meaningful to do these things."

"She'll like it." Although Xingyue is careless, she is extremely kind, otherwise she will not die in Zuo sangyan's hands.

Just a few words, the ancestral hall fell into silence again, as if it was just like this, and they were satisfied with the company of Xingyue.

After leaving the ancestral hall, Yue Xiu didn't forget why he came out with Yun Xi. He first laughed, "that day, if I let you stay in Xuanshui class, I was joking. Don't take it seriously."

"We all know what Xuanshui class looks like. The blue hall leader is right. Your way out is in Jialan class. I'm looking for you to say that if you just come to study, you should study hard. If not... "

Yue Xiu was silent for a moment. He stopped and looked at the back of Yun Xiu's clothes. Suddenly, he was "clattering" in his heart. The back was exactly the same as her.

"If it's not... If I can help you, you must tell me. It's something to make Xingyue happy."

Yun Xiuyi's steps never stop. She understands Yue Xiu's meaning, but she doesn't want to respond to him. It's not that she's afraid of being ungrateful, but there's no need to drag him into danger.

Until the figure of cloud Xiuyi disappeared at the corner, the habitual action of monthly practice appeared again. He shook his head and laughed helplessly.


When Qi Yuan finds Downing, Downing is crying alone. She wipes her tears and curses those who have abused and slandered her. At the moment, the pride in front of people is gone, and the tears that I have been holding are completely out of control.

But when she burst into tears and collapsed, Qi Yuan's voice suddenly came from behind, "what are you crying for? So you give up? "

"I... I didn't lose."

Tang Ning turned his head and quickly wiped the tears on his face, unwilling to let Qi Yuan see his embarrassed appearance. When he finally stopped crying, Downing did not forget to sneer back, "you are still standing here, how can I lose?"

"Useless person" these two words are no doubt like a sharp dagger to Qi Yuan's heart, the fierce light in his eyes flashed by, but the tone is still calm, "don't admit defeat is good."

He went to Tang Ning and said, "in a few days, Junfu will come to Tianji Pavilion. We have to take junjinyao away before he comes. If we miss this opportunity, we will have to wait at least another year, and junjinyao will change at any time."

Is Junfu coming to Tianji pavilion? Wouldn't he know about his miscarriage? Downing's eyes whirled around in a panic, thinking about what to do.

Without receiving Tang Ning's response, Qi Yuan took a look at her. After seeing her flustered appearance, he couldn't help laughing, "what? At this point in time, do you still think Junfu will fall in love with you? "

If she doesn't completely break Downing's dream, she will never be obedient. Qi Yuanjing says, "why should he love you when he is a broken flower?"

"Shut up! Don't say any more! "

"It's easy for me to shut up, but you have to admit that I'm telling the truth. Don't say it's Junfu. If it's spread in Dongyue Empire, no man will marry you in the future! Don't cooperate with me, Downing. It's lonely that awaits you. "

With these words, Qi Yuan has been observing Downing's reaction. Now all he can rely on is downing. If he really makes her angry, his plan will fail.

Just when they were in a stalemate, there was a sudden excitement not far away, and many disciples ran out in a hurry.

After a while, they didn't know who they were surrounded by and went back. There were excitement, worship and even admiration on each face.

Through the crevice, Downing vaguely saw Zuoli's smiling face. Her previous anger suddenly condensed on her face. She felt that the air around her became thin, and even it was difficult to breathe.

Qi Yuan naturally noticed the situation there. He changed his previous attitude and said to Downing sympathetically, "originally you should be more dazzling than her."

One sentence made downing cry again, yeah! She always felt that she was better than Zuoli everywhere, that her background was no worse than her, that her appearance was more outstanding than her, and that even her accomplishments left her thousands of miles away.

But why is it that she is surrounded by people now and that she is spurned? It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair! Downing felt pains in his chest.She grabbed her chest clothes tightly, gritted her teeth and said, "I'll cooperate with you, I'll step them all under my feet."

"That's right!" Qi Yuan reached out to wipe off the tears on Downing's face, and his voice was as gentle as water. "You can rest assured that even if people all over the world abandon you, I will never leave you." Then he gave downing a soft kiss on the lip.

Originally, Zuo Ruo just came to Tianji Pavilion in advance to help you eat, clothe, and clean up some people who shouldn't appear. Unexpectedly, he heard about downing.

She was very happy, but she was shocked and asked, "how can it be? Are you mistaken? "

The disciples around Zuoli immediately shook their heads and denied, "it's no mistake. She miscarried in Tianji square that day, but we saw it with our own eyes."

"And it's Yunxi from Xuanshui class who broke it down, and it's also verified by the doctor, so it can't be wrong!"

Cloud? A trace of doubt flashed through Zuo Chou's heart. He thought to himself, why did these two people have a holiday? Even to the point of death.

Although she didn't like Yunxi, she would like to thank her for removing Yunxiu's clothes. In the East moon Empire, only Downing has always been her strong enemy. Now she is completely ruined, which is a great thing for her.

"Master Zuo, I heard that you have studied in Tianji Pavilion before, and you are still a disciple of elder Yuexiu. Can we call you elder martial sister Zuo?"

He was stunned, then said with a smile, "yes! Of course. "

If they hadn't reminded her, she would have forgotten that she had been to Tianji Pavilion. At that time, she followed yunxiuyi all day, and was ridiculed by others, but she was happy with it.

It was also in Tianji pavilion that she saw Guanguan for the first time, a bird that looked like a dove and bickered with her every day.

Originally, this memory has disappeared in zuoling's brain for a long time. Now it's all in my head, as if it happened yesterday.

But so what? Zuo Qiong asked her heart countless times, did she want to see Yunxiu clothes and irrigation again? The promise turned out to be negative, because she knew that as soon as Yun Xiuyi came back, she would lose Jun Fu completely.

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