"Elder martial sister Zuo, how many days are you going to stay in Tianji Pavilion this time? Why did you come first? " Just after this disciple asked, another disciple continued.

"I didn't expect that the youngest head of the family in the history of Dongyue empire was our elder martial sister. I feel happy when I think about it."

"Elder martial sister Zuo is still a master with us." Those who said this were the disciples of Xuanshui class. Originally, they were ashamed of being in Xuanshui class, but now they feel very honored because of the monthly practice.

Zuo Li listened to these flattering words naturally very proud, but also pretended to be modest to say to them.

"I think I'm happy. I'll trouble you to take care of me in Tianji Pavilion these days if I can become a younger martial sister with a kind and beautiful person like you."

These disciples were amused by Zuo Li's words, and they liked this elder martial sister even more.

After being entangled for a while, Zuoli excuse tired, and then sent the disciples away. As soon as they left, she immediately went to find downing.

On the other hand, when downing saw that the people around Zuo Hu were all scattered, he took the initiative to walk past. It seems that she didn't expect to find Downing, but she came by herself. She was stunned and couldn't hide her ridicule.

"Miss Tang seems to have had a wonderful time when she came to Tianji Pavilion! It's a pity that I missed all of them. "

After listening to more sarcastic remarks, Tang Ning was paralyzed for a moment. She came to Zuoluo in front of her and grabbed her neck with a gloomy smile. "If you say one more word, can you believe me to break your neck?"

"You dare!" Zuoluo stares at Downing close at hand, but his heart is a bit empty. When a dog is anxious, he will jump over the wall, not to mention a man?

What makes her feel most powerless is that now downing is a first-class psychic, and she is still a seventh class psychic.

Although there is only one step difference, there is an insurmountable gap between the master and the great master. That is to say, if you really start, Zuoli is not Downing's opponent at all, and it's easy for her to kill her.

However, zuolin is used to being superior in recent years, and is sought after by many people. How can she show weakness easily? She looks up and stares at Downing reluctantly.

"Dare you? What do you think I dare not do now? Even if I want to go to hell, I need to pull more people! Otherwise, how lonely the road is! Do you think so? " As he spoke, Downing's strength increased.

She came close to Zuoluo, and she laughed recklessly, "but I'm not sure I'll die if I kill you! Who made me Miss Tang

Because of the sudden aggravation of her strength, she began to roll her eyes. She held Tang Ning's hand tightly around her neck. She wanted to speak, but her throat was dry. At last, she began to feel dizzy and her eyes were white.

"Almost." Qi Yuan patted Downing's arm. If left Fu died at this time, how many pairs of eyes should be staring at Downing and how to act at that time?

Downing didn't want to kill Zuoyu, but it was just to teach her a lesson.

When he heard Qi Yuan's words, he dropped Zuoli on the ground as soon as his hand was released. For a moment, Zuoli seemed to lose consciousness.

She lay motionless on the ground for a long time, and didn't cover her neck until downing kicked her. She coughed violently. At the same time, she was deeply afraid of Downing.

In the past, although downing had a bad attitude towards her, he never wanted to kill her. Just now, Zuoli felt the real terror in her.

She realized that today's Tang Ning was as crazy as a dead man, and the consequences of angering her were unimaginable.

When the cough gradually stopped, Zuo didn't dare to look up at Downing. Her reaction made downing feel very satisfied.

Qi Yuan is right. As long as she has absolute power and strength, she can trample anyone under her feet.

Downing stepped on Zuoluo excitedly. "Wasn't that arrogant just now? You stand up! oh You can't get up at all, can you? Or please! If you ask me, I'll let you go. "

Ask? Even if she died, she would never beg for mercy from Downing. Zuoluo slowly closed her eyes and stopped looking at Downing. However, Downing squatted down.

She pinched her chin and forced her to see her. Then she threatened, "this is a skin wound. How about next time I scratch your little face? Do you think the holy one will be scared? Will you still be ugly? "

Zuoli shook his lips and swallowed the curse. Just as downing was ready to start again, Qi Yuan reminded him, "someone's coming."

Not far away, groups of disciples come to this side with a smile. Qi Yuan quickly takes downing away from the scene.

The group of disciples saw Zuo Li lying on the ground, and immediately ran forward worried and asked, "elder martial sister Zuo, we were just talking about you! Why are you lying on the ground? "With the help of the crowd, Zuo faltered up, but still kept smiling, "it's OK. I fell down accidentally." How could she let others know that she had just been trampled on by that bitch downing!

"Is it really OK? Elder martial sister Zuo's face is not very good! Why don't you go to the hospital and see a doctor! We'll take you

"Who is going to the hospital now! Don't you know that man lives in the hospital right now? No one wants to see her, for fear of dirty eyes. "

"But elder martial sister Zuo..."

"I'm really OK." Zuo's voice is much better than just now. Of course, she knows who they call the people who live in the hospital. Hearing that they reject and dislike Downing, she is more effective than any panacea.

Zuoli's face gradually returned to ruddy. She looked at the place where Qi Yuan and Tang Ning disappeared and cursed fiercely in her heart.

Dog men and women, sooner or later, let you redouble today's disgrace!

The next few days are the most peaceful days in the history of Tianji Pavilion. Tang Ning and Qi Yuan are planning a plot and have no time to make trouble. Zuo Li is busy helping you to Tianji Pavilion. Qu Huashang and Lin Ge are still trying to get the misty record of the sea of clouds.

As for the cloud Xiu clothes, as usual, the class, the injury is also slowly recovering. The only unusual thing is that since Mo Xi Lou gave Yun Xiu a note, he never appeared again.

This day in the dining hall, yunxiuyi and nalandou are eating, suddenly heard not far away someone asked Jianjia.

"Elder martial sister Jianjia, why haven't you seen elder martial brother Mo these days?"

Hearing this question, nandandu make complaints about it immediately. "How can she know where the main land is? Even if he wants to ask, he should ask sister Yun! "

Then nalandot heard Jianjia reply, "brother Mo is not well these days, and has been recuperating."

"Brother Mo is not well? How can you feel ill? "

The speaker's voice was loud. In a flash, all the people in the dining hall gathered around Jianjia and asked about the situation of moxilou.

"You don't have to worry. I went to see him yesterday. He's OK."

As soon as the words came out, everyone's heart relaxed again. At the next moment, they began to tease Jianjia, "how can elder martial sister Jianjia know so well about elder martial brother Mo?"

"I don't know! The relationship between elder martial sister Jianjia and elder martial brother Mo is unusual! "

The man winked at Jianjia vaguely and blushed, "what are you thinking about? What's the relationship? It's not common. "

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