"Boy, I've heard everything. Now Tianji Pavilion is full of false news about you and Jianjia girl. What's the matter with you?"

Su Mei thought that Mo Xi Lou should be guilty. But he said, "it's nothing to do with me."

"Not yet? How can it be known that it has nothing to do with it? " Su Mei said earnestly, "generally, the man who always talks sweetly is not a good thing. Girl, you have to open your eyes wide!"

"Don't stir up our feelings."

"What good is it for my old man to provoke you? I'm complaining about Yunxi girl. " Then Su Mei continues to accuse Mo Xi Lou.

"I haven't had a chance to ask you about Yunxi's injury. It's said that she was wounded by a ghost beast when she was with you." See two people didn't refute, Su Mei said to go on.

"You are also a disciple of Jialan class. You keep saying that you like Yunxi girl. What's the result! As a man, you don't even have the ability to protect a little girl, or do you never want to protect her? " The last sentence is what Su Mei cares about most.

Although we haven't been together for a long time, the appearance of Yunxi is like sunshine, which makes his long and boring life bright and interesting.

It's not so much to regard this girl as her own apprentice, but as her own child. Therefore, when he learned that she might go to the Karan class, he was more gratified than resentful.

"Do you know what she faced when she was injured?"

Su Mei shook his head. "Do you think it's just some disciple's prank to frame her for breaking into the cloud pavilion? That's the way other people step on her

"I've been seriously injured. If the man's means were more severe, I'm afraid the girl would have been taken to ask for a crime."

Su Meiyue said that he was more and more angry. Finally, he hated the iron and looked at Yunxiu's clothes. What's the matter with all the little girls these days? Do they just look at their skin and don't understand their character? One by one so easy to cheat?

These words seem to speak on the heart of Mo Xi Lou, where does he have the heart to see cloud Xiu Yi hurt, but he did so again.

It's nice to say that he wanted to exercise her, but it's true that she was injured. As for what happened later, he also heard about it, but he didn't come forward to solve it for her, and he hid in the room alone. Protection? Mo Xi Lou was suddenly frustrated.

It seems that the man who is powerful and has turned his hand over to the clouds and covered his hand with rain has stayed many, many years ago. Now he is not even complete in his soul, so how can he protect her?

Never separate? Just before this sentence or a very warm words, but now it seems very ironic.

He looks around Su Mei and looks at the cloud Xiuyi not far away. He seems to be asking her if she blames him or not. It seems that Yun Xiuyi has an induction. At this time, he looks at Mo Xi Lou.

She knows better than anyone what Mo Xilou has done over the years. He has been protecting her, even at the expense of himself.

Cloud Xiu clothes slowly walked past, in the face of these two people who are also concerned about themselves, she smiles, smile like a 19-year-old child, and her body is really only 19 years old.

"Don't you mean to be our witness? You can't go back on what you say. " Cloud Xiu clothes finish saying, took the initiative to hold the hand of Mo Xi floor, as if to give him confidence.

Su Mei glanced at the hand they were holding together. She didn't know whether to be angry or to smile. "Young people now!"

But Yun Xiuyi's words he liked to hear, and then he said, "no matter who you marry with in the future, I will be the witness."

After the atmosphere gradually eased, Yun Xiuyi asked, "you said that someone deliberately framed me for breaking into the cloud Pavilion. Is that Su Xian?"

It seems that I didn't expect that the girl had already guessed who it was. Su Mei was stunned for a moment.

"Everyone in Tianji Pavilion says that Su Xian's temperament is similar to mine, and that I must be related to him. Where do you think I am from as a lonely family?"

"Every new cabinet leader, hall leader and elder was doubted when they took office. Even LAN Feiyu kept proving himself in the past four years, not to mention Su Xian, a little elder. He was anxious, and he really thought you were suspicious."

"I know."

These three words let Su Mei's spirit again don't hit a come, "know you still what reaction all have no?" With that, Su Mei's mood stabilized again. "You should be glad that the emperor will come to Tianji Pavilion in two days. Su Xian is too busy to take care of you these days."

When it comes to Junfu's coming to Tianji Pavilion, yunxiuyi naturally thinks of junjinyao. If Qi Yuan and Tang Ning's idea of rebellion doesn't go away, I'm afraid they will start in one or two days.

"Master Su, do you know where the ninth princess is closed? What level has her cultivation reached? ""Why do you ask this?" Su Mei recalled a little, then told the cloud Xiu clothes specific location, and then said, "she did not appear for four years, even the pavilion master does not know how she is."

Expect cloud Xiu clothes won't ask these questions for no reason, Mo Xi Lou looked at her two eyes, heart know these two days I'm afraid something will happen again.

After Su Mei left, Mo Xilou didn't have time to ask why Yun Xiuyi cared about Jun Jinyao. Yun Xiuyi took the lead to talk about Yuanyi and Jiuyin temple with him.

"I remember you said that it's hard to deal with people who are imprisoned in Jiuyin temple. Do you know who he is?"

"Why did you ask him all of a sudden?"

Yun Xiuyi took out the heaven and earth cauldron, released the faint fluorescence, and said to Mo Xilou, "after I fell down the magic spirit path, I met a group of non spirit and non soul. She was one of them, and has been following me ever since. She seems to know the man, but she can't remember anything about him because she has lost her memory. "

Looking at the faint fluorescent ink, his eyes gradually darkened. He was always silent and didn't seem to want to answer the question of cloud Xiuyi.

Seeing that the fluorescent light was getting weaker and weaker because of leaving the heaven and earth cauldron, cloud Xiu clothes took her back again.

"Not only is she related to the man in Jiuyin temple, but also to the man who broke into Yunxiao Pavilion. I'm thinking..."

Before Yun Xiuyi finished speaking, Mo Xi stood up and pressed her lips with her thumb. "You can do anything else, I'll follow your advice, Only the person in Jiuyin temple, you don't want to get close to him, let alone take care of him. "

"Why" two words almost blurted out, but since Mo Xi Lou said so, there must be his intention, cloud Xiu Yi nodded, did not continue to explore.


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